
This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

author:Pioneer Valley Film and Television Entertainment Review
This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

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Pioneer Valley

The rumors of the marriage change of the "Shuangchen couple" have caused a lot of uproar.

In the end, there was no conclusive conclusion.

Sister and brother who are five years apart love marriage, and I don't know what the outcome will go in the end.

Since the two got married, the rumors of marriage change have not stopped.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

is very similar to the marital status of the "Shuangchen couple", and there is another celebrity couple-

Du Jiang and Huo Siyan.

is also a sister and brother who are five years apart, and after getting married, there are rumors of marriage changes every once in a while.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

Unlike Shuangchen, Du Jiang and Huo Siyan have always been low-key and happy.

In marriage, Huo Siyan has always been a woman with great wisdom.

Hand in hand through ten years of marriage, despite frequent questioning.

But at present, it seems that Huo Siyan's "silence" is the most powerful response in the face of doubts.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!


At the same time as the marriage change of the Shuangchen couple was reported, there was also new news from the Duhuo couple.

It's not a marriage change, but a new member in the family!

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

On the way out, the couple found a dying puppy in the grass.

In the midst of the traffic, Du Jiang got out of the car and rescued the puppy and brought it to the car.

The couple drove the puppy to the hospital.

Later, I learned that the puppy had a number on its ears and was a "laboratory dog" that contributed to human medicine.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

In the dog's previous memory, it was countless experiments.

The life of experimental dogs is not easy.

Those who can't hold up the experimental process can only wait for death.

If you can survive, you can only wait for the next experiment.

I took it to the vet hospital for a check-up.

The couple decided to adopt the puppy and named it "Huo Pearl".

It means "pearl in the palm of your hand".

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

This video of the couple also let more people know about the poor group of experimental dogs.

That's probably what stardom means.

In addition to these, it is not difficult for us to see.

Huo Siyan in the video, although she is plain, is still beautiful.

Dafang looked at the camera, calmly, and could see that her life was very happy.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

The adoption has brought the couple's reputation to a higher level.

"You have a house collapse immunity with me."

This should be the highest courtesy for netizens.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

Huo Siyan, who was silent in the past, now easily pulled back a game.

It was a powerful blow to the doubters.

Of course, some netizens questioned: Is this a show?

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

After all, in the Internet era, even amateurs may put on a show for traffic word of mouth.

Not to mention the stars who have been living in the spotlight.

In fact, Huo Siyan has always been a person who likes dogs very much.

Before adopting Pearl, she already had two puppies at home.

One is called "Huo Xiangxiang" and the other is called "Holara".

And her love with Du Jiang is inseparable from a dog.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!


When Huo Siyan entered the entertainment industry, she was only 20 years old.

Her appearance is a very likable "little white flower" type.

Soft facial features, very malleable.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

In 2001, "Iron Tooth Bronze Tooth Ji Xiaolan" was broadcast.

She plays "vanilla" in the play.

The pure appearance left a deep impression on the audience.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

In 2003, his performance in "Young Son of Heaven" made the audience remember this actor thoroughly.

The Seven Fairies "Zi'er" in 2005 are beautiful and smart.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

At this time, Huo Siyan has been invited continuously.

has become a veritable first-line female star.

And Du Jiang is just a freshman who has just entered college.

A college student, a hot little flower.

There would have been no intersection.

You and I have no chance, we have to rely on Du Chun.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

The two were able to come together, and Du Chun contributed a lot.

The first time Du Jiang met Huo Siyan was on a poster.

In his junior year, he and his classmate Chen He went to rent a house off campus.

Although the house is surrounded by walls, I also want to decorate it.

At that time, Huo Siyan's famous movie was on fire.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

With the addition of this movie name, it is more auspicious for people who want to become actors.

So Du Jiang chose this movie poster to stick in the room.

On that poster, there is Huo Siyan.

When filming "Beijing Youth" in 2011, he met Du Chun.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

Du Chun and Huo Siyan are good friends.

At that time, Du Chun didn't expect that he would become the "old moon" of these two people.

The first meeting between Du Jiang and Huo Siyan was facilitated by Du Chun.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

Once, Du Chun suggested that everyone go out together.

Du Chun came to contact the boys, and Huo Siyan came to contact the girls.

When Du Jiang knew that there was Huo Siyan, he already had his own "Little Jiujiu".

He immediately discussed with Du Chun, just the two of them, and there was no need to call others.

And just like that, Dujo met for the first time.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

The first impression of the two of them on each other is very good, after all, the man is handsome and the woman is beautiful.

It's all a bit of a sympathy.

Later, they went out to play a few more times, and the two of them gradually felt different about each other.

In the ambiguous period, the dog plays an important role.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

Huo Siyan wanted to hang out with each other.

In the name of inviting a group of friends, I invited everyone to go to the 798 Art District to play.

At that time, Huo Siyan's family had a "huge noble" called a camel.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

Because she is a person who loves dogs very much.

Like to the point that there must be a dog in later life.

So she wanted to use the dog to test the other party, whether he was also a person who liked small animals.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

On that date, she brought her own dog.

When they went back to their respective homes in the evening, she showed her superiority.

There is a saying: "Leave one thing today, and he will see each other tomorrow." ”

Before leaving, Huo Siyan said that there was work to be done.

But it was too late to send the dog home.

Du Jiang immediately understood what the other party meant.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

"I can take the dog home and take care of it first, and then send it back to you when you're done with your work."

At this time, the intentions of both sides have been tacitly understood.

Early the next morning, Du Jiang got up to walk the dog.

and took a video and sent it to Huo Siyan.

Now that the intentions of both parties are already obvious, it is logical to fall in love.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

When she first fell in love, almost none of Huo Siyan's friends were optimistic about Du Jiang.

Because the other party is young, his career has not improved.

is indeed a bit far from Huo Siyan, who has already gained fame and fortune.

In other words, others may retreat under this pressure.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

But Du Jiang didn't.

He didn't care what others said, he just knew that he loved her.

Judging from Du Jiang's way of proposing, it is enough to see that Huo Siyan "bet" right.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!


Before the two officially got married, Huo Siyan became pregnant.

If you were someone else, you would definitely propose right away, and then get married.

But Du Jiang did not do so.

This is also what impressed Huo Siyan.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

Because if one side says it's pregnant, the other side will propose.

may make Huo Siyan herself or bystanders think that Du Jiang got married because of his children.

He didn't want the other party to have such a misunderstanding.

"I must have proposed to her because I loved her."

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

It was precisely because of this idea that Du Jiang did not rush to propose.

Although he didn't show it in action, he had already secretly conceived a marriage proposal.

According to his plan, he planned to take Huo Siyan to a small town in France.

That town has a whole "porcelain wall".

It says "I love you" in many Chinese.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

But later, due to the inconvenience of Huo Siyan's pregnancy, she couldn't go too far.

But the plan didn't stop there.

There is no "confession wall" in China, so he built one for her with his own hands.

So, he hid it from Huo Siyan.

From buying tiles, to writing, to splicing the tiles together, all by yourself.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

He gave her the most romantic and memorable proposal.

In fact, the marriage proposal ceremony between husband and wife can predict the outcome of the marriage to some extent.

Du Jiang was so attentive to the marriage proposal ceremony, so the couple still loved each other for many years.

On the other hand, the marriage of Dong Xuan and Gao Yunxiang can be seen from the marriage proposal ceremony.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

The two of them can't even be called a "ritual" because it's so perfunctory.

Gao Yunxiang's way of proposing marriage was to use a marker, on the glass of the window, to write:

“欢欢,will you marry me?”

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

Huanhuan is Dong Xuan's nickname.

Nothing else.

Later, on the show, the marriage proposal ceremony was mentioned.

Dong Xuan just said: "It's quite money-saving." ”

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

It's also a marriage proposal ceremony that didn't cost too much money, and the two are in contrast.

Who is more attentive, it goes without saying.

So the marriage of the two couples also ushered in a completely different ending.

Huo Siyan has been married for ten years and has proved her "wisdom" by herself.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

The Huo Siyan we see on weekdays will be coquettish and soft.

It always makes people feel a sense of protection inexplicably.

But she is not blindly weak and overwhelmed.

On the contrary, she is independent and straightforward in her bones.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!


Although she loves Du Jiang very much, she always warns herself:

Don't rely too much on Du Jiang.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

The way husband and wife get along, she holds the handle.

Relying too much on one person, attaching oneself to the other.

Not only will it cause boredom on the other side, but it is also easy to lose oneself.

From the way she educates her son, it is enough to get a glimpse of her wisdom.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

In the face of her son, she has never been arrogant.

In 2017, Du Jiang took his son to participate in a parent-child variety show.

The performance of uh-hum has the cuteness of peers.

There is also a sense of understanding that his peers do not have.

The most important thing is to put your mother at the center of everything.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

Remember mom is allergic to bananas, so there is a place where mom is.

Bananas are absolutely not allowed.

Go out with your mom and know to order a non-icy drink for mom.

Sensible children must have enlightened parents.

Well, hem is sensible and reasonable, but do you know that it is not Huo Siyan's credit?

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!


In the face of doubt, the best counterattack is silence.

Although over the years, the two have been questioned many times about their marriage.

Huo Siyan never explained anything.

Her current state is the best illustration.

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say anything and won!

This time, Huo Siyan didn't say a word, and easily "pulled back a game"!

Some references:

[Very quiet distance] 20150726 Du Jiang Huo Siyan

Huo Siyan was proposed by her boyfriend Du Jiang on her knees and kissed sweetly2013-06-01

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