
My fourth aunt, she is the "fairy family" in the mouth of the villagers, and her life is full of legends

author:Chia Tai Bright Universe 0xN

In our village, there is a well-known character, who is my fourth aunt. Aunt Four, the people in the village call her "Xianjia", she is really not covered in her life, and as soon as the story is told, it is guaranteed to make you stunned.

When the fourth aunt was young, she looked so bright that she couldn't say it, her eyes were as big as anything, the bridge of her nose was high, and her skin was as white as a freshly shelled egg. But what is even more amazing is that she has had such a "magical power" since she was a child, she can chat with small animals at the age of three, and the chickens, ducks, geese and dogs at home see her, so affectionate, don't mention it. The fourth aunt said that she could hear the little Jiujiu in their hearts, and knew when they were happy and when they were unhappy.

The fourth aunt who has grown up is even more amazing. He is highly skilled in medicine and is also a good hand in divination. Whoever has a small illness and pain in the village, it is right to look for her; red and white happy events, they are also willing to invite her to count a good day and see the good luck. What's even more amazing is that the fourth aunt can also exorcise ghosts and ward off evil spirits, and people in the village say that she has a "fairy spirit" on her.

My fourth aunt, she is the "fairy family" in the mouth of the villagers, and her life is full of legends

If you want to say that the fourth aunt is the most legendary, it has to be her ability to "dream a thousand miles". I remember one time, the old Zhangtou's cattle in the neighboring village were lost, and they were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. When the fourth aunt heard about it, she told him not to worry, and she could help him find it back by dreaming at night. Tell me, who can do this? But the fourth aunt has this ability. That night, she dreamed that she was wandering under an old tree in the mountains, and saw the cow grazing leisurely. The next day, the fourth aunt took Lao Zhangtou to that place, hey, Niu Zhen is there. This matter is spread ten, ten is spread to hundreds, and the reputation of the fourth aunt is called a well-known.

However, although the fourth aunt has this ability, she is never public, and she is always very low-key. She said that she just got a little "eye in the sky" opportunity, and she was satisfied if she could help people solve problems and eliminate disasters. The fourth aunt has a good heart, and whoever is in trouble, she is always the first to rush forward. Therefore, her popularity in the village is called a good one, and everyone respectfully calls her "the fourth aunt of the fairy family".

One year, we had a drought here, and our crops were dying. The villagers stared at the sky and hoped for some rain. The fourth aunt looked at everyone's anxious looks, and she felt uncomfortable. After thinking about it, she decided to use her "supernatural powers" to ask for rain for everyone. So, under the old locust tree at the head of the village, an incense case was set up, and incense was burned and prayed, and his eyes were not closed for three days and three nights. On the fourth day, dark clouds were thick, lightning and thunder roared, and heavy rain was pouring down. The villagers were so happy, and they all said that it was the credit of the fourth aunt. The fourth aunt waved her hand, saying that this was providence, and she was just a messenger.

My fourth aunt, she is the "fairy family" in the mouth of the villagers, and her life is full of legends

The story of the fourth aunt can't be told for three days and three nights. Her life is like that legendary novel, full of fantasy. But the fourth aunt herself said that she was just an ordinary person, but she had a little more chance. She hopes that everyone will remember her teachings: you must have good thoughts in your heart and do good deeds, so that you can truly be happy. Hey, let's talk about this Gada. If you want to know how the next story will develop, let's continue next time. Our four aunts, she has a lot of stories, waiting for us to dig them out!

Let's talk about the legendary life of the fourth aunt. One winter, when the snow covered the mountain, our village was covered with thick snow, and it was as beautiful as a fairy tale. But in this beautiful scenery, something heart-wrenching happened. Xiaobao, the youngest grandson of the old Wangtou's family, didn't know what to do, so he fell ill, with a high fever that did not go away, his little face was as red as a ripe apple, and his body was so hot that he could roast sweet potatoes. Lao Wang's family was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, and the village doctor shook his head when he saw it, saying that this child was afraid that he would not be able to survive this winter.

This matter reached the ears of the fourth aunt, she didn't say anything, put on a padded jacket and went straight to the old king's house. As soon as she entered the door, the fourth aunt saw Xiaobao lying on the bed, her little face was as red as a red apple, and her mouth was still babbling. The fourth aunt stepped forward, gently touched Xiaobao's forehead, sighed, turned her head to Lao Wangtou and said, "Brother Wang, don't worry, I have a trick for Xiaobao's child." As soon as the old king heard this, his eyes immediately lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "Fourth aunt, what can you do?" As long as I can save Xiaobao, you can let me do anything! The fourth aunt smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to do anything, you just have to believe me." After saying that, she asked Lao Wang to prepare a basin of hot water and a clean towel. Then she closed her eyes and muttered words as if she were chatting with someone. After a while, she opened her eyes and said to the old king, "Okay, you soak this towel in hot water, and then wipe Xiaobao's body." Although the old king was confused, he still did it. In this way, the fourth aunt was chattering while instructing the old king to wipe Xiaobao's body. It didn't take long for Xiaobao's high fever to subside, and his face slowly returned to normal. Lao Wang's family was dumbfounded, and hurriedly thanked the fourth aunt. The fourth aunt waved her hand and said, "It's nothing, this is a small treasure with a big life." ”

My fourth aunt, she is the "fairy family" in the mouth of the villagers, and her life is full of legends

As soon as this matter spread, the reputation of the fourth aunt became even louder. Everyone said that she was a real "immortal" and had the ability to bring the dead back to life. But the fourth aunt herself never boasted, she always said: "I just did my duty, and I can help others." ”

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the fourth aunt has also entered her old age. Although her body is still tough, there are a little more vicissitudes in her eyes. One day, the fourth aunt called her children to her and said that she was leaving. When the children heard this, they panicked and hurriedly asked the fourth aunt where she was going. The fourth aunt smiled and said, "I'm going back to where I should go." The children didn't understand what the fourth aunt meant, but seeing her calm appearance, they didn't ask any more. Just silently prepared her outfits. The next morning, when the first rays of sunlight poured into the window, the fourth aunt put on her favorite cheongsam, put on her pearl earrings, and walked out of the house. The fourth aunt's group of children followed her ass and sent them all the way to the old willow tree at the head of our village. The fourth aunt stopped, turned around, and said to them, "Okay, okay, don't send it, go back quickly." As soon as she finished speaking, she turned her head and walked forward. The children watched the back of the fourth aunt getting smaller and smaller, and the taste in their hearts was indescribable.

Suddenly, as if playing a trick, the figure of the fourth aunt was fluttering, as if it had been blown up by some wind. Drift higher and higher, drift farther and farther, and finally become a small bright spot, and with a whoosh, it disappears into the sky. The children opened their mouths wide one by one, and they couldn't close for a long time, and they didn't come back to their senses.

My fourth aunt, she is the "fairy family" in the mouth of the villagers, and her life is full of legends

This matter spread ten, ten spread hundreds, and the people in the village said that the fourth aunt had gone back to heaven, saying that she was a "fairy family" in heaven who came to us to purify all sentient beings. Since then, when the fourth aunt is mentioned, everyone's eyes and tone are as if they are respectful. The story of the fourth aunt has become a topic of conversation among the people in the village after dinner.

Some say that she is a miracle doctor who can cure any disease; Some say that she is a soothsayer who can predict the future; Others say that she is an immortal, who can soar through the clouds and mist, and call for wind and rain...... But no matter what you say, the fourth aunt is always so kind and kind in everyone's hearts. She is like a loving mother in the northeast of our country, silently guarding this village and giving endless care and help to everyone.

Now, whenever the moonlight is shining all over the earth in the dead of night, people will always look up at the sky, as if they can see the familiar and distant figure - the fourth aunt of the fairy family. She is like a star in the sky, always shining in people's hearts, illuminating the way forward.

My fourth aunt, she is the "fairy family" in the mouth of the villagers, and her life is full of legends

In this Gada in our northeast, the legend of the fourth aunt is like the falling snowflakes, quietly integrated into the hearts of every villager. Whenever night falls, sitting around the fire, there are always people whispering about the legend of the fourth aunt, as if she has always been there, but has become the soul of the village, guarding the land.

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. The new generation of children is very curious about the story of the fourth aunt, and they ask the older generation, what kind of person is the fourth aunt? Is there really such a magical spell? The old people always replied with a smile: "Fourth aunt, she is a good person, really a good person." Her spells, huh...... It may be the kindness and tenacity in the bones of our Northeast people. ”

With the passage of time, the legend of the fourth aunt has slowly been integrated into the culture of the village. Every winter, when the snow covers the mountains, the villagers spontaneously organize themselves to send warmth to those in need. They said that this is the spiritual wealth left to us by the fourth aunt, which taught us not to bow our heads in the face of difficulties and to convey warmth in the cold.

My fourth aunt, she is the "fairy family" in the mouth of the villagers, and her life is full of legends

One day, a young scholar came to the village, and after hearing about the legend of the fourth aunt, he decided to dig deeper. He visited the old people in the village, read a lot of information, and even went to the place where the fourth aunt once lived. This young man really worked hard, and it took a lot of effort to finally get the academic paper about the fourth aunt out. He said in his paper: "Our fourth aunt, although she is not a real immortal, but her kindness, tenacity and wisdom are really admirable." Her story is not simple, not only about spells and miracles, but also about people's hearts, feelings and responsibilities. The fourth aunt, an old man, used her life to tell us what the real 'fairy family' is - that is, a person who is full of love and can bring hope and strength to others. As soon as this paper came out, the academic community became lively, and everyone began to re-examine the legend of the fourth aunt. It turns out that this seemingly simple legend hides profound philosophy and humanistic care behind it. The image of the fourth aunt has become more and more tall and sacred.

In our village, the story of the fourth aunt is still so popular. Whenever the little children asked about the fourth aunt, the old man and the old lady always told them happily: "Fourth aunt, that's a good person." She used her kindness and wisdom to teach us how to straighten our backs in the face of difficulties and how to give warmth in the cold weather. Her story is the pride and pride of our Northeast people. "Time is like that song, it passes in a flash. The story of the fourth aunt has become a part of our village and has flowed into the blood of every villager. Under the influence of the fourth aunt, our village has become more united, harmonious and beautiful. Whenever night falls, sitting around the fire, there are always people whispering the legend of the fourth aunt, as if she has always been there, but has become the soul of our village, forever guarding this land. And that young scholar, also because of his research, became famous. He said: "The story of the fourth aunt made me understand that the real strength is not in spells and miracles, but in the kindness and tenacity in our hearts. This kind of strength allows us not to bow our heads in the face of difficulties and continue to grow in challenges. I am grateful to the fourth aunt for her inspiration and insights to me. "Now, the story of the fourth aunt has become a beautiful scenery in our northeast land. Whenever she is mentioned, people will always think of the kind, tenacious and wise fourth aunt of the "fairy family". Her story inspires countless people to persevere, move forward bravely in the face of difficulties; Her spirit has also become the pride and pride of our Northeast people. In this land, the fourth aunt will always be that legendary figure - a "fairy family" fourth aunt who writes legends with kindness and wisdom. Her story will continue to be sung and become an indelible memory and treasure in our Northeast land.