
The ending of "Rose": Rose loved 6 people in her life, all of them did not die well, and Fang Xiewen was the worst

author:A bewildering worm

In the play "The Story of Rose", Huang Yimei has a relationship with a total of four men, but in the original book, a total of eight men have loved Huang Yimei, and Huang Yimei has loved a total of six of these eight men. Today, the editor will talk about the emotional entanglements between Huang Yimei and these six men. They all died well, and Fang Xiewen was the worst.

The ending of "Rose": Rose loved 6 people in her life, all of them did not die well, and Fang Xiewen was the worst

The first: Zhou Shihui

In the play, Zhou Shihui is not married, and his liking for roses is just his wishful thinking, and roses have no emotional line with him. But in the original book, Zhou Shihui has been married to Guan Zhizhi for many years, and Guan Zhizhi is still pregnant. Rose, who was only sixteen years old at the time, fell in love with this mature man, and secretly met him many times knowing that the other party had a family. But Rose didn't really like secretly, just out of loneliness, and later under the influence of external pressure, her relationship with Zhou Shihui came to an end.

The ending of "Rose": Rose loved 6 people in her life, all of them did not die well, and Fang Xiewen was the worst

The second: Zhuang Guodong

In the play, Zhuang Guodong and Rose are each other's first lovers, and the two fell in love with each other at first sight and started a love affair in full swing. Later, Zhuang Guodong gave up Rose for the sake of his career, Rose learned from the pain and proposed to break up with Zhuang Guodong, and after Zhuang Guodong kept him in many ways to no avail, the relationship between the two came to an end. In the original book, it was Zhuang Guodong who was actively pursued by Rose, the 18-year-old rose fell in love with the 28-year-old Zhuang Guodong at first sight, and successfully won Zhuang Guodong after the passionate pursuit, but Zhuang Guodong already had a fiancée before the rose, and the rose already knew everything, but confidently thought that Zhuang Guodong would abandon his fiancée and choose himself, but he didn't think that Zhuang Guodong finally turned his back on the rose and chose his fiancée, and the relationship between the two ended without a problem.

The ending of "Rose": Rose loved 6 people in her life, all of them did not die well, and Fang Xiewen was the worst

The third: Fang Xiewen

In the play, Fang Xiewen is a scheming man in everyone's eyes, in order to pursue the rose, he tried his best to win the beauty, and finally succeeded in holding the beauty, but after he succeeded, his original form was revealed, and his attitude towards the rose was not as good as before, and the two filed for divorce after ten years of marriage. In the original book, Fang Xiewen is actually not so scheming, he is the senior that Rose met when she was a graduate student, and he is also recognized by everyone as an honest person. Maybe Rose was hurt too deeply by the previous relationship, and she became interested in an honest boy like Fang Xiewen. The two finally succeeded in getting together, and soon entered into marriage, Fang Xiewen and Rose's uneventful marriage lasted for ten years, and they had a daughter. But Rose cheated on Fu Jiaming in marriage, and divorced Fang Xiewen in order to be with Fu Jiaming, and gave up the custody of her daughter.

The ending of "Rose": Rose loved 6 people in her life, all of them did not die well, and Fang Xiewen was the worst

Fourth: Fu Jiaming

Fu Jiaming is the soul mate of the legendary rose, he is the one who knows the most about roses among so many men, and he is also the man that Rose loves the most. But the timing of the meeting between the two was not right, at that time Rose was already married and had a daughter, and Fu Jiaming was also terminally ill, and it didn't take long. In order to accompany Fu Jiaming for the last period of time, Rose Born for Love did not hesitate to divorce Fang Xiewen and give up the custody of her daughter, and the two spent the last days of Fu Jiaming together.

The ending of "Rose": Rose loved 6 people in her life, all of them did not die well, and Fang Xiewen was the worst

Fifth: Luo Qing

After Fu Jiaming's death, Rose was depressed for a long time, and she languished for a while, but at this time she met Luo Qing, a wealthy man who was nearly sixty years old, and Luo Qing fell in love with this graceful woman in her thirties at a glance and launched a fierce pursuit of her. The two soon came together and had a brief marriage. Luo Qing took care of this rose carefully, loved it with his heart, and pampered Huang Yimei as a daughter. But Luo Qing was too old, and his marriage to Rose didn't last long before he died.

The ending of "Rose": Rose loved 6 people in her life, all of them did not die well, and Fang Xiewen was the worst

Sixth: Hosea

When Rose was at a low point in his life, he met the young milk dog Hosie, and the rose in her forties at the time and the twenty-year-old Hosie also unexpectedly sparked a small spark of love. After experiencing the first few sad feelings, Rose decided to learn to fly, and as a result, she met Hossi, who was the pilot who taught Rose to fly, and Hossi was attracted by Rose's tenacious temperament, and Rose also admired the courage of Hossi's young people, and the two soon fell in love. However, He Xi will soon go abroad to study, and the love between the two will be over.

The ending of "Rose": Rose loved 6 people in her life, all of them did not die well, and Fang Xiewen was the worst

Among the six men that Rose has loved in her life, they basically end in tragedy, the most tragic of which is Fang Xiewen, in the original book, Rose never loved him, but just used Fang Xiewen as a spare tire, so he wasted Fang Xiewen's ten years of time, the worst thing is that Fang Xiewen was also cheated on by Rose in marriage, and finally did not remarry, and died alone with his daughter.

The ending of "Rose": Rose loved 6 people in her life, all of them did not die well, and Fang Xiewen was the worst