
Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

author:Fucho Bunsha
Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

On September 28, 2018, the autumn breeze in Harbin added a bit of bleakness to the city. In a quiet ward, cross talk master Shi Shengjie was lying on the hospital bed, breathing weakly.

His wife, Song Yan, held his hand tightly, tears rolling in her eyes.

At the last moment of his life, Shi Shengjie used all his strength to say seven words to Song Yan. These seven words are like a lightning bolt, instantly illuminating Song Yan's future life path.

From that day on, Song Yan began a long and lonely journey. For six years, these seven words have become the pillars of her life, supporting her through every day and night of thought.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

What kind of words can cross the boundary between life and death and make a woman willing to wait for a lifetime? Let's follow the footsteps of this couple, from Tianjin to Harbin, from obscurity to fame, to the final farewell of life and death, and uncover the moving story behind this mysterious last word.

In the literary circle of Qiqihar, Song Yan is like a clear spring, attracting the attention of many suitors. However, her heart has long been captured by a young cross talk actor from Tianjin.

That person is Shi Shengjie, five years younger than her, but with his dedication to art and love of life, he planted the seeds of love in her heart.

Shi Shengjie was born in Tianjin and later moved to Harbin with his parents. In this ice city, he developed a strong interest in the art of cross talk and was determined to embark on this arduous road of acting.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

The arrangement of fate allowed him to meet Song Yan, and the two hearts quietly approached in the soil of literature and art.

However, the road to their marriage was not all smooth sailing. Song Yan's mother strongly opposed this family business, worried that her daughter would work hard for her life to marry an artist with an uncertain future.

What's more, Shi Shengjie had just lost his loved ones at that time, and his mother was sick in bed, and the family conditions were very difficult.

In the face of many obstacles, Song Yan's determination is like a pine on the black earth, tenacious. In order to prove her love, she made an amazing decision - to cut off her beloved long hair.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

This extreme move shocked everyone and allowed her parents to finally understand and support her choice.

Finally, when Song Yan was 28 years old, she got her wish and married 23-year-old Shi Shengjie. The newlyweds' home is just a simple bungalow, and sometimes they even have to borrow the office of the unit as a temporary residence.

Every morning, they wake up early, get the office back to its original state, and start the day.

Despite the hardships of life, the laughter between the two never stopped. In this small space, they support each other and face the challenges of life together. Shi Shengjie focuses on cross talk creation and performance, while Song Yan fully supports her husband's career, and also works hard in the field of literature and art.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

Their love is like a plum blossom blooming in the bitter cold, the more difficult it is, the more precious it is. It is this unswerving affection that allows them to walk hand in hand on the stage of life and weave a beautiful vision for the future.

This experience also laid a solid emotional foundation for them to face greater challenges in the future.

In the third year after marriage, Song Yan gave birth to a lovely daughter Shi Hao for Shi Shengjie. The arrival of this little life not only brought joy to their family, but also became a witness to the rise of Shi Shengjie's career.

With the birth of their daughter, they finally moved into a small but warm government allocated house. This simple home has become a source of laughter and laughter, and it is also the place of inspiration for Shi Shengjie's creation.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

With the passage of time, Shi Shengjie's talent gradually blossomed. His works such as "Liver and Bladder Photography", "Recruitment", and "The Adventure of the Little Shoemaker" are deeply loved by the audience, making him stand out in the cross talk world.

He can always be seen on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala every year, and his name has gradually become a household name. Shi Shengjie has new works coming out almost every year and has become a bright star in the Chinese cross talk industry.

However, behind the success comes new challenges. With the increase of social entertainment, Shi Shengjie began to frequently attend various occasions, and the entertainment at the wine table became the fuse of family conflicts.

Song Yan and her daughter often tried hard to persuade him to abstain from drinking, but the effect was not satisfactory. Every time she goes out, Song Yan will gently advise: "Try to drink as little as possible, and if you can't push it off, you have to stop in moderation."

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

However, in the atmosphere of the gathering, these words are always forgotten.

Others advised Song Yan not to be too harsh, thinking that "drinking is a man's true color". The gentle Song Yan was reluctant to argue, and her husband's health had always been good, so she gradually relaxed her attention to this matter.

Who would have thought that this seemingly innocuous habit would become a foreshadowing of future tragedies.

In 2011, their lives reached an important turning point. Her daughter, Shi Hao, tied the knot at the age of 28 and soon moved overseas with her family. Since then, Shi Shengjie and Song Yan have become each other's closest partners.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

Their married life was harmonious and warm, and there were almost no quarrels. Song Yan occasionally complained about her husband's drinking habits, but this did not affect the deep relationship between them in the slightest.

However, the wheel of fate is quietly turning in the dark. At that time, they were immersed in the double happiness of career and family, but they didn't know that a huge test was coming to this happy family.

Shi Shengjie's health began to deteriorate quietly, but due to the neglect of attention on weekdays, this hidden danger was not discovered in time.

During this period, Shi Shengjie and Song Yan's lives seemed to be peaceful and happy, but there was a coming storm. Their stories, just like the art of cross talk itself, hovers between laughter and tears, interpreting the ups and downs of life.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

And what awaits them next will be a life test that will test their lifelong feelings.

The bad news came suddenly. When the doctor announced that Shi Shengjie had cancer, Song Yan felt that the sky was falling. She felt remorseful in her heart, if she had been more persistent in dissuading her husband from drinking, would she have avoided this disaster? However, the remorse at this time is no longer helpful, and what lies ahead of them is a difficult battle against cancer.

The Spring Festival of 2018 has become the most unforgettable memory in Song Yan's heart. There is no reunion dinner in the past, and there is no company of my daughter, only two boxes of simple wontons.

Looking at her husband on the sickbed, Song Yan could only turn around silently and not let the tears be seen. At this moment, she deeply realized the fragility of life and the preciousness of love.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

In April, they celebrated Shi Shengjie's 66th birthday together. What was supposed to be a joyous moment was overshadowed by the invasion of illness. No one expected that this would be the last time they would celebrate their birthday together.

Song Yan tried to hide the sadness in her heart and create a warm birthday atmosphere for her husband.

However, his condition took a turn for the worse after that. Shi Shengjie said he wanted to return to his hometown of Harbin. Song Yan understood that this might be her husband's last wish, so she tearfully agreed to his request.

Returning to his familiar hometown, Shi Shengjie's condition deteriorated and he often fell into a coma.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

At the last moment of his life, Shi Shengjie always cared about his wife who accompanied him all his life. On September 28, 2018, in the autumn wind in Harbin, Shi Shengjie passed away due to organ failure.

Before dying, he used his last strength to say seven words to Song Yan. These seven words have become the guide of Song Yan's life since then, and they have also become the last witness of the love between them.

This battle against cancer is not only a test of life, but also the ultimate test of their feelings. In this process, Song Yan showed unparalleled strength and loyalty, while Shi Shengjie used his optimism and tenacity to write the final chapter of life.

The pain of losing a loved one swallowed Song Yan like a tide. Every late night, tears would unconsciously flow down and soak the pillow. No amount of light in the house can dispel the loneliness in her heart, and she is now the only one left in the once lively room.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

Song Yan often stared at the mobile phone her husband used before his death, as if it was the only link with him.

Seeing her mother's pain, Shi Hao and her son-in-law decided to take her abroad to live with her. They hope that the foreign environment can help Song Yan get rid of her sadness for a while.

However, Song Yan's attachment to her homeland and her longing for her husband made her unable to feel at ease in a foreign land. A few months later, she resolutely returned to Harbin, back to her home full of memories for the two of them.

The moment I re-entered the house, the familiar scene evoked endless thoughts. How Song Yan wished she could see her husband again, even if it was just lying in bed or in a wheelchair.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

However, the cruelty of reality makes her have to face the fact that she lives alone.

Slowly, Song Yan began to learn to live alone. She learned to cook, preparing a sumptuous table for her husband at the festival as if he had never left. She made a small card of the photo with her husband and put it in the pocket watch she carried with her, so that she could feel his company at all times.

Her daughter and son-in-law often called to care for her, reminding her to remember her father's instructions and live well. These words were like warm sunshine, slowly melting the frost in Song Yan's heart.

She began to adjust her mindset and try to make herself strong.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

Gradually, Song Yan began to record her thoughts about her husband with a pen, revealing her nostalgia for the past and expectations for the future. This method not only allowed her to find an outlet to express her emotions, but also made her re-examine her life.

Although grief still strikes from time to time, Song Yan has learned how to live with it. She began to face life with a positive and optimistic attitude, interpreting her commitment to her husband with her actions.

This journey of rebirth is not only a persistence in love, but also a reinterpretation of life.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Shi Shengjie has been gone for more than five years. However, Song Yan's love for her husband has not diminished at all. She carries a photo with her husband as if he were always by her side.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

This deep love crosses the boundary of life and death and blooms eternally in Song Yan's life.

Every year on the death day, birthday and Qingming Festival, Song Yan will come to the tomb and pour out her heart to her husband. She always told him softly that she and her daughter were fine and asked him to rest assured.

These simple conversations have become an indispensable ritual in her life.

Song Yan recorded her constant thoughts about her husband in writing. Her brushstrokes are sometimes gentle, sometimes choked, but always full of hope for life.

Shi Shengjie has passed away for many years, and his widow Song Yan's persistence makes people sigh

Although she sometimes felt lonely, she always remembered her husband's dying words: "It is better to laugh than to cry". These seven words became her motto for facing life, guiding her to get out of her grief and embrace life again.

Song Yan's unswerving loyalty moved people to tears. In this fast-paced society, she used five years of deep affection to interpret what true love is. Her story is not only a memorial to her deceased husband, but also a re-examination of the value of life.

Such a love story deserves to be cherished and praised forever, it tells us that sincere feelings can transcend the limitations of time and space and bloom forever in memory.

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