
American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

author:Singing the night of sleep

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Wen I dreamed of the night nine songs

Edited I Night

At this moment, let go of the things you don't want to care about and enjoy your happy time

A foreign netizen asked such a question on Quora, the largest Q&A website abroad: "Has the creativity of Chinese disappeared?" Why do you always mention inventions from centuries ago? In fact, it can be imagined that China has never deliberately shown a sense of pride in its own inventions, and has never stopped the pace of independent creation, this question can only be said to be groundless speculation about China.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

"Think of Alipay and WeChat Pay, which are widely used as cashless payment platforms for all types of purchases in China. I've heard that some places in China don't accept cash. I haven't heard of similar payment platforms being widely used in the West. ”

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

"To a large extent, Westerners are innovating on the basis of borrowing existing inventions from around the world. Due to decades of self-isolation, China entered the modern world relatively late, so it innovated on existing inventions and technologies that allowed the country to rapidly develop to its present position, but China has also made many breakthroughs in many of its own technologies. ”

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

"In a century of humiliation since the First Opium War in 1839, China has lagged behind in innovation.

This is China as it is known in the West, not the richest and most advanced in history, the birthplace of many important inventions. Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China has caught up in science and technology and surpassed the West in many areas, such as 5G, 6G, artificial intelligence, ......"

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

This question shows the ignorance of the questioner. The Chinese did invent something after 1949. They invented WeChat and hybrid rice"

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

Many netizens replied that in the era of scientific and technological development, China's contribution is huge, and the foreign netizen who raised the question only thinks that China is still in the period of the four major inventions, or it can be said that China's current independent creative ability is not available, just to highlight the excellence of his country.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

In the early days of China, when many Western countries were backward in civilization, China took the lead in creating the "Four Great Inventions" in different periods, no matter which invention made great contributions to the world at that time, such as the advent of papermaking, which ended the era of writing in sheepskin in Western countries and created the Renaissance period.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

The advent of printing broke the period of religious monopoly, intensified the spread of civilization, brought about social and economic changes, and also broke people's immutable ideological and educational concepts.

No matter which invention is invented, it is adding to the process of globalization, especially in some remote and backward countries, because China's four major inventions have greatly improved people's education, and also allowed many Western countries to step on China's train to world civilization.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

The four great inventions are only the brilliant achievements created in the ancient Chinese period, if it were not for the four great inventions of China, perhaps this netizen would not have had the opportunity to express his negative views on China on the Internet now.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

Until the beginning of modern times, China isolated China from the world for a long time due to the policy of "closing the country to the outside world", reducing the opportunities for contact and exchange between China and other countries, which seriously hindered China's development track at that time. During this period, Western countries began to think that China was just a very backward country.

People's Daily Online2019-09-19 09:01
American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

It is indeed a fact that China did not have the ability to innovate independently in the backward period, and the economic pressure forced China not to embark on the road of rejuvenation. ”

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

Under the idea of this sentence, the country began to innovate and develop, and implemented the policy of reform and opening up, and it was the reform and opening up that once again profoundly changed China and profoundly affected the world. Reform and opening up can be said to have witnessed China's leap from standing up to becoming strong.

The Chinese people have developed from a situation of insufficient food and clothing to a well-off life, and the living standards of the residents have been greatly improved, thus promoting China's continuous development.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

If China has lost the ability to innovate independently, the reform and opening up policy is the most favorable evidence of counterattack, in the past ten years, China has independently developed a variety of "national important weapons" to benefit the people, and many scientific research achievements can even rank first in the world.

Observer.com2022-10-20 17:22
American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

For example, the successful flight of China's Chang'e-6 some time ago not only represents China's technological strength, but also represents China's great breakthrough in scientific research, bringing supreme glory to the sons and daughters of China all over the world, and allowing China to further have a higher status in this aerospace field.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

China's research and development of mobile phone payment also benefits the people, liberating people's hands, only need to carry a mobile phone when going out, and China's research and development of mobile phone payment is also to create a new era of payment methods, and can better protect the privacy of the masses, greatly facilitate the life of people.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

China has made the same qualitative breakthrough in aircraft, China has been monopolized by Boeing in the global aircraft market for a long time, and China's research and development of the C919 large passenger aircraft, successfully broke the monopoly of Europe and the United States on large aircraft, and the localization rate has also reached a gratifying degree.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

In addition, China is constantly innovating not only in the field of science and technology, but also in the military. China's self-developed J-20 fighter has allowed China to successfully break through the fifth-generation fighter, and the successful advent of the J-20 has also enhanced the comprehensive strength of China's air force. The stealth performance of China's self-developed J-20 is trembling even when the United States mentions it.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

The same is true of the DF-41, the DF-41 intercontinental strategic missile developed by China fully demonstrates China's determination to safeguard peace, and also shows the hard core strength of the Chinese military at a deeper level. The DF-41 is also known for its ultra-long range, and if there is a war, it can be said that almost all the hostile targets are within the range of the DF-41.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

From all of the above, China's self-developed fields and things are constantly updated, not that China's creativity has disappeared or that it has always mentioned the invention of hundreds of years ago, but that China is now strong enough that there is no need to prove its strength to any country.

American version of Zhihu: Has the creativity of the Chinese disappeared? Why always mention the invention of a few centuries ago

Every time China conducts independent research and development, it represents a breakthrough in China as a whole, and even in some frontier fields, China has completely achieved the leading position. It can also be seen that it is not that China is not creative, but that some Western countries and the masses would rather live in the dream of China's backwardness than admit that China is strong today, on the contrary, this will only show their inferiority complex.

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