
Heroes help the weak to fight grievances, and the previous heroes often help others

author:Li Bian please 03

In our Gada, there is a young man named Li Er, who is very down-to-earth, strong and good-hearted, and when the people in the village mention him, they all give him a thumbs up and praise him for being a warm-hearted and good guy. But recently, Li Er's heart was a little panicked, and he found something strange.

That day, Li Er came back from working in the field, passed by Aunt Zhang's house, and saw Aunt Zhang feeding chickens in the yard. He said hello and was about to leave, but saw that something was wrong with the eldest lady's face. Li Er pondered in his heart, then stopped and looked at it twice. After feeding the chickens, the eldest lady turned around and entered the house, and there was a crack in the door. Li Er muttered in his heart, this lady is usually very careful, why is she so careless today? He walked lightly to the door, and looked through the crack in the door, but it was terrible, Uncle Zhang was lying on the bed, his face was like paper, and there was a strange man next to him, muttering to the eldest lady.

Li Er's heart was on fire, although he was a rough man, he also knew that this matter was not authentic, not to mention that Aunt Zhang was still a neighbor, and she was usually good to herself. He wanted to rush in and ask for an understanding, but then he thought about it, if this was going to make a fuss, the reputation of the eldest lady would be over, and Uncle Zhang's body couldn't stand it. Li Er simply suppressed the fire and turned to leave.

Heroes help the weak to fight grievances, and the previous heroes often help others

He thought all the way, what's going on? Say it directly, the eldest lady's reputation is not guaranteed; Don't say it, I can't get over this hurdle in my heart. After a few days, Li Er was so preoccupied that he couldn't eat or sleep. In the end, he decided to find a chance to have a good chat with his aunt and persuade her not to go the wrong way.

That night, the moon was hazy, and Li Er took advantage of the night to quietly come to Aunt Zhang's house. He knocked on the door, and the eldest lady opened the door and saw that it was Li Er, a little surprised, but soon calmed down. "Second Brother Li, what's the matter at such a late hour?" The eldest lady asked. Li Er looked around, and there was no one else, so he whispered: "Auntie, I have something to say to you, let's go into the house and say." The eldest lady nodded and let Li Er into the house.

The two sat down, and Li Er said bluntly: "Auntie, I saw you and that man that day...... I know you may have something unspeakable, but this matter is disgraceful after all, and it is not good for Uncle Zhang. "Auntie, you have to turn back to the shore, don't go all the way to the dark." When Aunt Zhang heard this, her face changed, but she regained her calm in a blink of an eye. She sighed and said, "Second Brother Li, it's good that you have seen it." In fact, I feel bitter in my heart! Your Uncle Zhang has been sick for many years, and he can't open the pot at home. That man is not a good bird, but he is willing to help me, what can I do? I know it's wrong, but I'm also here for the family! When Li Er heard this, he had mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't expect Aunt Zhang to have such difficulties, and most of the resentment towards her in his heart disappeared. He pondered for a while and said, "Auntie, I understand your difficulties. But this is not a long-term solution. I'll try to help you through this. When Aunt Zhang heard this, a grateful light flashed in her eyes. She said, "Second Brother Li, you are really a kind person. I... I don't know how to thank you. Li Er waved his hand and said, "You're welcome." We are all neighbors, and it is right to help each other. Don't worry, I'll think about it. In this way, Li Er and Aunt Zhang chatted for a long time. In the end, they decided to work together to solve the problem of Uncle Zhang's medical expenses, and at the same time persuaded the man to leave the village and stop pestering Aunt Zhang. But how can it be so simple. The man seemed to be pestering Aunt Zhang, and Uncle Zhang's condition was getting worse and worse. Li Er looked at all this, and his heart was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He knew that he had to find a way to solve the problem once and for all. For the next few days, Li Er ran around asking for help. He first approached the village elders and explained the situation to them, hoping that they would intervene to mediate. But although the elders sympathized with Aunt Zhang's plight, they were helpless. Li Er didn't give up, he found the rich merchants in the town again, hoping that they could lend a hand. But although the wealthy merchants were rich, they were not willing to meddle in such household affairs. Li Er was so anxious that he couldn't do it, but he knew that he couldn't just give up. He had to figure out a way to solve this problem once and for all. So, he decided to go out personally and negotiate with the man. That night, the moonlight was like water, and Li Er was alone and quietly touched the place where the man was hiding. The place was a dilapidated temple, inaccessible on weekdays, except for the occasional stray cat and dog who came here to take a nap. Li Er's heart was like a mirror, knowing that there must be something boring here, so he quietly walked there. When I entered the temple gate, it was dark and rumbling, and I couldn't see anything clearly. Although Li Er's heart was a little hairy, he was not afraid of anything when he thought of the situation of Aunt Zhang and Uncle Zhang. He groped his way forward, and suddenly, a cold wind blew in his face, Li Er chuckled in his heart, and said secretly: "It's bad, why is this place so evil?" He steadied himself and continued on his way. After walking a few steps, a man's voice sounded in his ears, muffled, as if coming from the altar: "Who? Which one is over there? When Li Er heard this, he said in his heart, isn't this that guy, he plucked up his courage and replied loudly: "I, Li Er!" You come out, we have to have a good talk! When the man heard that it was Li Er, his voice immediately softened a little, and said, "Second Brother Li, what are you doing here?" I didn't provoke you. Li Er said bluntly: "Let's not beat around the bend, I'm here for one purpose, you hurry up and get out of Aunt Zhang's house, don't pester her anymore." Her house is already troublesome enough, so don't make a mess. ”

Heroes help the weak to fight grievances, and the previous heroes often help others

When the man heard this, he was not pleased, and said, "Why do you interfere in my business?" When Li Er heard this, he became angry and said, "Why should I? Just because I'm a member of this village, just because I, Li Er, can't get used to your bullying behavior! Hurry up and leave, or I'm welcome!" When the man heard this, he laughed and said, "Yo, you're quite kind." Let me tell you, Aunt Zhang left me, and her man was so sick that she couldn't even eat! When Li Er heard this, he understood in his heart that this guy was using Aunt Zhang's difficulties as a handle and wanted to force her to comply.

He thought for a moment and said, "Do you think you can threaten Aunt Zhang like this?" You couldn't be more wrong! I'll leave the words here today, if you dare to pester Aunt Zhang again, I will knock you out of this village, so that you will never want to come back! When the man heard this, he was furious and said, "You little rabbit cub, you dare to argue with me?" Who do you think you are? You think you're a hero? Li Eryi heard this, smiled, and said, "Hero? I'm not a hero. But I'm just not used to bullying people. If you meet today, leave quickly; Otherwise, I'll give you a taste of regret! ”

As soon as the man heard this, he knew that Li Er was not easy to mess with. He thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll sell you face today." But you also have to promise not to mind my business in the future. When Li Er heard this, he was happy and said, "I don't care about your business?" If you dare to bully Aunt Zhang again, I will let you walk around without eating! When the man heard this, he knew that there was no drama today. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I remember you!" But don't forget, there is no regret medicine in this world! With that, the man turned and left.

Heroes help the weak to fight grievances, and the previous heroes often help others

Li Er looked at his back and breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that although this matter was temporarily resolved, he still had to find a way to help Aunt Zhang tide over the difficulties. Early the next morning, Li Er went to the elders in the village and discussed with them how to help Aunt Zhang's family. Oh, this thing is really disturbing, as soon as Li Er's kid spoke, the old people in the village happily agreed to help. They first scraped together and got some medicine for Uncle Zhang; Then he called a few strong men to help Mrs. Zhang's family with farm work. After a long time, the life of Mrs. Zhang's family gradually improved. As for that man, when he saw that Aunt Zhang's family had a helper, he didn't dare to make trouble again. He knew that he was not Li Er's opponent, so he slipped away with interest.

As soon as this matter spread, the people in the village were full of praise for Li Erna, saying that he was a big hero and helped Mrs. Zhang's family a lot. Li Er listened to it and happily replied: "What heroes are not heroes, we are just ordinary people." But we people in the village have to help each other and support each other. In this way, our days can be more and more prosperous! ”

In this way, Li Er's reputation spread in the village. Everyone said that he was a good-hearted lad and a real hero. When Li Er heard this, he smiled and continued to live his ordinary and fulfilling life. This is the character of our Northeast people - bold, righteous, and helpful. Although our place is not big, it has a strong human touch. Just like Li Er, although he is not a big hero, he has proved with his actions what a real hero is - that is, a person who adheres to justice in the ordinary and lends a helping hand in difficulties!

Heroes help the weak to fight grievances, and the previous heroes often help others

Just when Li Er's story spread in the village, the tranquility of the village was broken again. This time, not because of the entanglement of outsiders, but because of something even more bizarre. One day, Mrs. Zhang's chickens suddenly began to lay golden eggs! The news spread throughout the village in an instant, as if it had grown wings. People flocked to Mrs. Zhang's house, all wanting to see this magical scene with their own eyes. Li Er naturally heard about it, he scratched his head, and muttered in his heart: "What's going on?" How can a chicken lay golden eggs? Isn't this blatant nonsense? But curiosity drove him, and he decided to go to Aunt Zhang's house to have a look.

When he walked into the courtyard, he saw a group of people gathered there, chattering and talking. He squeezed in to take a look, and saw a golden egg on the ground, shining in the sun, it was indeed a golden egg! When Aunt Zhang saw Li Er coming, she hurriedly greeted her and said, "Second Brother Li, you are here!" Look at the golden eggs laid by my chickens! Li Er looked at the golden egg, and then at Aunt Zhang, and his heart was even more confused. He thought for a moment and said, "Auntie, what's the matter with this golden egg?" How can your chickens lay golden eggs? Aunt Zhang shook her head and said, "I don't know either!" I went to feed the chickens this morning and found this golden egg. I took a closer look, and it was indeed our chicken. When Li Er heard this, his heart became even more confused. He thought for a moment and said, "Something is wrong, I have to go and find out." "Our Northeast Gada, Li Er, this young man, is really warm-hearted. His mind was like that of the dog in the village, sniffing around, and he had to find out the ins and outs of the golden egg. No, he was easy to find, and finally sorted it out. It turned out that the golden egg was not laid by Mrs. Zhang's chicken, but by a passing businessman, who secretly put it in the chicken coop at night in order to repay Mrs. Zhang's kindness. The merchant was originally a big boss, but his business failed and he ended up in our small village. He begged everywhere, so Aunt Zhang was kind and gave him food. The businessman was so grateful that he couldn't do it, but he knew that Mrs. Zhang's family was not rich and couldn't come up with any money. So, he thought of a trick, found someone to beat a golden egg, and quietly gave Aunt Zhang a big gift at night.

As soon as Li Er said this, Aunt Zhang's tears fell down like beads with broken threads. She took Li Er's hand and said excitedly: "Second Brother Li, you are really the lucky star of our village, if it weren't for you, I would have been kept in the dark for the rest of my life!" Li Er smiled and said, "Auntie, don't be so polite, don't the people in our village have to help each other!" This golden egg, since it has fallen into your hands, you can keep it! ”

Heroes help the weak to fight grievances, and the previous heroes often help others

In this way, Aunt Zhang got this windfall, and Li Er was once again praised and respected by the villagers because of his intelligence and kindness. But the story is not over, as time goes by, the days of Mrs. Zhang's family are getting more and more prosperous. She used that money to improve her family's life, and also bought medicine for Uncle Zhang to treat her illness. Uncle Zhang's illness also slowly improved, and Aunt Zhang also began to be enthusiastic about public welfare and help those in need.

As for Li Er, he was not complacent because of his good deeds, but worked harder to help the people in the village solve various problems. He knows that his power is limited, but as long as everyone does their part, the world can be a better place. Li Er's deeds, like a spring breeze, blew all over the village. People say that he is a real hero, not only helping Aunt Zhang, but also influencing the people around him with his actions, making them more kind and helpful.

Li Er's story has become a legend and has been passed down from generation to generation. Whenever he is mentioned, everyone will give him a thumbs up and say that he is a real hero. As for Li Er himself, he always said modestly: "I, I just did what I should do." "This is the character of our Northeast people - simple and warm-hearted. In this land, heroes are not some distant legends, but ordinary people who are unknown and selfless. With their actions, they interpret what is the true heroic spirit, and also make us, the younger generations, feel extremely proud and proud.