
The porter delivers goods for others, sleeps at the old man's house, and the eagle dreams of hiding the water tank to escape


It is said that in the water town in the south of the Yangtze River, there is a porter named Li Daniu, this guy is very sincere, his body is sturdy, and he is called a windy man when he walks. On this day, he took a job and had to send a load of porcelain to a wealthy merchant hundreds of miles away. As soon as it was dark and the dark clouds were overhead, the big bull quickened his pace, trying to find a place to spend the night.

I didn't go far when I saw a lonely hut with a white-haired old man sitting at the door, basking in the sun leisurely. Da Niu stepped forward and arched his hand: "Uncle, it's not early, can you spend the night?" The old man looked up and smiled, and said, "Young man, although my house is simple, it can shelter from the wind and rain. Come in, let's just chatter. ”

After entering the house, Da Niu put down his burden and chatted with the old man. The old man's surname is Zhang, he is a retired boatman, who traveled south and north when he was young and has a wide range of knowledge. The two chatted speculatively, and the bull forgot to be tired. Late at night, Da Niu lay on the bed prepared by the old man, tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. The wind is whistling outside, and occasionally owls are calling, and the big cow is beating a drum in his heart, why is this place so mad?

The porter delivers goods for others, sleeps at the old man's house, and the eagle dreams of hiding the water tank to escape

But when I think about it, I am so strong, what are I afraid of? Close your eyes and let yourself sleep. I don't know how long it took, Da Niu had a dream in a daze. I dreamed that I was standing in a clearing, and a giant eagle flew in the sky, with wings spread a few feet wide, and sharp eyes. The big cow wants to run, but can't move. The giant eagle spoke, and his voice was low: "Li Da Niu, there is trouble tonight, be careful of that old man's family." Believe me, hide the porcelain in a water tank, and you may be able to escape. ”

Da Niu was in a cold sweat and woke up from a dream. He touched his forehead, and it was all sweat. I thought, this dream is too real, what's wrong, right? When I walked to the window, the old man's house was quiet. But Da Niu was not sure, and decided to do what he said in his dream. He walked lightly into the courtyard, found the water tank, lifted the lid, and it was pitch black. Da Niu gritted his teeth and put all the porcelain in. As soon as he finished it, he felt a chill behind him, as if something was staring at him. He turned his head suddenly, hey, when did the old man stand silently at the door, his eyes were as cold as popsicles. Li Daniu's heart jumped, and his tongue was knotted: "Old, old man, I, I just want to put this pile of porcelain and find a place......" The old man didn't say anything, just looked at him coldly for a long time, and then turned around and entered the house. Li Daniu felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and he didn't dare to ask more, so he quickly closed the door and went back to the house. This night, Li Daniu tossed and turned, but he couldn't sleep. He always thought about that dream, and the mysterious old man. He didn't understand why he was involved in this pile of, and he didn't know what moths would happen next. But he knew that he had to be careful not to put his little life in it.

As soon as the sky was bright, Li Daniu woke up, touched his head, good guy, and was in a cold sweat. He sat up, took a deep breath, and prepared for the storm that was to come. At that moment, there was a sudden knock on the door. Li Daniu's heart tightened, and he quickly got dressed and walked to the door. He peeked through the crack in the door, and several fierce men stood in the doorway, all holding dicks in their hands. Li Daniu's heart jumped again, he knew that he might really be in trouble...... "Hey, big brothers, what's the urgency?" Li Da Niu pretended to be nothing, with a smile on his face, but his hand sneaked towards the latch behind him, ready to close the door at any time.

The porter delivers goods for others, sleeps at the old man's house, and the eagle dreams of hiding the water tank to escape

When the strong men saw Li Daniu's posture, they didn't say much, and a big man led by them pushed Li Daniu away and broke into the house directly. They flipped around, and in a short time the house was turned upside down. The old man came out of the back room, his face as heavy as the bottom of a pot, watching all this. He walked up to Li Daniu and whispered, "Young man, you are messing with someone you shouldn't mess with." These people are here for revenge, and you have to find a way to run. When Li Daniu heard this, he panicked even more. He looked at the strong men, then at the old man, and suddenly remembered last night's dream. He was heartbroken and said, "Old man, I believe in you." Can you tell me how I should run? The old man groaned for a moment and said, "Do you remember that water tank?" Hurry up and hide inside, maybe you can avoid this catastrophe. When Li Daniu heard this, he felt saved. He turned around and ran into the yard, and when the strong men saw this, they immediately chased after him. Li Daniu rushed to the water tank with an arrow step, lifted the lid and jumped in. Although the water tank was black and rumbling, Li Daniu felt very down-to-earth. He held his breath and tried not to panic. There was a sound of ping-pong outside, as well as the shouting and scolding of strong men. Li Daniu knew that they were looking for him everywhere. At this moment, he suddenly heard a sharp eagle call. Oh my god, at that moment, Li Daniu was squatting on the edge of the water tank, and suddenly felt like an earthquake under his feet. As soon as he opened his eyes, good fellow, the lid of the tank was flying, and there was a frighteningly large eagle standing there, staring at him like a knife. Li Da Niu was so frightened that he almost screamed, but the eagle spoke: "Li Da Niu, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you." Quick, grab my claws, and I'll fly you out. Li Daniu was stunned, but he didn't think much about it, and grabbed the eagle's talons.

As soon as the eagle spread its wings, it rushed out of the house with him with a whoosh. Li Daniu looked back and saw that the strong men were still standing stupidly in the yard, staring at the sky in a daze. The eagle flew with him over mountains and rivers, and finally landed in a remote mountain village. The eagle put Li Da Niu on the haystack and said to him, "Li Da Niu, it's safe here." You hide here first, and then go back when the limelight is over. Li Daniu was so grateful, he looked at the eagle and said, "Big brother, you saved me, although I, Li Daniu, am a foot puller, but I also know gratitude." If there's anything I can do to help, just say. ”

The eagle smiled and said, "I didn't want to save you." In this world, good people have good rewards, and I can't bear to see you suffering. You remember, to be honest and kind, there will naturally be good rewards. With that, the eagle soared into the sky and disappeared without a trace. Li Daniu looked at the direction in which the eagle flew away, and his heart was mixed. He didn't expect that he, an ordinary porter, could encounter such an adventure, and he didn't expect that an eagle could be so powerful and save him from dire straits.

The porter delivers goods for others, sleeps at the old man's house, and the eagle dreams of hiding the water tank to escape

Li Daniu settled down in the mountain village and used his diligence and wisdom to help the villagers solve a lot of problems. The villagers are grateful to him and treat him as their own. Li Daniu also felt unprecedented warmth and happiness. As the days passed, he slowly got used to life in the mountain village, and was no longer the lonely porter, but had his own home and relatives. He also gradually understood the eagle's words: Be honest and kind, and there will naturally be good rewards.

A few years later, Li Daniu was collecting medicine in the mountains and accidentally found a treasure. The treasure was hidden in the cave, and the treasure was heaped with mountains of gold and silver. Although Li Daniu was pleasantly surprised, he was not greedy, knowing that he was just a porter, and these fortunes were not his. He told the villagers and took everyone to collect the treasure. The villagers used this wealth to improve their lives and also built schools and hospitals. They are grateful for Li Daniu's discovery, and even more grateful for his selflessness and kindness. Li Daniu has also become a hero and role model in the village.

Then one day, Li Daniu met the eagle again on the mountain, and this time the eagle was injured. He recognized it at a glance and quickly took the eagle home for treatment. Under Li Daniu's careful care, the eagle quickly recovered. Looking at Li Daniu, the eagle's eyes were full of gratitude and respect, as if he had drunk honey. It spoke, with a little hoarseness in its voice, and said, "Li Daniu, I have seen your kindness and integrity all these years. Not only did you help the people in our village, but you also saved my life. Now I have to go, but I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life. As soon as he finished speaking, the eagle fluttered its wings, flew high, and finally disappeared into the sky.

The porter delivers goods for others, sleeps at the old man's house, and the eagle dreams of hiding the water tank to escape

Li Daniu stood there, looking at the direction in which the eagle flew away, and his heart was mixed, as if he had eaten sour dates. He knew that the eagle was a sacred bird, and its world was beyond the reach of us mortals. He could only silently wish the eagle a smooth journey in his heart.

After that, Li Daniu continued to live his ordinary and happy life in the mountain village. He used his actions to interpret what integrity and kindness are, and also won the respect and love of everyone. And that magical eagle has become a legend and memory in his heart.

Li Daniu stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the direction in which the eagle disappeared, and his heart was up and down. He thought back to the bits and pieces of these years, from an ordinary porter, to a hero in a mountain village, to an encounter with a magical eagle, everything was like a dream. He shook his head, sighed, and wondered in his heart: "What is the origin of this eagle, how can it save my life, and can also tell me the clues to the treasure?" He decided not to think about these mysterious things anymore, and to live his life steadily.

The porter delivers goods for others, sleeps at the old man's house, and the eagle dreams of hiding the water tank to escape

Back in the village, Li Daniu found that everyone was busy preparing to celebrate the harvest festival. He was also infected by the lively atmosphere and joined the preparation team. Everyone set up a colorful shed, hung red lanterns, and prepared food and programs. On the day of the harvest festival, the whole mountain village is as lively as the New Year. Li Daniu also put on a new outfit and celebrated with everyone. They ate food, watched the show, and laughed constantly.

But just when everyone was having fun, suddenly a rapid sound of horses' hooves broke the silence. Li Daniu looked up and saw that a group of officers and soldiers were galloping towards the mountain village. His heart tightened, and he thought, "Why did this officer and soldier suddenly come here?" Is it here to grab something? He hurriedly ran to the village chief and told him about the situation.

The village chief is also an understanding person, he frowned, and said, "This officer and soldier are menacing, I'm afraid it's not a good thing." We've got to figure out how to deal with it. While everyone was talking, the group of officers and soldiers had already arrived at the entrance of the village. After dismounting, the leading officer walked up to the village chief and said loudly: "We are officers and soldiers of the imperial court, and we have come to arrest the fugitives by order. I heard that a stranger came to your village and found a treasure, didn't you? As soon as the village chief heard this, he immediately understood the intention of the officers and soldiers. He hurriedly explained: "The general misunderstood, there were no fugitives in our village, and no treasure was found. The stranger was just an ordinary porter named Li Daniu. "Let's be in this place, Li Daniu has lived for a long time, and after a few years, everyone in the village knows his honest appearance. But the officer, with an unbelieving spirit, looked at the village chief, and his eyes were as wide as copper bells: "Hmph, you treat me as a three-year-old child?" Get that fugitive out of me, or I'm not welcome!" When the village chief heard this, he panicked in his heart, he knew that these soldiers and brothers were not vegetarians, and if they really wanted to move seriously, our village would be unlucky.

The porter delivers goods for others, sleeps at the old man's house, and the eagle dreams of hiding the water tank to escape

The village chief was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and quickly turned his head to look at Li Daniu, hoping that he would come up with an idea. Li Daniu looked at those fierce officers and soldiers, and he also understood in his heart what they were doing. He took a deep breath, stepped forward, and said, "General, I am Li Daniu. I'm not a fugitive, and I haven't found any treasure. We are just ordinary porters, living our ordinary life. ”

The officer looked Li Daniu up and down, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, you said no, no, no?" You think I'm so easy to fool? Search for me! When the officers and soldiers heard this, they immediately took action and turned the whole village upside down, but they found nothing. The officer looked at the empty village and began to mutter, "Am I really mistaken?" ”

At that moment, a gust of wind whistled by, and a sharp eagle cry was heard in the sky. Everyone looked up and saw a mighty eagle hovering in the air, its eyes as sharp as knives. The officer was shocked by this momentum, couldn't help but take a few steps back, and stammered, "What's going on?" ”

The porter delivers goods for others, sleeps at the old man's house, and the eagle dreams of hiding the water tank to escape

Li Daniu looked at the eagle and felt warm in his heart. He took a deep breath and said loudly, "General, this eagle is my savior. It told me about the treasure, but I was not greedy at all, and gave the treasure to the villagers in our village. Although we Li Daniu are a porter, we know that we must be honest and kind. We've never done anything illegal or undisciplined, and we're not fugitives. ”

The officer looked at Li Daniu's determined eyes and the magic of the eagle, and his heart began to waver. He thought for a moment and said, "Okay, since you say so, I'll believe you once." However, you have to make sure that you have nothing to do with this eagle in the future. Li Daniu nodded: "I promise." ”

The officer waved his hand and withdrew with the officers and soldiers. The villagers looked at the backs of the officers and soldiers and breathed a sigh of relief. They gathered around Li Da Niu and said gratefully: "Da Niu, you are really our life-saving benefactor!" If it weren't for you, our village would be in great trouble. Li Daniu smiled: "It's nothing, this is what I should do." ”

The porter delivers goods for others, sleeps at the old man's house, and the eagle dreams of hiding the water tank to escape

Since then, Li Daniu has lived a peaceful and happy life in our mountain village. He is still busy delivering goods, farming, and taking care of his family every day, but he is more calm and calm. He knows that as long as he remains honest and kind, no matter what difficulties he encounters, he can get through it. That condor, it has become an eternal legend and an indelible memory in the hearts of buddies. In this matter, we have to say, it is like the old wine, the older it is, the more fragrant it becomes, and the more you think about it, the more flavorful it becomes. You said that this eagle, it flies high and can see far away, and its story is like the heavy snow in our northeast, white and clean. This memory, it is not comparable to anything, just like the character of our Northeast people, straight and straight, without beating around the bush. This legend, in our hearts, is like the fire on the hot kang head, warm and steadfast.

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