
24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

author:Iceberg chats about the world
24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride
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24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

In 1998, an ordinary welfare activity became a turning point in Jiang Kun's life. The high-profile cross talk actor met 6-year-old Xie Tan, a smart but lonely child, at the event.

In just one week of getting along, Xie Tan's innocent smile and longing for family affection deeply touched Jiang Kun's heart.

After returning home, Jiang Kun tossed and turned, and finally made an amazing decision: to adopt Xie Tan. However, he chose to hide from his wife Li Jingmin, who was far away, and completed the adoption procedures alone.

When Li Jingmin learned the truth, he was furious and demanded that the child be sent away immediately. This unexpected decision not only changed the trajectory of Xie Tan's life, but also brought a huge impact to Jiang Kun's family.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

Will Jiang Kun be able to convince his wife to accept the child? What does the future hold for Xie Tan? Everything is full of unknowns.

Jiang Kun gave Xie Tan a new name "Jiang He" and officially included him in the family. However, the new identity did not bring immediate success. Jiang He has repeatedly hit a wall in his studies, and his grades have always been difficult to improve.

Whenever he saw his son's report card, Jiang Kun would unconsciously frown and sigh. Despite this, he did not give up, but patiently accompanied and tutored Jiang He, hoping to stimulate the child's potential.

Jiang Kun even spared no expense to hire a tutor, but with little success, which made him feel troubled.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

By chance, Jiang Kun's friend and famous cross talk actor Niu Qun came to visit. While the two were worried about Jiang He's studies, the cow herd noticed an interesting scene: Jiang He was engrossed in watching an acrobatic performance on TV, and even couldn't help but imitate his movements.

Seeing the glint in Jiang He's eyes, the herd had a flash of inspiration and suggested that Jiang Kun consider letting his children learn acrobatics. This suggestion was like a light in the darkness, pointing out a new direction for Jiang He.

After careful consideration, Jiang Kun decided to send Jiang He to Shenyang National Art School to learn acrobatics. However, the hardships of acrobatic training are far beyond Jiang He's imagination. The daily high-intensity physical training and skill exercises made the young Jiang He almost collapse.

He had called home several times with tears in his eyes, saying he wanted to give up. Facing his son's pain, Jiang Kun's heart was like a knife, but he knew that this was the only way to grow up.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

In order to encourage Jiang He, Jiang Kun personally went to the school and shared his difficult experience on the road of art with his son. He told Jiang He that success is never achieved overnight, and only after thousands of tempers can he reach the pinnacle of life.

Jiang Kun's words gave Jiang He great courage, made him regain his confidence, gritted his teeth and persevered.

Hard work pays off. After years of hard training, Jiang He's acrobatic skills have improved by leaps and bounds. He not only successfully joined the Guangzhou Military Region Acrobatic Troupe, but also won the opportunity to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala with his outstanding performance.

When Jiang He showed his exquisite acrobatic skills on the stage of much attention, Jiang Kun in the audience burst into tears. What he saw was not only his son's wonderful performance, but also the crystallization of the joint efforts of father and son over the years.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

At that moment, Jiang Kun's heart was full of pride and relief. He remembered the scene when he met Jiang He in the welfare home, and recalled the bits and pieces of all these years, and all the hardships turned into sweet memories.

Jiang He's success not only proves the correctness of Jiang Kun's original decision, but also confirms the power of father's love.

From a child with learning difficulties to an acrobat who now shines on the national stage, Jiang He's transformation is full of hardships and sweat. Along the way, Jiang Kun's consistent support and encouragement is undoubtedly the biggest driving force for Jiang He's growth.

This experience not only allowed Jiang He to find his own direction in life, but also made Jiang Kun more convinced: every child has his own shining point, and the key is to find the right way to guide and cultivate.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

When Li Jingmin learned that Jiang Kun had adopted Jiang He privately, her first reaction was strong opposition. As a woman with a successful career, Li Jingmin worries that taking care of a strange child will affect her work and life.

What's more, she was afraid that this sudden appearance of the child would distract her from her love for her biological daughter Jiang Shan.

Li Jingmin once angrily demanded that Jiang Kun immediately send Jiang He away. However, Jiang He's well-behaved and sensible gradually softened Li Jingmin's hard heart. Every day, Jiang He would take the initiative to help Li Jingmin with housework, and his considerate behavior made the stern mother begin to face up to the child's existence.

Once, Li Jingmin was depressed due to work pressure, and Jiang He silently made a cup of hot tea for her, which made Li Jingmin deeply moved.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

As time passed, Li Jingmin found himself more and more concerned about Jiang Ha. She began to take the initiative to inquire about Jiang He's study and pay attention to his daily life. Gradually, Li Jingmin no longer regarded Jiang He as an outsider, but really regarded him as his own child.

Jiang Shan was wary of this "younger brother" who suddenly appeared at first. As the only daughter in her family, she worries that her parents' love will be scattered. However, Jiang He's sincerity soon won Jiang Shan's affection.

Jiang He always patiently accompanied Jiang Shan in her studies, shared his snacks, and even stood up when Jiang Shan encountered difficulties. Once, Jiang Shan was bullied by her classmates at school, and it was Jiang He who stepped forward to protect her.

This incident made Jiang Shan deeply feel the warmth of her brother.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

As time went on, the relationship between Jiang Shan and Jiang He became more and more intimate. They play, learn, and share the joys and sorrows of life together. Gradually, Jiang Shan no longer regarded Jiang He as an outsider, but truly accepted him as her own brother.

Sometimes, Jiang Shan even complained jokingly: "Mom always favors my younger brother." Behind this sentence is Jiang Shan's recognition and acceptance of this family relationship.

As time passed, the relationship between Jiang Kun and Jiang He became deeper and deeper. Jiang Kun is not only Jiang He's father, but also his mentor and spiritual pillar in life.

During the difficult period when Jiang He was learning acrobatics, it was Jiang Kun's encouragement and support that kept him going.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

Whenever Jiang He succeeds on stage, Jiang Kun will have a proud smile on his face. And every time Jiang He encountered difficulties, Jiang Kun was always the first to stand up and support and encourage him.

This deep father-son friendship has become the most valuable wealth in Jiang He's life.

Jiang He once wrote in his diary: "My father not only gave me a home, but also gave me the courage to chase my dreams. He was the greatest person in my life, and without him I wouldn't be where I am today.

This sentence expresses Jiang He's deep gratitude to Jiang Kun.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

From the initial resistance to the final harmony, the relationship between Jiang Kun's family has undergone tremendous changes. This special family formed by adoption weaves a warm and touching family story with love and tolerance.

Their experiences have taught us that true family relationships are not only based on blood ties, but more importantly on mutual understanding, love and support.

As he grew older, Jiang He became curious about his background. At a gathering with other children in the orphanage, Jiang He's inner longing grew stronger when he saw that many people had found their long-lost relatives.

He plucked up his courage and expressed his desire to find his biological parents to Jiang Kun.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

This request made Jiang Kun's heart have mixed feelings. On the one hand, he understands Jiang He's mood of wanting to understand his roots; On the other hand, he is worried that the search for relatives may affect the relationship between them.

Jiang Kun quietly listened to Jiang He's story, looked at the expectation flashing in his son's eyes, and finally chose to support.

Despite his apprehension, Jiang Kun fully supported Jiang He's decision. He used his influence to publish "missing person notices" on major media platforms. This move has aroused widespread concern and controversy in society.

Some people questioned whether Jiang He was ungrateful, believing that he should be content and happy, and should not look for his biological parents again. Some people ridiculed Jiang Kun as a "fool", thinking that he raised children for others but still had to help find relatives.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

In the face of these voices, Jiang Kun remained silent, just silently supporting Jiang He.

Despite his great efforts, Jiang He was never able to find his biological parents. This experience made Jiang He feel lost, but at the same time, it also made him cherish his current family even more.

In a long conversation, Jiang He said to Jiang Kun: "Father, no matter what the result is, you and your mother's position in my heart will never be replaced. This experience of searching for relatives made me more aware that true family affection does not lie in blood, but in each other's dedication and love.

These words made Jiang Kun have mixed feelings. He hugged Jiang He tightly, and the relationship between father and son was strengthened by this experience. This journey to find their roots not only did not shake their relationship, but made each other's hearts closer.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

Time flies, and the former little boy Jiang He has now started a family and has become a father himself. This new identity gave him a deeper appreciation for the grace of parenting.

Whenever he coaxes his children to sleep or worries about them, he thinks of the efforts of Jiang Kun and his wife over the years.

Once, Jiang He's child was sick, and he stayed up all night taking care of it. The next morning, exhausted, he suddenly remembered that Jiang Kun had taken care of himself like this.

At this moment, Jiang He's eyes were moist, and his gratitude to his adoptive parents came like a tide.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

Despite his busy work, Jiang He always puts accompanying his parents first. Every weekend, he would take his wife and children back to his parents' house to spend time with them. Especially after Li Jingmin suffered from severe arthritis, Jiang He took care of him even more carefully.

He often massaged his adoptive mother to relieve her pain, and even learned professional physiotherapy skills. Sometimes, Jiang Ha would turn down important performances just to be by her side when her mother was in pain.

Li Jingmin was deeply moved by these actions, and often sighed: "If I hadn't adopted He'er at the beginning, how could I have such intimate care now."

Jiang He not only set an example of filial piety to his parents, but also often taught his children to respect and be grateful to their grandparents. He often took his children to visit Jiang Kun and his wife, and let them beat their grandparents' backs and serve tea and water.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

In front of the children, Jiang He always talked about Jiang Kun and his wife with respect. He told the children: "Grandparents gave Dad a second life, and we must always remember their kindness."

In this way, Jiang He passed on this hard-won family affection and let the family's love continue to the next generation.

Jiang He's actions not only repaid the nurturing kindness of his adoptive parents, but also set an example for his own children. He used practical actions to interpret the true meaning of "the grace of dripping water, reciprocating with springs", making the love of this special family deeper and longer.

Jiang He's story is in stark contrast to the recent incident of "Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives", which has attracted social attention.

24 years ago, Jiang Kun adopted a 6-year-old orphan, and now his adopted son has become his greatest pride

The experience of Jiang Kun's family gives us the answer. They have built a happy family with sincere love and responsibility, proving that the essence of family affection lies in mutual love and support.

Today, Jiang Kun's family is happy and enjoying the joy of family. The sentence Jiang He wrote in his diary, "I am grateful to my father, he is the greatest person in my life, without him I would not be where I am today", which expresses the preciousness of this father-son love that transcends blood.

This family story teaches us that true family affection is not innate, but needs to be cultivated and maintained with love, patience and responsibility. The deep father-son relationship between Jiang Kun and Jiang He is undoubtedly a touching example, and it is also the proudest achievement in Jiang Kun's life.

It teaches us that the power of love can transcend blood ties and work miracles.

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