
The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

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"A scholar or a scumbag? Yang Mi's paper storm is making waves again"

The melons in the entertainment industry are always endless, no, one of Yang Mi's papers has "exploded" everyone again. This time, the focus was on her paper with a repetition rate of only 0.9%, and many netizens shouted: "This is simply a miracle in the academic circle!" So, what's the story behind this? Let's nibble on this "big melon" together.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

Yang Mi's essay turmoil

It all starts in 2024. The sixth issue of the "China Radio and Television Journal" supervised by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television published an article signed by Yang Mi - "On the Creative Habits of Actors in Film and Television Dramas - Taking TV Dramas <哈尔滨一九四四>as an Example".

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

As soon as the article came out, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet. Yang Mi, the top actress in the entertainment industry, actually published academic papers in core journals, which in itself is eye-catching.

But what really made netizens explode was the repetition rate of the paper - 0.9%. As soon as this number came out, netizens expressed disbelief: "This duplicate check rate is more difficult than winning the lottery!" ”

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

You should know that the low plagiarism rate of academic papers often means that the article lacks citations or references, which is a big taboo in the academic world. As a result, all kinds of speculations and doubts followed, and the hottest one was the speculation of "AI ghostwriting".

Some netizens joked: "Yang Mi, has this mastered the cheats of AI writing?" Or is her acting so good that she can even write her own papers? ”

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

What's more, the plagiarism check report of the paper was directly posted, proving that this astonishingly low repetition rate is not groundless. For a while, Yang Mi's paper became everyone's after-dinner conversation, and all kinds of jokes and emojis flew all over the sky.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, the organizer, the China Federation of Radio and Television Social Organizations, could not sit still.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

On June 25, the topic of "Yang Mi's paper duplicate check rate" appeared on the hot search on Weibo, and the organizer responded quickly, saying that it had paid attention to the doubts of netizens and was discussing the matter. They emphasized that the article was indeed written by Yang Mi himself, and no editing fees and layout fees were charged. This response can be regarded as correcting Yang Mi's name, but the doubts have not stopped.

In fact, after carefully analyzing this matter, it is not difficult to understand the doubts of netizens.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

After all, Yang Mi, as an actor from a non-academic background, needs to conduct in-depth research and write an academic paper in addition to his busy acting career, which in itself requires extremely high academic literacy and time management skills. What's more, the fact that this paper can be published in a core journal makes people have to admire her talent and hard work.

But then again, the problem of a low duplicate check rate does exist. For a qualified academic paper, the plagiarism rate should be kept within a reasonable range, neither too high nor too low. A low duplicate check rate is likely to mean that the article lacks depth and breadth, which is the main reason why netizens question it.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

However, some netizens have different opinions. They believe that Yang Mi, as an actor, can combine his practical experience to write a thesis, which is in itself a thing worth encouraging.

Moreover, the "Window of Communication" column itself has a certain degree of flexibility, focusing on the exchange of experience rather than pure academic research. Therefore, although Yang Mi's paper has a low repetition rate, it may also be because she shares her original performance feelings and experiences.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

Yang Mi's 2024 works word-of-mouth Waterloo: from the top to the controversy

In the bizarre world of the entertainment industry, the name Yang Mi used to be the guarantee of ratings and the center of the topic. But entering 2024, the former queen of ratings seems to have encountered unprecedented challenges, and the word-of-mouth of many new works has hit the streets one after another, which makes people sigh.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

At the beginning of the year, Yang Mi returned to the screen with her transformation work "Harbin 1944", trying to break the audience's inherent impression of her costume dramas. However, this drama did not win a full house as expected, but caused a lot of controversy because of Yang Mi's acting skills and plot settings.

Some viewers pointed out that Yang Mi's performance in the play was too violent, which did not match the character setting, and some netizens even ridiculed her performance as "a moth fluttering hard". At the same time, the plot was also criticized for being too bland, lacking the tension and suspense that a spy war drama should have, resulting in a mediocre response to the whole drama.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

Immediately afterwards, "Fox Demon Little Red Lady: Moon Red Chapter" starring Yang Mi was launched as an S+-level production, carrying the expectations of countless fans. This drama is adapted from a popular anime IP, has a huge fan base, and with a dual-traffic starring lineup like Yang Mi and Gong Jun, it was originally expected to become a hit of the year.

However, reality has given everyone a hammer.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

After "The Fox Demon Little Red Lady" was launched, the word-of-mouth quickly collapsed, and the plot was criticized as naïve and low, which did not meet the aesthetic needs of adult audiences at all. Yang Mi's performance in the play was also accused of being too bland, lacking highlights, and failing to reproduce her agility and domineering in previous costume dramas.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

Not only that, Yang Mi also tried the big screen work "There is nothing that can't be solved by a hot pot". The film gained a lot of momentum during the publicity period, claiming to be a big-budget movie during the holidays.

However, the box office was extremely dismal after its release, with only 52 million box office, and it was urgently withdrawn after 5 days of release. The audience's evaluation of the film is also mixed, but Yang Mi's acting skills have once again become one of the focuses of discussion. Some viewers think that her performance in the movie is decent and there are not many breakthroughs; Some people also pointed out that her performance traces are too heavy, and it is difficult for people to enter the play.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

Yang Mi's reputation for works in 2024 has suffered setbacks one after another, which not only disappointed the audience, but also put her acting career in an unprecedented predicament.

used to be the queen of ratings who was popular all over the country with works such as "Palace Lock Heart Jade" and "Three Lives and Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", but now it seems to have lost the magic of the past.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

The reason for this is that some people think that Yang Mi made a mistake in choosing the script and role; Some people also pointed out that she pursued too much commercialization and traffic in her acting career in recent years, ignoring the in-depth understanding and shaping of the role; Some viewers bluntly said that Yang Mi's acting skills have not improved for many years, which has caused the audience to have aesthetic fatigue.

The turmoil of Yang Mi's paper escalated, and the duplicate check rate was only 0.9% suspected of AI creation, and the organizer's response added fuel to the fire

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Warm reminder, this article is the original first work of Toutiao, it is forbidden to move to other platforms within 72 hours, the rights protection function of the whole network has been opened, and the plagiarism porter has complained and reported on the whole network, thank you for your understanding


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