
Jishan: Cui Bin went deep into Jifeng No. 3 Middle School for research

author:Menghao Media

On June 27, Cui Bin, deputy county magistrate of Jishan, secretary of the Party committee and director of the county public security bureau, went to Jifeng No. 3 Middle School to conduct research on the prevention of new types of illegal crimes in telecommunication networks, the prevention of juvenile crimes, anti-drug publicity, and food safety. Liang Wei, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau, and Hou Hailong, the leader of the County Education and Sports Bureau in charge of safety work, participated in the investigation.

Jishan: Cui Bin went deep into Jifeng No. 3 Middle School for research
Jishan: Cui Bin went deep into Jifeng No. 3 Middle School for research

In the hall on the first floor of the teaching building, Cui Bin listened carefully to the work report on the internal safety management of the campus and the prevention of campus bullying, and read the school's ledger materials in the prevention of juvenile delinquency, prevention of telecommunication network fraud, anti-drug publicity, and the rule of law on campus, so as to learn more about the implementation of the school's various safety work. Cui Bin emphasized that campus safety is very important, and it is necessary to strengthen the internal safety management of the campus, strengthen publicity and education, and emergency drills to ensure that potential safety hazards are discovered and properly dealt with in a timely manner, and effectively build a solid campus security defense line.

Jishan: Cui Bin went deep into Jifeng No. 3 Middle School for research
Jishan: Cui Bin went deep into Jifeng No. 3 Middle School for research

Cui Bin demanded, first, to strengthen ideological understanding. Make legal education and how to prevent juvenile crime an important part of the education and teaching plan, pay close attention to conflicts and disputes between students, and achieve early detection and resolution. Second, it is necessary to strengthen education in the legal system. At least once per semester, the vice-principal for legal affairs is invited to the school to give a special lecture on law popularization, focusing on publicity and education on laws and regulations such as the protection of minors, the prevention of juvenile delinquency, and anti-school bullying, so as to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of legal publicity and education, and increase students' awareness of the rule of law. The third is to strengthen anti-narcotics propaganda. Carry out an anti-drug propaganda before the summer vacation, so that students can have a deeper understanding of the characteristics and harms of drugs, improve their self-prevention awareness and ability to identify drugs, and stay away from the harm of drugs.

Jishan: Cui Bin went deep into Jifeng No. 3 Middle School for research
Jishan: Cui Bin went deep into Jifeng No. 3 Middle School for research

In the school cafeteria, Cui Bin inquired in detail about the supply of ingredients, processing process, tableware disinfection, garbage disposal and other work, and inspected the implementation of the school's food safety system on the spot. He stressed that it is necessary to always put food safety in an important position, strictly control the procurement, storage, processing and production of ingredients, ensure the quality and safety of ingredients from the source, regularly inspect and spot check the environmental sanitation, facilities and equipment, and food storage of the canteen, strictly implement the food safety management system, ensure the normalization, standardization and normalization of food safety, continuously improve the level of campus food safety management, and effectively protect the safety of students "on the tip of the tongue".

Editor in charge: Yan Wenbin