
A 2-year-old girl was slapped by her aunt because of a diaper and was thrown into the rain, insider: The parents asked her to take the child

author:Lu Sir's way

Recently, a past incident has once again attracted the attention of the majority of netizens. According to the original report, on June 27, in Chengdu, Sichuan, a netizen posted on social platforms that a 2-year-old girl was beaten by relatives who led her out because she peed her pants in the mall, and was even dragged directly to the open air and underground to get drenched in the rain, which is embarrassing.


Afterwards, a shopping mall staff member who helped the children exposed to reporters and described the situation in detail. According to the staff member's recollection, that afternoon, three adults and three young children came to the store to ask for help and use their mobile phones to book a taxi. One of the 2-year-old girls was uncontrollable and peed her pants on the spot.

A 2-year-old girl was slapped by her aunt because of a diaper and was thrown into the rain, insider: The parents asked her to take the child

However, the relatives in charge of the girl's care did not remain calm, but immediately violently attacked the girl, first slapping her and then violently dragging her to a rainy place outside the mall. The staff immediately stopped and threatened to call the police. That's when the violence ended.

A 2-year-old girl was slapped by her aunt because of a diaper and was thrown into the rain, insider: The parents asked her to take the child

What's even more chilling is that the staff said that the slap was bleeding, and the girl was crying miserably at the time, and she was unable to resist. As outsiders, the staff felt that this was beyond normal discipline and was not an accident or the first occurrence of the incident. One can imagine what kind of "teaching" girls usually endure.

A 2-year-old girl was slapped by her aunt because of a diaper and was thrown into the rain, insider: The parents asked her to take the child

After this incident was exposed, it aroused strong doubts and concerns among netizens. "Parents should know their children best" has become the consensus of many netizens. Some netizens said that a 2-year-old girl's wetting of her pants is a normal children's matter, and there is no need to "deal with it" so harshly; Even if correction is needed, it should be communicated in good faith, not violently, otherwise it will not happen again in the short term. Some netizens also questioned the relatives' motives for taking care of them, suspecting that they were not suitable for taking care of young children alone.

Isn't it a big bag for clothes and diapers? It's a shame to have a few extra pairs of pants, who didn't pee their pants when they were young.

A 2-year-old girl was slapped by her aunt because of a diaper and was thrown into the rain, insider: The parents asked her to take the child

Not to mention relatives, this is my mother, and I have to turn my face

A 2-year-old girl was slapped by her aunt because of a diaper and was thrown into the rain, insider: The parents asked her to take the child

This is often beaten, and the child will protect his head as soon as he comes

A 2-year-old girl was slapped by her aunt because of a diaper and was thrown into the rain, insider: The parents asked her to take the child

Call the police, support this man to call the police

A 2-year-old girl was slapped by her aunt because of a diaper and was thrown into the rain, insider: The parents asked her to take the child

In view of this, the reporter of this newspaper recently interviewed the staff of the shopping mall concerned again to further peek into the veil of truth. The staff said that on the day of the incident, among the three adults with children, it was the middle-aged female relative who was the first to be angry, dragging the girl to the rain, and punching and kicking during the process; The girl's parents did not appear to be on the scene, and a relative took the three young children out.

A 2-year-old girl was slapped by her aunt because of a diaper and was thrown into the rain, insider: The parents asked her to take the child

The staff further revealed that after he stopped the incident, his relatives said that the girl "does not listen and must be taught", which shows that her quality and motives are questionable. The staff strongly demanded to call the police at that time, but the relatives gave up calling the police on the grounds that they would "not beat her again" and obtained assurances from the other two companions. The girl's mental state at that time was quite frightened, and her desolate appearance was deeply imprinted in the eyes of the staff.

A 2-year-old girl was slapped by her aunt because of a diaper and was thrown into the rain, insider: The parents asked her to take the child

In addition, from the details of the incident, the staff also felt that the relatives may have had a tendency towards domestic violence for a long time. He said that it is not advisable for children to be left alone for long periods of time unless it is necessary, and it is necessary to warn girls of real family members. I am willing to actively testify in order to seek the truth and protect the injured.

A 2-year-old girl was slapped by her aunt because of a diaper and was thrown into the rain, insider: The parents asked her to take the child

At present, whether the girl's parents were aware of the incident and whether there were elements of violence in her daily life are still to be investigated. Our reporters will continue to follow the follow-up progress and speak out for the protection of vulnerable groups. We are well aware that the deep-seated impact of domestic violence cannot be ignored, and the healthy growth of children is inseparable from a harmonious home. All parties also need to work together to safeguard the rights and dignity of infants and young children.