
Demystifying ZEEKR 001: How does carrier-level safety subvert traditional car manufacturing standards?

author:Technology consumption

In the turbulent automotive market, consumers are demanding more and more from vehicle safety. In this context, ZEEKR 001 has become the focus of attention in the industry with its aircraft carrier-level safety standards. It is not only a car, but also a challenge and subversion of the traditional concept of car manufacturing. Today, let's take a closer look at the unknown security design surprises of ZEEKR 001.

Demystifying ZEEKR 001: How does carrier-level safety subvert traditional car manufacturing standards?

The reason why ZEEKR 001 can still protect the safety of passengers under extreme conditions is due to its integrated body structure. The use of high-strength one-piece die-cast aluminum body not only reduces 74 parts and nearly 800 welding points, but also greatly improves the overall strength and rigidity of the body. This design not only reduces the risk of deformation of the vehicle in a collision, but also creates an indestructible "protective shell" for the driver.

Demystifying ZEEKR 001: How does carrier-level safety subvert traditional car manufacturing standards?

The design of the door anti-collision beam of ZEEKR 001 is a must. It draws on the principle of watertight compartments of aircraft carriers, capable of providing maximum cushioning and protection for passengers in the event of an emergency. This design not only reflects the ultimate pursuit of safety details of ZEEKR 001, but also shows its deep care for passenger safety.

The battery safety performance of electric vehicles has always been the focus of consumers' attention. ZEEKR 001 ensures the stability of the battery system under extreme conditions through NTP non-thermal propagation technology and eight protective measures. This design not only avoids the risk of fire or explosion due to accidents, but also provides the driver with a more secure driving experience.

Demystifying ZEEKR 001: How does carrier-level safety subvert traditional car manufacturing standards?

ZEEKR 001's intelligent security system is another highlight of its safety performance. It is equipped with an advanced EVO platform that uses efficient Gigabit Ethernet to work in tandem with 26 sensors to monitor the vehicle's surroundings in real time. Whether it is lidar, high-definition camera or millimeter-wave radar, they all provide accurate data support for ZEEKR 001, so that the vehicle can react quickly in milliseconds to avoid or mitigate the impact of accidents.

ZEEKR 001 has also made great efforts in terms of security algorithms. It combines millions of actual driving data with Chinese characteristics to optimize the recognition and decision-making system. In particular, the application of the RSS responsibility sensitivity model converts the way human drivers deal with dangerous situations into a data model, so that ZEEKR 001 can make human-like judgments in the face of emergencies.

Demystifying ZEEKR 001: How does carrier-level safety subvert traditional car manufacturing standards?

ZEEKR 001, with its carrier-level safety standards, not only subverts the traditional concept of car manufacturing, but also brings us a new era of driving. From the body to the intelligent system, from passive safety to active safety, every detail of ZEEKR 001 has been carefully designed and rigorously tested. It's not just a car, it's a great expectation for the future of mobility.

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