
Once over the age of 55, most men experience the following

author:Wind Pavilion

After observing many people around me, I found that if we were just an ordinary person, when we reached the stage of middle and old age, it turned out that everyone's situation was similar. There are many similarities in both ideas and living conditions.

Once over the age of 55, most men will basically have the following conditions!

Once over the age of 55, most men experience the following

Husbands and wives are becoming more and more accommodating, but quarrels also seem to be becoming more frequent.

The husband and wife have been running in together for so many years, and when they reach the old age, they can be regarded as old husbands and wives.

But no matter how tacit it understanding becomes, it seems that it is difficult to change the status quo of quarrels and contradictions. Even sometimes I feel that as I get older, the quarrels seem to become more frequent. Of course, it's not the kind of noisy one.,It's just an occasional bickering.,But this kind of occasional is really frequent.,A little bit of something will say a few words.,It feels like a temper tantrum.。

Because both men and women will have menopause. Menopause is between 40~60 years old for women and 55~65 years old for men. This also means that after the age of 55, basically both husband and wife have entered menopause. Of course, after entering menopause, mood swings are greater, and temper tends to become more irritable, so quarrels and conflicts will become more common.

Once over the age of 55, most men experience the following

The body is slowly not good, especially when you are young, people who don't pay much attention to physical health, and now that they are old, their health is more likely to have problems.

Although it can't be generalized, some people don't say they are 55 years old, even if they are 65 years old, they are healthy and tough, but for most people, after the age of 55, they can indeed clearly feel that they are really old, and many aspects are already not as good as before.

Because as you get older, the hormone secretion in the body will also fluctuate, and the muscles will decrease and the physical strength will decrease. Bone density is also reduced, and a slight bump can lead to fractures. Of course, the body's resistance is also declining, and it is prone to various geriatric diseases.

Therefore, although it cannot be generalized, it does not mean that all people are not physically good when they are older. But for most people, as long as they are over 55 years old, all aspects of their body are indeed not as good as before. After all, if you're in your 50s, you're about to retire.

Once over the age of 55, most men experience the following

At this age, the joints of the body seem to be more prone to problems.

I didn't quite understand why my parents were old and always said that this joint was uncomfortable and that joint was painful. It wasn't until I got older and older that I felt this kind of discomfort.

As we age, not only are the organs of the body aging, but also the joint tissues of our body are gradually deteriorating. Therefore, some people are more likely to have joint sprains or joint pain when they get older. It's not that I'm not enough to pay attention to physical health issues. On the contrary, it is more because it has reached this age, so some problems will slowly appear.

Therefore, for our middle-aged and elderly friends, it is not easy to find a job when they are old, if they are not particularly short of money, they can start enjoying retirement life as soon as possible, then try not to toss too much.

Once over the age of 55, most men experience the following

Hair falling out and hair turning gray is basically an unavoidable phenomenon.

In the past, many people lost a lot of hair, basically starting in their 50s, but now people don't know if it's because they have too much trouble, or too much pressure, or because of other reasons, anyway, they start balding in their 30s, and there are actually quite a lot of people who start to lose a lot of hair.

However, hair loss is basically only sooner rather than later, which means that hair loss may begin in your 30s, but it will not be postponed until you are in your sixties or seventies. This also means that by the time people in their 50s, if they are men, the probability of baldness is actually quite large. Even if you don't have baldness, there is basically not much hair on the top of your head.

Of course, hair loss is only one aspect, and at this age, the hair has basically begun to turn gray, although it has not reached the level of full gray hair, but the gray hair on the head is really increasing.

Once over the age of 55, most men experience the following

For families with only one child, life can make a big difference when they reach their 50s.

If only one boy had been born, we would be in our 50s, and the child would have been in his twenties and thirties. Therefore, as parents, we may have to save money for our children to pay a dowry, save money to buy a house, save money to buy a car, that is, to marry a daughter-in-law for our children, and we have to work hard to make money.

But if only one daughter is born, it will be very different, basically as long as the daughter grows up, the parents can basically start to lie flat, after all, marrying a daughter will not have much financial pressure, and even the daughter can receive a lot of bride price when she marries. So as long as you save some money yourself, enough for the elderly is basically the same.