
Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (40)

author:Mei Xue Piaopiao, original literature one by one

Chapter 28 (3) New measures for the company were introduced according to local conditions

Cheng Yunli saw Zheng Yuyuan's disbelief on her face, so she said, "Don't believe it, right?" Whoever I tell it, no one believes it. The old political commissar of our division once said to me in front of many people in the office building, 'Cheng Yunli, I can't figure it out, your skills are so good, and you are also neat in your work.'" I've heard that you don't like to cook. If this woman doesn't like to cook, she's not a woman.'" Speaking of this, Cheng Yunli smiled slightly, "I don't know why?" I just don't like to go into the kitchen, and if I don't want to go in, I don't want to go in. However, I also have moments when I have a whim, and if the mood comes up, I can really cook a good meal. By the way, my son said that my cooking was very delicious, and I guess he thought it was delicious because he always ate in the school cafeteria, and when he came home to change his taste, he thought my cooking was delicious. ”

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (40)

"Cheng Gong, what zodiac sign are you?" As soon as Cheng Yunli's words fell, Zheng Yuyuan came out coldly.

"Aquarius, do you also believe in horoscopes? These girls in our company, when they are fine, love to study constellations. Cheng Yunli smiled

"I don't particularly believe it, but sometimes it's pretty accurate." Zheng Yuyuan didn't hide her opinion, "Cheng Gong, don't believe it, you really have the characteristics of Aquarius." I remember that the Aquarius constellation had a dislike for knitting sweaters and cooking. ”

"If you want me to say, it can only be said that I am too stupid, or I was a chef in my previous life, and I am really bored, and it has nothing to do with which zodiac sign."

Cheng Yunli also laughed out loud, Zheng Yuyuan originally wanted to continue, but when they saw several branch committees coming in one after another, the two of them didn't continue to talk.

"Company commander, shall we have a meeting?" After Zheng Yuyuan saw that the branch committee was seated, she turned to Shi Lei.

"Okay! One serving per person. Shi Lei agreed, and handed the bound A4 paper in his hand to Kong Dongming.

Zheng Yuyuan saw that Kong Dongming was also going to give himself a copy, so he waved the paper in his hand, meaning that he already had it, and after seeing that Kong Dongming would soon send out the remaining five copies, he said, "Okay, now the meeting is over, I have already said it in the morning, tonight's meeting is mainly to study and formulate the company's management regulations, and now I will invite the company commander to speak." ”

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (40)

Shi Lei raised the paper in his hand, "Everyone knows that our company has now been officially transferred to the C regiment, so in terms of company management, it is impossible to continue the past model, so it is necessary to revise some management regulations in the past."

This is a big framework that I wrote with reference to the original regulations. As for me, I can't think so carefully. Therefore, there will be two contents in this, one is to ask everyone to draw up and supplement the framework. Second, the branch committee passed the newly formulated company management regulations and formed a resolution. I'll work overtime in the evening, sort it out, and report to the camp tomorrow morning. So, tonight's meeting will be a little longer, so let's all work hard. Okay, I won't say much else, let's go through them one by one......"

Time passed quickly, although the lights out whistle had been blown, the lights in the conference room were still on, and the members of the branch committee were still carefully studying the feasibility of the regulations.

"Company commander, I always think that female cadres have to focus on this one." Zheng Yuyuan said

"Well, you say." Shi Lei turned his head sideways and looked at Zheng Yuyuan sitting beside him.

"You see, from the perspective of children, Cheng Gong's children are older, and the children of other female cadres are all under 3 years old, and they are all husband and wife living separately. Even if there is an elderly person to help bring it, you have to bring it yourself at night.

In the past few days, I have also learned that the technical cadres of our company, in addition to normal shifts, must go to the computer room once there is an incident or various guarantees in the computer room. It can be said that there are not a few days in a year that are not spent in the computer room. I just thought, gay men and lesbians are still different, and Lian Li is not more humane in terms of. If you have children, don't. Zheng Yuyuan slowly said her thoughts, to be honest, this is also the reality she will face next

"Why don't we even technical cadres go out of the exercise? When I first came to the company, I really didn't understand it, and I asked the old instructor, and his answer was that as long as the technical cadres did a good job in the computer room, the company would turn a blind eye to the management of the company, and would not force it to follow the rules and regulations.

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (40)

Later, I also asked Cheng Gong for advice on this issue, and Cheng Gong answered very tactfully, she just said that it was not easy for many female cadres. Of course, Cheng Gong also explained to me one point, that is, in the past, the headquarters had a rule that as long as both military men and their wives were working in the compound of the division organ, one of them could not go out of the exercise.

However, in response to this, the battalion commander has repeatedly criticized it. As for me, considering the actual situation of our company, I decided to go out twice a week. I guess whatever? They can always come these two days, right? Shi Lei explained

"Cheng Gong, what do you think?" Zheng Yuyuan didn't want to say anything, so she turned to Cheng Yunli, who was looking down at the papers.

"Instructor, in fact, this regulation has been implemented since our transfer to the subordination, but it was announced verbally at that time, and this time it was just written down." Cheng Yunli raised her head and said to Zheng Yuyuan with a smile.

"I know that because it has been implemented, I have listened to the feedback of many female cadres, and I have just said what I just said, and I always feel that management should be more humane. I'd like to hear what Cheng Gong thinks now. You are an old comrade of our company, and you have the absolute right to speak. Zheng Yuyuan also responded with a smile

"Instructor, don't say that. The company commander has just said that we did have a conversation about this, but I really can't say anything. Because I know too well that it is not easy for female cadres to take care of children, I have a deep personal experience of this, and I don't want to remember it now. Cheng Yunli smiled and replied very plainly.

"Cheng Gong, since the instructor wants to understand your point of view, you can talk about it again."

Shi Lei smiled at Cheng Yunli, he understood that Zheng Yuyuan hoped that Cheng Yunli would support her point of view. But Shi Lei believes that with Cheng Yunli's ideological level and personal quality, she will never support Zheng Yuyuan's views, but Shi Lei doesn't know how Cheng Yunli will express his opinion, and he is also very curious about it.

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (40)

"That's it, Cheng Gong, just talk about it, let us all listen to it and have a long insight." Zhao Hu interjected, and the others also laughed and agreed.

"The deputy company is too high for me, okay, since everyone asked me to speak, then I'll hurry up and repeat it." Cheng Yunli smiled at everyone, "What do you say?" I took a closer look at this management regulation, and the overall impression I got was that it was set for cadres. Cheng Yunli paused when he said this, and Shi Lei's face showed a thoughtful smile.

"How to say it, everyone knows about our situation. The regiment repeatedly asked us to seize the time to achieve the change, but there were no clear instructions. I thought that the so-called transformation is nothing more than the two aspects of work and people's thinking.

At work? In my opinion, it is to achieve two changes: one is manifested in management, that is, from the original semi-organ management model to the direction of regular grass-roots company management; Second, it is manifested in business, that is, some elements, which were originally business guidance stations, and now they have to be transformed into ordinary stations. Cheng Yunli paused for a moment and took a sip of water, "As for the thinking of personnel, there are also two changes, one is the change of behavioral concepts, that is, the change from a company with a sense of superiority to the most basic company; Second, the role of personnel should be reoriented, and it is necessary to change from the so-called semi-organ soldiers of the units directly under the division organs to ordinary soldiers.

I think that if all these things are done, it should also realize the requirements of the regiment leaders, integrate into the general environment of the regiment, and adapt to the requirements of the regiment's management model.

However, judging from the actual situation of our company, the soldiers should be able to achieve these changes very quickly, but it is not so easy for our cadres. After all, most of our cadres are female comrades, and most of them have worries. In my opinion, the company commander was also forced to use these new regulations to force and accelerate the transformation of cadres. Right, company commander? Cheng Yunli looked at Shi Lei with a smile

Shi Lei smiled and didn't say anything.

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (40)

"If that's the case, I think we should do what the company commander wants." Zhao Hu answered, "I don't hide it from everyone, when I didn't come here, I didn't think it was a big deal, I thought that with my own ability, I could handle it." But now I don't see it that way, our work is far away, and it's really more complicated than I thought. Especially after Wang Jue's matter came out, my thoughts became even stronger. ”

"All the same, so do I." Zheng Yuyuan nodded

"So, don't mention that I have experience in leading troops in the future, my methods can be used in the Seventh Company, but they are used here, they don't work! Please! Zhao Hu smiled and hugged his fist at everyone

When everyone saw Zhao Hu's movements, they all laughed out loud.

"Normal, our gang of people are all groping for the administration of our company." Shi Lei was the first to stop laughing, and signaled everyone to stop laughing. Then, looking at the crowd, "Do you have any other opinions?" ”

"Okay! Then do what the company commander says, and if any more cadres complain, I will do the work. Zheng Yuyuan saw that everyone shook their heads, so she said loudly.

"Everyone has heard this, there is a secretary, what are we afraid of?" Shi Lei smiled and pointed at Zheng Yuyuan, and then returned to seriousness, "The management problem of cadres has been solved, and we have to talk about the management of soldiers." Cheng Gong believes that after the transfer, the concept of the fighters will change faster than the cadres. I agree with that, but I don't think it's enough to get a fighter to change their mindset. Wang Jue's incident sounded the alarm bell to us.

As everyone knows, our company is a mixed company. Before I made it, I just narrowly understood it as a gender mix. After I arrived, I felt more and more that this 'mix' had a deeper meaning. In addition to the characteristics mentioned above, I believe that there are the following characteristics in the structure of soldiers:

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (40)

First, there are many relational soldiers, and the relational soldiers I refer to here do not refer to the relational soldiers who live in the city. Rather, it refers to the soldiers who are from the countryside, but come to this company through various inexplicable troop relationships.

Second, there are many soldiers in towns with wealthy families; third, there are many female soldiers; Fourth, there are many only children; Fifth, there are many single-parent families.

Therefore, I think that if there are no certain targeted measures for these situations, then in the future work, it is likely that there will be similar things such as Zhang Jue and Li Jue. If that is the case, we will indeed be ashamed of our own duties and the trust of the party organizations and leaders at higher levels. Therefore, I would like to ask you to talk about the specific management ideas based on the above five characteristics. ”

"Well, the company commander's previous summary is very much in line with the actual situation of the first company. After I came to the company, I also felt very deeply in this regard, and I am also a rural soldier, and the soldiers of our company are much more bullish than the rural soldiers of the seventh company. I can't tell the real from the fake in plain clothes on my body, but it's a famous brand at every turn. It is common to pay two or three hundred per month for mobile phone bills. Some people's mobile phones are around 3 or 4,000 yuan.

I also noticed that a lot of fighters always boast about how hard they are in the background, as for who? If you inquire carefully, those backstage people are just people who can't beat the eight poles. In short, less rustic, more vanity. Okay, let's not talk about that, I'll talk about my thoughts first. Zhao Hu took a sip of water, and after seeing Shi Lei nodding, he continued, "Everyone knows that I am the deputy company commander in the Seventh Company, and the biggest feature of the Seventh Company is that there are many rural soldiers, but it is not the kind of related rural soldiers that the company commander said. So, I'm going to open up a little bit more, and you might be able to find something from the middle as a reference.

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (40)

According to my observations over the years, rural soldiers have such a commonality, and the advantage is that most of them are simple in their feelings, and they are sincere, modest, and straightforward. Of course, there are also many people who are more introverted and not very active. Then I like to work hard and don't like to talk much.

The deficiencies are mainly manifested in the fact that the culture is generally low, the knowledge is narrow, and the knowledge is relatively poor, which makes them particularly important to the concept of hometown, slow to accept new things, and love to drill the horns of the bull.

It is worth noting that rural soldiers who have joined the army in recent years are more eager to join the party, become noncommissioned officers, and attend military academies. However, it often carries a great deal of blindness in its actions, mixed with a lot of individualistic elements. For example, many rural soldiers with technical expertise will have the idea that they are not at ease with their work in the army and are anxious to go home and get rich. Zhao Hu said this, paused, and saw that everyone was staring at him, so he continued, "Now many rural soldiers regard joining the party and becoming non-commissioned officers as the only sign of progress in the army. In order to achieve these wishes, they will indeed be strict with themselves in their work, but if their goals are frustrated, they will be pessimistic and depressed, and a few people will even do some irrational things.

In addition, the influence of the family on these rural soldiers is increasing, such as the increase in early love and early marriage, and many people are in a hurry to get married and have children as soon as they become non-commissioned officers. There are also some fighters with poor family conditions, because the woman asks for too much bride price, it becomes difficult to find a partner, and even for various reasons, the original object 'blows the lamp', which leads to depression and depression and excessive pressure.

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (40)

In addition, I also found that with the continuous development of the market economy, families asked the soldiers to do various affairs on their behalf, and asked them to go to the vicinity of the station to help contact business, and to learn more about market information. In the end, due to the increase in various civil disputes at home, letters were always sent to the soldiers to go back to 'support' and get ideas, which greatly affected the ideological stability of the soldiers. ”

"What the deputy company commander said is so right, my father called me a few days ago, saying that my family and the Hua Bo family who lived in front of me are now preparing to file a lawsuit, and asked me to go back to help come up with ideas, and I have a headache to death." As soon as Zhao Hu's words fell, Zhang Haoran, a non-commissioned officer who rarely spoke, couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Really? Why? Zheng Yuyuan looked at Zhang Haoran

"When I asked, in fact, the matter was very simple, that is, the newly built house of the Hua Bo family was half a meter higher than mine." Zhang Haoran explained

"What's that? High is high. Zheng Yuyuan disagreed

"Instructor, you don't understand, there is a custom in the countryside that it is not allowed to build a house in front of the house in the back to exceed the height of the house in the back." Cheng Yunli interjected with a smile

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (40)

"Really? I really don't know. Zheng Yuyuan nodded, and then turned to Zhang Haoran again, "Then what did you say to the family?" ”

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