
Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

author:Sophie talks about the world
Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

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Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

In 1986, the 26-year-old Ding Jiali first entered the film industry, and she made a name for herself in her first film with her outstanding performance, opening a new chapter in her career. At this turning point in her life, Ding Jiali met actor Hu Guangchuan, and the two fell in love, and soon fell in love and entered the marriage hall.

Newly married Yan'er, Ding Jiali's life is happy and comfortable, she has a vision of a happy life in the future, and she is even more happy to spread good news - with the crystallization of love.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Ding Jiali, who was full of joy, never expected that this was just the beginning of an unhappy marriage. In 1987, she gave birth to her beloved daughter Hu Lina. It should have been a happy moment, but after marriage, Ding Jiali and Hu Guangchuan often quarreled because of their personality differences.

Although Ding Jiali worked tirelessly to maintain this marriage, the two eventually chose to part ways.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

At that time, Hu Lina had just been born, and she was destined to spend her childhood in an environment where she lacked both parents. Ding Jiali was devastated by this sudden change, she was extremely annoyed that her marriage experience was so short, and she was even more guilty of not being able to create a complete family for her daughter.

Looking at Hu Lina in swaddling clothes, her eyes couldn't help but moisten, and her heart was full of remorse and helplessness.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Soon after the birth of her daughter, Ding Jiali was about to shoulder the burden of raising her alone. As a working woman, she had to devote most of her time and energy to her work.

On the one hand, he has to shoot a new script, and on the other hand, he has to make a living for his daughter. Thinking of the experience of a poor family in her childhood, Ding Jiali made up her mind to let her daughter live a good life and not let her suffer a little.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Missing family nourishment

Since her parents divorced, Hu Lina has embarked on a life full of thorns. When she was just born, she could still receive the wholehearted care of her grandparents and feel the warmth of home.

Grandparents filled the love that their parents could not give with love, and surrounded this fragile child with patience and care.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

At her uncle's house, Hu Lina lived a life of misery. Although the uncle is kind-hearted, he often gets angry because of some trivial things and fights Hu Lina.

As a nephew, Hu Lina had to humbly swallow her anger and let the scolding and punishment come to her. At a young age, she always stayed alone in the corner, her eyes were dull, and she could no longer see the innocence of a child.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

The uncle's family already has a daughter, so they are naturally unwilling to do more to raise Hu Lina. But as Hu Linna's father, Hu Guangchuan entrusted his daughter to his uncle.

In a helpless situation, the uncle could only reluctantly accept it, but his attitude towards Hu Lina was very blunt and cold.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Under the influence of this environment, Hu Lina gradually became sensitive, inferior and withdrawn. She missed her mother Ding Jiali throughout her childhood, looking forward to returning to her mother's warm embrace.

It's a pity that fate is too cruel, Ding Jiali has started the road of self-exile since the divorce, putting all her heart and soul into her career and son, and rarely distracting herself from missing her abandoned daughter Hu Linna.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Longing for the call of motherly love

Although Ding Jiali's life is full of burdens, as a mother, how can she not frown at her daughter's growth? During the Spring Festival when Hu Lina was 11 years old, the mother and daughter finally met in Beijing.

The long-term meeting made Hu Lina very excited, and her eyes couldn't help but moisten. For years, she had been lonely and longing for her mother's hug. At this moment, when Ding Jiali walked into sight, Hu Lina seemed to see the light in life.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

She hugged Ding Jiali tightly, her small body trembling uncontrollably in her mother's arms, and tears came out of her eyes.

Faced with her daughter's sincere performance, Ding Jiali's heart hurt as if she had been pierced by a sharp blade. She understands how wrong and hurtful her indifference and neglect of her daughter has been over the years.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Hu Lina in her arms was so eager to be moistened by family affection, and Ding Jiali's eyes were also moist.

"Mom, please take me home!" Hu Lina pleaded with Ding Jiali with earnest eyes, she was so eager to have a complete and warm home like other children.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Faced with such a weak Hu Lina, Ding Jiali nodded helplessly and agreed, and handed her some money to buy her favorite toys. However, Hu Linna's expectations are destined to be unfulfilled.

Ding Jiali's burden at this time is indeed too heavy, she not only has to continue to work hard, but also has to raise her young son Guoguo and support her elderly parents alone, which is already physically and mentally exhausted.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

When Hu Lina returned home happily, her mother, Ding Jiali, had already left. The uncle reluctantly told her, "Child, don't wait any longer, your mother just called to say that she has left."

Upon hearing the news, Hu Lina was completely disappointed, and she once ran out of the door crying to find her mother, but in the end it was in vain, and she could only sit alone on the street crying.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Recalling this experience many years later, Ding Jiali was heartbroken. She knows that she has failed her daughter's desire for maternal love, but the current situation really makes her helpless.

Self-reliant to study and work hard

In those years when her mother was far away from her, Hu Lina could only rely on her own strength to get through one difficulty after another. When she was in high school, she lived in the school dormitory, and only saw her mother in a hurry every Spring Festival.

During the Spring Festival in those years, Hu Lina always waited for her mother's arrival with anxiety. When she saw Ding Jiali's figure appear, her eyes couldn't help but moisten again.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

However, the time of each meeting was very short, often less than an hour, and the mother left in a hurry to continue her busy life.

Ding Jiali rarely asks and interferes in her daughter's life, because she knows that she has never fulfilled the duties of a mother. Hu Lina was able to complete her studies on her own and self-reliance, and Ding Jiali was sincerely gratified.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

After graduating from university, Hu Lina came to the strange city of Beijing and started a life of self-reliance. A low-paying clerical job became her entire source of livelihood.

Renting a small rental house, Hu Lina began her long career as a "North Drifter". Although her life is poor, she has never asked her mother Ding Jiali for any funding, and she only relies on her own hands.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Alone in a foreign land, lonely and unbearable. For many Spring Festivals, Hu Lina spent it alone. However, this loneliness has forged her inner tenacity and independence.

She never cared about her mother's mistakes back then, but tried to live her own life and hold up the sky with her own hands.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

This kind of training has made Hu Lina more determined and assertive. She is no longer the little girl who is at the mercy of others, but an adult who is in charge of herself. Despite the difficult life, she never gave up her dreams and secretly hoped that one day she could get ahead in her acting career like her mother.

Returning home, spreading wings and chasing dreams

After entering the first year of establishment, Hu Lina regained her dream, she longed to become an excellent actress and continue the glory of her mother Ding Jiali's career.

Acting career has always been her tireless pursuit of the goal.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

When Hu Lina confided in her mother again, Ding Jiali did not agree with her daughter's idea. As a veteran who has experienced the hardships of the art world, Ding Jiali knows very well that this road is not smooth.

She believes that her daughter lacks professional stage experience and acting training, and also has some deficiencies in appearance and talent.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

However, after seeing her daughter's determination and perseverance to lose weight in order to have a perfect body, Ding Jiali changed her original intention. She knows that this is her daughter's dream career, and if she can go all the way under her guidance, she may reduce some detours.

So, Ding Jiali began to fully support Hu Lina to pursue her dreams. She not only tailored a body shaping plan for her daughter, but also acted as Hu Linna's nobleman and introduced resources to her in the circle.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Soon, Hu Lina took over the filming of her first film and television work "Ji Dongbing's Mother" under the operation of her mother, thus officially stepping into the entertainment industry.

It is not easy to become famous with a stick of incense, and Hu Lina did not stop there. She gradually won praise in the circle, and starred in many well-known film and television dramas, such as "E-sports Killing", "Life and Death Game" and "Emergency Doctor".

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Through her own efforts, she was finally able to walk side by side with her mother and support each other. This is undoubtedly the biggest gift in life for the two who once lacked the love of mother and daughter.

In this way, the mother and daughter went hand in hand on the road of their careers. Ding Jiali was deeply gratified, but also guilty of her mistakes back then. And Hu Lina hopes to use her own achievements to explain the preciousness of mother-daughter love to the world.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Guilt and forgiveness soothe heartache

Years of separation and estrangement have created an unbridgeable gap between the mother and daughter. As Hu Lina gradually became well-known in the entertainment industry, she began to have the courage to tell her inner grievances and doubts to the outside world.

In an interview on a TV show, Hu Lina finally mustered up the courage to say the knot in her heart for many years - why did her parents abandon her after giving birth to her? This question undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to Ding Jiali.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

As a mother, Ding Jiali has also reflected on whether she did wrong back then countless times. Recalling her daughter's ambitious appearance, her eyes couldn't help but moisten. Years of hard work in the art world have made her understand the truth of being a person, but the pressure of life makes her unable to take on the responsibility of being a mother.

In the face of her daughter's accusations, Ding Jiali did not defend herself, on the contrary, she also blamed herself. As a woman, as a wife, as a mother, she could not fulfill her role perfectly.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

She failed to give her daughter the love and warmth she deserved, which was the biggest regret and heartache in her life.

So, Ding Jiali sincerely apologized to her daughter, hoping to regain Hu Linna's forgiveness and trust. "As a woman, I failed to do my duty; As a wife, I am not perfect; As a mother, I also failed to do my duty.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

Seeing that her mother was so sincere, Hu Lina's heart was gradually touched. She is well aware of her mother's hard work over the years, and she also understands that the situation back then is indeed beyond her mother's control.

Although the scars in her heart could not be healed, she still chose to forgive.

Hu Linna: Just full moon was abandoned by her parents, abused by her uncle, and her mother Ding Jiali felt guilty all her life.

"Mom, I understand your predicament back then, and I'm relieved." Hu Lina said, "Although your absence brought me great harm back then, I am even more glad that you did not completely give up on me in the end."

Now that we can come back together, it is the greatest gift from God.

Hearing her daughter's words, Ding Jiali finally relieved herself of the biggest burden in her heart. She hugged Hu Lina tightly, and the two hugged each other and cried. In this way, the painful past between mother and daughter is healed and replaced by a renewed affection and mutual understanding.

Since then, Ding Jiali began to do her best to support her daughter's career and make up for her mistakes with actions. And Hu Lina is also under the care of her mother, becoming more and more confident and optimistic, and gradually getting better on the road of acting.

Mother and daughter spent the second half of their lives hand in hand.

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