
The pharmacist took the woman in to recuperate, but his wife and children fell ill one after another, and the Taoist priest helped him escape

author:Li Bian please 03

We have a pharmacy here, the boss's surname is Li, and everyone calls him Boss Li. Boss Li is a good person, and his medical skills are also very good, and his pharmacy is in our town, which is really one of the best. At home, there is a virtuous daughter-in-law, and a clever baby, a family of three, not to mention how moisturizing life is. But as the saying goes, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck. No, one evening, Boss Li was about to close the door, when he suddenly heard a faint cry for help from outside the door. He hurriedly opened the door and looked, yo, a ragged woman was lying in the doorway, her face was as white as paper, and she knew that the injury was not light. Boss Li is a kind-hearted person, how can he not save him when he dies? He immediately helped the woman into the house, and after a careful inspection, he found that although the injury was not light, fortunately it was not critical. He hurriedly took out his own wound medicine, carefully applied it to the woman, and boiled a bowl of hot soup medicine for her to drink. The woman drank the medicine, slowly regained some strength, and thanked her with tears in her eyes. She told Boss Li that her name was Xiaolian, and she was an orphan girl who had fled and was injured when she met bad people on the way. When Boss Li heard this, he also had mixed feelings in his heart, so he took Xiaolian to help in the pharmacy and let her have a place to stay. Xiaolian, a girl, is smart and clever, and it didn't take long for her to learn to grasp and decoct medicine, and she became Boss Li's right-hand man. She is diligent and sweet-mouthed, and the townsfolk praise her as a good girl. Boss Li and his daughter-in-law also like her very much and treat her as their own daughter.

But in the third month of Xiaolian's arrival at the pharmacy, something strange suddenly happened to Boss Li's family. First of all, Boss Li's daughter-in-law began to cough non-stop, and she didn't get better with any medicine. Then, their clever baby began to get sick and couldn't lift her spirits all day. Boss Li was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, he rummaged through medical books and tried various prescriptions, but the condition of his daughter-in-law and baby did not improve. That night, Boss Li lay on the bed tossing and turning, wondering the ins and outs of this strange thing. Suddenly, he remembered that before Xiaolian came to the pharmacy, the family had been safe and sound, why did she have an accident as soon as she came? Don't...... Boss Li's heart tightened, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore. Early the next morning, Boss Li went to the Taoist temple in the town and asked the famous Taoist priest for help. The Taoist priest listened to Boss Li's narration, frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "Boss Li, I'm afraid there is something strange about your family. Well, go back, and I'll go to your house tonight, and maybe I'll be able to find some way." When Boss Li heard this, he hurriedly thanked him, but he was also uneasy in his heart. He returned to the pharmacy and told his daughter-in-law and Xiaolian about it, and the daughter-in-law was also worried, but Xiaolian lowered her head and said nothing. In the evening, the Taoist priest arrived as promised. He circled around Boss Li's house a few times, suddenly stopped, pointed to an ancient well in the yard and said, "This is the problem." As soon as Boss Li heard the news, he immediately took three steps and two steps, and hurriedly leaned over to see what was going on. Hey, on the edge of the ancient well, a strange red and purple flower appeared, which was as red as blood, and it also exuded an indescribable strange smell. The Taoist priest shook his head, sighed, and said, "This flower is called the 'Soul Devouring Flower', and it is an evil thing. It specializes in sucking people's essence, and everyone in your family is afraid that they have been poisoned by it. When Boss Li heard this, his face turned white, and he asked anxiously: "What should I do then?" The Taoist priest stroked his beard and said slowly, "This is easy to do." Uproot the Soul Eater Flower and burn it to ashes, and then scatter the ashes into the well, and the evil will be removed. But......" The Taoist priest changed his words, and his eyes drifted to Xiaolian, "She has to do something about this." ”

"Xiaolian, this ......" Boss Li said to his lips and swallowed back, his heart going up and down. Xiaolian sighed softly, lowered her head and said, "Boss Li, I have to confess to you." I'm not an orphan girl fleeing, I'm ...... I'm a demon. As soon as these words came out, Boss Li and his family were stunned, and their eyes almost didn't fall out. Xiaolian continued, "I came to this town to find this Soul Devouring Flower. It is very beneficial to my cultivation and can improve my cultivation. I really didn't expect this Soul Eater Flower to harm you and your family. I...... I'm really ......," Xiaolian said, tears falling down her eyes. Boss Li, you look at me, I look at you, and I don't know what to say for a while. This sudden truth caught them a little off guard.

The pharmacist took the woman in to recuperate, but his wife and children fell ill one after another, and the Taoist priest helped him escape

"That'...... So what are you going to do now? Boss Li's voice trembled. Xiaolian wiped her tears and said firmly, "I will be responsible." I'll get rid of the Soul Eater Flower and give you a safe home. After saying that, Xiaolian walked to the ancient well and reached out to touch those Soul Devouring Flowers. As soon as her fingers touched the petals, the flowers seemed to come alive, writhing and trying to break free. But Xiao Lian's mana was obviously superior, and with a slight effort, she uprooted those Soul Devouring Flowers. Then, she pulled out a fire and burned the Soul Eater to ashes. Then she threw the ashes into the well, and a puff of black smoke came out of the well, which dissipated in an instant. Seeing this, the Taoist priest nodded, and said, "Demons also have rules for demons, Miss Xiaolian, what you did today shows that your heart is not bad." I hope you will behave yourself in the future and stop harming the world again. Xiaolian bowed her head and said, "Thank you for the teachings of the Taoist elder, I will keep it in my heart." The Taoist priest turned around and left, leaving Boss Li's family and Xiaolian looking at each other. Boss Li took a deep breath and said, "Xiaolian, you ...... Let's go. We...... We can't keep you any longer. Xiaolian nodded, a hint of reluctance flashed in her eyes, but she still turned around and walked away slowly. Xiaolian's pace was so slow, like a thousand-pound stone tied to her feet, moving step by step. Boss Li and his daughter-in-law looked at her back that was gradually drifting away, and they couldn't tell what it tasted like. Just when Xiaolian was about to melt into the night, as if she was about to disappear, she suddenly turned around and shouted at Boss Li: "Boss Li! I remember your care and care! If we meet again...... I ......" Before the words fell, Xiaolian merged with the night and disappeared. Boss Li and his family stood at the door, stunned for a long time.

The next day, hey, it's weird, Boss Li's daughter-in-law and baby's illness are just fine, it's like magic. They talked about last night, and it felt like a dream, but it was so real that it was unbelievable. As the days passed, Boss Li's pharmacy returned to its former calm like water. But in the dead of night, Boss Li always thinks of the girl named Xiaolian, where she went, and whether she would come back, he didn't know for sure. But he knew that those days were the most unforgettable in his life.

One evening a few years later, a familiar figure appeared at the door of the pharmacy. As soon as Boss Li looked up, isn't this Xiaolian! She was dressed in plain clothes and had a faint smile on her face. "Boss Li! Long time no see! Xiaolian's voice is still so sweet. Boss Li was stunned for a moment, and then blossomed: "Little Lotus! Why are you back? Xiaolian smiled and said, "I have achieved success in cultivation, and I specially came back to see you." How are you doing all these years? Boss Li nodded like pounding garlic: "Okay!" Good! After you're gone, our family will be happy. What about you? Xiaolian said: "I'm fine now, I have found my own way, and I won't cause chaos in the world anymore." When Boss Li heard this, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth: "That's a good dare!" That's a good idea! The two chatted for a long time, until it was getting dark, and Xiaolian said goodbye. Before leaving, she said to Boss Li: "Boss Li, I will always remember your kindness back then. With that, she melted into the night again. Since then, Boss Li has never seen Xiaolian again, but he has always remembered her in his heart. From time to time, he would think of the enchantress he had taken in, and that day was full of fantasy and emotion, and that day became one of the most precious memories of his life.

The pharmacist took the woman in to recuperate, but his wife and children fell ill one after another, and the Taoist priest helped him escape

Hey, let's keep chatting. Since then, Boss Li has always been thinking about Xiaolian. From time to time, he would think of Xiaolian's sweet smile and the words she said when she left. Boss Li understands in his heart that although Xiaolian is a demon, her kind heart is stronger than many people. The days went by like this, and Boss Li's pharmacy was still full of people, but he always felt that something was missing. One day, his daughter-in-law inadvertently mentioned: "Lao Li, why did you say that Xiaolian's girl is gone?" If she's still here, there will be more people in our family to talk to. "Oh, Boss Li's breath sighed like the north wind in winter, he shook his head and said, "Yes, that little girl, her heart is hot." But the two of us are not all the way after all. As he was talking, there was a sudden crackling of footsteps outside, like rushing to the market. As soon as Boss Li looked up, good guy, a young man ran like a rabbit, and he was still holding a package in his hand. "Boss Li, Boss Li!" The young man gasped and shouted, "Do you remember Xiaolian?" She asked me to bring it to you! Boss Li was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly stepped forward to take the package. When I opened it, I saw that it was full of medicinal herbs, and there was a letter in it. The letter reads: "Boss Li, I'm Xiaolian. Over the years, I have been running around looking for medicinal herbs to cultivate. These medicinal herbs are treasures that I have collected from all over the world, and they will definitely help you in your medical skills. Thank you for taking me in back then, I will always remember it. I wish you and your family peace and well, Xiaolian. After reading the letter, Boss Li's eyes were moist. He didn't expect Xiaolian to still think about him and give him such a precious gift. The heart is warm, the loneliness and loneliness of those years are like the snow in winter, which melts away as soon as it is sunburned. Since then, Boss Li has studied medical skills more diligently, and has cured more patients with the medicinal materials sent by Xiaolian. His fame also grew, and even the next few towns spread the word. But no matter where he goes, Boss Li will mention Xiaolian and say that she is his iron buddy.

Time flies, a few years have passed, and Boss Li's son has grown up. He inherited his father's medical skills and ethics and became a respected doctor. And Boss Li is also slowly aging, but there has always been a place for Xiaolian in his heart. One night, Boss Li had a dream that he had returned to the pharmacy where he was young, and Xiaolian sat opposite and chatted with him. They talked for a long time, about the past, about the future. In the end, Xiaolian said: "Boss Li, you are a good person, I will always bless you and your family." With that, he disappeared. Boss Li woke up and found himself in tears. He knew it was just a dream, but his heart was warm. He believed that Xiaolian must be silently watching him and his family somewhere.

Let's talk about Boss Li and Xiaolian, it is a good story in our town, and it has become a good story that has been passed down from generation to generation, and it will always be engraved in everyone's hearts. Isn't it exciting to say this? In our town, because of such a story, life is a little more flavorful, isn't it?

The pharmacist took the woman in to recuperate, but his wife and children fell ill one after another, and the Taoist priest helped him escape