
Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

author:Squirrel Observer

Recently, the entertainment industry has made waves again, Huang Yiming posted a screenshot of the chat record with Wang Sicong on social media, and the text said that although Wang Sicong failed to raise the child in person, his heart is still full of fatherly love. However, behind this warm remark, there is a storm of controversy about "milk powder money".

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

It is reported that Huang Yiming released a set of screenshots of chat records in the early morning of the 28th, which showed that she had asked Wang Sicong for child support, and Wang Sicong asked her to be patient for the time being. This behavior quickly aroused widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens, and various opinions emerged in an endless stream, and there was an uproar in the field of public opinion.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

In the chat record, Huang Yiming's tone seemed helpless and firm, she said that she understood Wang Sicong's difficulties, but the child's life could not be insecure.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

Wang Sicong, on the other hand, was more indifferent, and even refused to pay child support on the grounds of "no money". This conversation shocked many netizens, after all, Wang Sicong, as the son of Wanda Group, is worth hundreds of billions, which is not bad for this money.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

However, what surprised netizens even more was that while posting the chat records, Huang Yiming also insisted that the child was not an "illegitimate child", but an existence recognized by Wang Sicong.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

She even replied to netizens' comments in the comment area, calling on everyone to support Wanda to tide over the difficulties. This move made many netizens wonder why she wanted to stand up for Wanda at such a moment.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

The comments of netizens are also varied, some people question Huang Yiming's motives, thinking that she may be trying to take this opportunity to hype herself; There are also people who sympathize with her plight, thinking that it is not easy for a single mother to take care of her children;

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"
Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

Others expressed dissatisfaction with Wang Sicong's behavior, believing that he, as a father, should take responsibility for raising children.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

Among them, some netizens bluntly pointed out: "Have money to pick up girls, but don't have money to raise girls? This Wang Sicong is too irresponsible! Some netizens ridiculed: "This sister doesn't look very smart, don't you know that Wang Sicong's money is not so easy to take?" ”

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

However, some netizens expressed their understanding of Huang Yiming's situation and thought that it was indeed not easy for her to be a single mother. They left messages of support for Huang Yiming and expressed their willingness to help her.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

At the same time, some netizens expressed dissatisfaction with Wang Sicong's attitude, believing that he should be more responsible as a public figure.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

It is worth mentioning that some netizens also analyzed this matter from a legal point of view. They believe that if Huang Yiming can prove that Wang Sicong is the biological father of the child and refuses to pay child support, she can completely protect the rights and interests of herself and the child through legal channels.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

At the same time, they also pointed out that the term "illegitimate child" is not accurate in law and should be called "illegitimate child".

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

In this public opinion turmoil, Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong have become the focus of everyone's attention. Huang Yiming's strength and independence have won the respect and support of many people; Wang Sicong has been questioned and criticized by many people for refusing to pay child support.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

However, in any case, this incident has brought us a profound enlightenment: whether in the entertainment industry or in real life, we should respect everyone's choices and rights, and at the same time, we should also assume our own responsibilities and obligations.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

For Huang Yiming, her choice to make her chat history public may have been out of desperation. After all, as a single mother, she needs to be responsible for her child's life and growth.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

And Wang Sicong, as the biological father of the child, should also assume the corresponding responsibilities and obligations. Although there may be some contradictions and disagreements between them, they should not affect the child's growth and development in any way.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

Of course, in this public opinion turmoil, we should also maintain a rational and objective attitude. You should not blindly follow the herd or maliciously attack any party.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

After all, everyone has their own way of life and values, and we should respect each other's choices and rights. At the same time, we should also learn to draw lessons and enlightenment from this incident and constantly improve our moral quality and legal awareness.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

In short, although the storm of controversy about "milk powder money" has subsided, its impact and enlightenment are worthy of our deep thought and reflection.

Confirmed? Not an illegitimate child! Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong: "He loves sparkling very much"

I hope that each of us can learn lessons and enlightenment from this, constantly improve our moral quality and legal awareness, and jointly create a harmonious and beautiful social environment.