
Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

author:Dragon Food

Hello everyone, I'm Long'er, don't throw away the tomatoes in the house, put it at home, the more you put it, the more valuable it is, these uses, it's hard to buy it with money, it solves the big troubles of every household, hurry up and follow the video to see what's going on!

Tomatoes are a very common fruit and vegetable, which is rich in nutritional value, especially the vitamin C content is very high, deeply loved by everyone, and it tastes sweet and sour, especially for our female friends, eating a little more tomatoes in summer has a lot of benefits for the body.

Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

Especially the price of tomatoes in this season is also very cheap, and every time I can't help but buy a big bag back, which can be used to make tomato and egg soup, or to make cold tomatoes or tomato scrambled eggs, etc.

But ah, we found that although tomatoes are delicious and nutritious, their only drawback is that they are not easy to preserve.

The tomatoes that I bought home after eating them are not only almost finished, but also tend to deteriorate and rot in two or three days.

Like this tomato in my house, I forgot about it in the corner of the refrigerator, I bought it last week, and I found it when I turned over the refrigerator yesterday, and I was going to take it out to make a tomato egg noodle, but when I looked at it, it had rotted into this way, and it was moldy on it.

Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

Many friends must not have to think about this kind of rotten tomatoes when they see them, and they take them out of the refrigerator with gloves on their hands and throw them away, so they are wrong.

Because rotten tomatoes like this have a lot of magical uses in our homes, of course, they are not used to eat, because even if the rotten tomatoes are not much rotten on the skin, after we eliminate them, there is still a part of them that is good, so we can't eat them, because these bacteria have already entered the inside of the tomatoes, and eating them will not be good for the body, and may have a bad effect.

So, a bad tomato is never edible, but it is perfectly possible to use it and take out a cutting board. Put the tomatoes on the cutting board, then a broken place like this can never be used again, oops, look at the inside is already dark, this part must not be asked again.

Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

But we can find that there are some places in it that are still good, but after we cut it, we found that the inside of this tomato, its tomato is good, then we can use it, like this bad one, we can't ask for it anymore, now we cut off this part of the tomato, we don't need to cut too much, just cut two thin slices.

We put the rest aside, so at this time, do many of us like to plant some plants at home? We take out a pot of flowers in our house, so if we have land in our house, we can also plant it directly in the vegetable garden.

Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

Gently put a small hole in the hole with your hands, and then put the slices of tomatoes we just cut in with the flesh of the tomatoes. We put it in it together, and it's also a nutrient that can provide nutrients for our tomatoes. Then cover it with a thin layer of soil.

Cover the tomatoes, and once they are covered, we water them evenly and a little bit along the edges of the pot. Don't pay too much, maybe a little bit. Just keep the soil moist.

Be sure to completely cover our tomatoes with soil, and if you find that they are not covered properly, you can rearrange them by hand.

Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

Then if there is plastic wrap in the house, we can cover it with a plastic wrap on the surface, and if there is no plastic wrap, we can also use an airtight plastic bag instead, wrap it like this, and in about a week or so, the tomatoes inside will begin to sprout and grow small sprouts.

After a while, you will harvest a pot of tomatoes that you have grown yourself, with small yellow flowers, and then red tomatoes, which will look very rewarding.

Now we use a knife to slice the other half of the remaining tomatoes, the thinner the better, and the thinner the cut, the easier it will be.

Cut it in three or two, and then prepare an empty plastic bottle, I have mineral water, so there is no need to clean it, if you use a drink, then be sure to rinse it with water, and then one piece at a time

Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

Sliced tomatoes into our plastic bottles.

That's why we're just going to cut the tomatoes so thinly.

See if the thinner the cut, the easier it will be when we stuff it, and the tomatoes are also easier to be stuffed into the bottle, and after a while, they will all be stuffed in, and then prepare an appropriate amount of water, pour it into the bottle, and the amount of water will be about 7 minutes full, don't fill too much.

Then cover the lid and shake it back and forth a few more times to allow our tomatoes and water to mix well. In the process of swaying, our tomatoes and our plastic bottles will also produce a huge impact force.

Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

This is conducive to the better fusion of tomatoes with water, and they are shaken back and forth for about 2 minutes.

Like this, now let's put it in a place where there is a sun, or on the balcony of the house, or on the balcony of the kitchen. In the process of fermentation, we will still produce a lot of foam, and this foam will become more and more, enough to break our bottle cap.

Therefore, during the few days of fermentation, we have to unscrew the cap from time to time every day to let the bubbles in it dissipate, and then screw the cap on. Continue to ferment under the sun for seven days, then after fermentation, we can use this water, what is the use?

Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

In fact, it is very simple, we first unscrew the bottle cap, take out the big jar that is usually used at home, like my jar, it is a large jar containing 2500ml of water, we now pour a part of the fermented tomato water in it, don't pour too much, I poured about 20ml here, and then we prepare 2000ml of water, dilute it, here must remember to dilute it.

The ratio of our fermented tomato water to our normal water is 1:100.

Many friends may be a little confused, why do you want to adjust the ratio like this? This is because our tomatoes are fermented in a particularly high concentration.

If we use it directly, it will be counterproductive, so we must dilute it with one part of tomato water and 100 parts of water before using it, so what is the effect? Now we can use it to water the flowers and plants inside.

Many people like to raise flowers and plants, especially our friends who live in buildings, but we found that many green plants grew particularly vigorously when they were first bought, and the flowers were particularly bright, but after raising them at home for a period of time, the leaves were also yellow, and the flowers were thanks, and the whole feeling was like raising a tree, green, without a little petal on it.

Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

Then this is likely to be because our lychee is not nutritious, and the nutrition can't keep up, so it will naturally not grow well.

Therefore, we can use the fermented tomato water at home with 100 parts of water to dilute and irrigate, and we need to water it about twice a week, which is better than the fertilizer we bought, and it saves us a lot of money to buy fertilizer.

After a period of time, you will find that the flowers and plants in the house are getting better and better, not only growing vigorously, but also the flowers are particularly bright. Some friends may not quite believe it, though. It's just the way it is, you can see how great it is if you try it once.

Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

In fact, in addition to our tomatoes, it can be used to make chemical fertilizer in this way, like other fruits in our house are bad, it can also be fermented in this way, and it can be used as fertilizer, which is super easy to use. Every time we make such a bottle of tomato water, we can use it for more than half a month, and it will be good to add a little dilution each time.

After using it for a while, you will find that the flowers and plants in the house are getting better and better by you.

Then I hope today's video can be helpful to you, like my video, remember to like and follow and collect!

Don't throw away rotten tomatoes, the more rotten they are, the more "valuable" they are, many people don't understand, hurry home and try it

So that's all for this issue of video sharing, let's see you in the next video, bye-bye, by the way, the inexhaustible tomato water, we just need to tighten it again and put it in a cool and ventilated place for preservation, and it is also very convenient to use water. #头条创作挑战赛#

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