
There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost



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There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Text: Cowbowton

Edited by Cowbowton

Is marriage the grave of love or a harbor of happiness? On the big stage of the entertainment industry, we have witnessed the ups and downs of too many celebrity marriages.

However, when we thought we had seen everything, the marriage story of Da S and Yang Ying (baby) gave us a resounding slap in the face. Who would have thought that the once envied "queen" and "princess" would now become synonymous with failed marriages?

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

And their ex-husbands, Wang Xiaofei and Huang Xiaoming, ushered in a double harvest of career and love after the divorce. This absurd plot can't help but make people sigh: In the game of love, who is the real winner?

The "princess disease" in marriage: there is a fearless big S and baby

Marriage is a practice, but for Big S and baby, it seems to be more like a willful one-man show.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

In his marriage to Wang Xiaofei, Da S showed a jaw-dropping "queen" posture. The wedding was not a sweet beginning for her, but a torture of "forced" and "hurtful". In the face of her husband's thoughtfulness, she reciprocated with indifference and pickiness.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost
"Shut up, Wang Xiaofei!"

This sentence has become the epitome of Big S's married life. Wang Xiaofei flew back and forth between the two sides of the strait more than 700 times for this marriage, but in exchange for his wife's disdain.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

The story of baby is another typical example of "princess disease". Huang Xiaoming once made bold remarks:

"My baby, you're finished! Wait for the rest of the day, I've never been so nice to anyone, except my mom. "
There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

However, with the rise of baby's status, her attitude towards Huang Xiaoming became more and more cold. From the initial sweet interaction, to the later public complaints, to the final blindness, Baby seems to have forgotten who brought her into this glamorous world.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

In these two marriages, we see two spoiled "princesses". They enjoy the pampering of their husbands, but they forget that marriage needs to be run by both parties. Their "fearlessness" eventually became the fuse for the breakdown of the marriage.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

"Arrogance" after the divorce: the high-spirited big S and baby

However, the story doesn't end there. After the divorce, Big S and baby do not seem to have learned a lesson from their failed marriage, but instead show an incomprehensible "arrogance".

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Big S quickly remarried after the divorce, which is understandable. But her attitude towards her ex-husband's family makes people frown. Obviously still accepting financial support from her ex-husband, but unceremoniously confronting her ex-husband's family, this kind of behavior can't help but make people question: who owes whom?

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Baby chose a different path. She was eager to prove her independence, as if to tell everyone that her success had nothing to do with Huang Xiaoming. However, reality gave her a heavy slap in the face.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost
"Watching a show directly ruined the second half of your career."
There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

This sentence shows the baby's current dilemma. Her acting skills are not yet solid, but she is eager to challenge various roles; Her resources are declining, but she still has to pretend that everything is business as usual. This "arrogant" attitude not only did not win her respect, but made her situation in the entertainment industry more and more difficult.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Divorce is not the end, but the beginning of a new life. However, Big S and baby seem to see the divorce as a "relief" and forget to reflect on their own problems in marriage. This attitude will undoubtedly affect their future lives and careers.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

The turnaround that comes with a new love: the importance of emotional value

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

When the marriage between Big S and baby failed, Wang Xiaofei and Huang Xiaoming ushered in the spring of their lives. Their new loves, Ma Xiaomei and Ye Ke, show us what real "emotional value" is.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Ma Xiaomei's appearance was like a spring breeze, blowing away the haze of Wang Xiaofei's family. She not only respected her elders and called Zhang Lan "Mom", but also gave a big red envelope when they met for the first time. This kind of respectful and considerate attitude instantly shortened the distance between her and the Wang family.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

What's even more rare is that Ma Xiaomei has always kept a low profile and silently supported Wang Xiaofei's career. Instead of using the relationship to gain attention, she chose to be a quiet backing. This attitude has undoubtedly brought stability and strength to Wang Xiaofei's career and life.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Ye Ke used practical actions to interpret the true meaning of "growing old with children". When Huang Xiaoming won the award, she rushed to the scene to congratulate as soon as possible, not only sent flowers, but also took pictures of Huang Xiaoming in person. Her smile reveals joy from the heart, and this sincere emotional support is undoubtedly a powerful driving force for Huang Xiaoming's career to reach new heights.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

The emergence of Ma Xiaomei and Ye Ke shows us the importance of "emotional value". They know how to give encouragement and recognition to their partners at the right time, which is exactly what Big S and baby lack.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the true meaning of marriage?

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens believe that the failure of the marriage between Big S and baby is completely self-inflicted:

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost
"It was so high-profile at the beginning, and now it ends up like this, it's really self-inflicted."
There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Some netizens also expressed sympathy for Wang Xiaofei and Huang Xiaoming:

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost
"These two men are so wronged, they give so much but don't get the return they deserve."
There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

There are also netizens who are full of praise for Ma Xiaomei and Ye Ke:

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost
"This is the woman who really knows how to cherish, no wonder she can capture the hearts of Wang Xiaofei and Huang Xiaoming."
There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

However, some netizens put forward different opinions:

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost
"How can the failure of a marriage be so simple? What we outsiders see is only the tip of the iceberg and should not be judged lightly. "
There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Interestingly, some netizens raised this topic to a higher level:

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost
"This is not just a matter of celebrity marriage, it reflects the whole society's view of marriage and love. Do we value the superficial glamour too much and ignore the essence of marriage? "
There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

This discussion shows us the diverse understanding of marriage by the public. Some people value materialism, others value emotions; Some people pursue vigorous, and some people yearn for ordinary. But in any case, mutual respect and understanding seem to be the cornerstones of marriage.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Written at the end: the true meaning of marriage

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Looking back on the whole event, it is not difficult to find that the failure of marriages is often not accidental. Big S and baby's "fearlessness" in marriage, and "arrogance" after divorce, all reflect their misunderstanding of the nature of marriage.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

In contrast, the emergence of Ma Xiaomei and Ye Ke shows us a healthier marriage model. They know how to support their partners emotionally, respect each other's families, and maintain their independence. This balance may be the true meaning of marriage.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

Marriage is not a one-man show, but a common stage for two people. On this stage, mutual respect, understanding and support are more important than glamorous appearances. The story of Big S and baby may be a warning to all of us: cherish the people around you, don't wait for you to lose it.

There is no fear in marriage, and the divorce is still arrogant: this time, Da S and Yang Ying completely lost

So, for us ordinary people, how should we manage a healthy marriage? Should you always pay attention to your partner's emotional needs like Ma Xiaomei and Ye Ke? Or is it more important to maintain a moderate level of independence? Everyone is welcome to share your thoughts in the comment area.