
Feng Shui masterpiece "Snow Heart Fu" on the interpretation of dragon veins (5)

author:Qingyin Taoist people say feng shui

1. The original text of the Dragon Vein is excerpted as follows:

"Stone bones cross the river, invisible and shadowless. Flat ground from Peiyuan, one east and one west. When it is like gold in the sand, it will come to the veins of water. Pingyang Cave must be considered, and it is not suitable to dig the ground and springs; The steep mountains should be eliminated, and they must be climbed high to make caves. The wind in the cave must be avoided, and Mo teaches to cut his ears and blow his chest; In front of him, the water wants to be mysterious, and he is most afraid of impulsive shooting. The earth mountain stone cave is warm and moist; Soil cave stone mountain, Saga, unlucky. A single mountain can also be used, and the fence must be closed on all sides; If you are still independent, do not go down to the acupuncture point in front of your head. The wind blows the water and robs it, which means that I don't know what to do. The left is empty and the right is empty, not in vain but detrimental. Stone bones into the phase, not afraid of ruggedness; The earth veins are connected, why not cut off; But it's too coarse and disgusting, and it's so expensive. If the wind shakes across the gorge, the knowledge of the acupuncture point is shallow."

Feng Shui masterpiece "Snow Heart Fu" on the interpretation of dragon veins (5)

"Fold the water in front of the hole, follow the rope according to the law, look at the shape on the map, and adapt to the situation. The hole is too high and easy to develop, and the flower strikes first and early. The height is appropriate, and the auspiciousness is immediate. Although it is said that the mountain is good, the pulse is good, but the shape is true. Those with a pillow dragon nose are afraid of hurting the lips; Those who point to the turtle's shoulder are afraid of being injured in the shell. The grass snake listens to the clam with its ears, and the turtle out of the gorge takes care of the child with its eyes. Take one corner and reverse three corners, touch one class and grow ten thousand categories. Although the cave is auspicious, it is still taboo to bury the murderer. Vertical to distinguish the square, the meridian needle is positive. When acting in accordance with the law, it is necessary to seek the goodness of the years, months and days. The mountains and rivers have small flaws, and they do not reduce the thickness of the real dragon. There is a loss at one end of the year, but it is a deep disaster for the auspicious land. If you pass, don't be afraid to change, and seek the Master; Choosing but not refined, mistaking in the management, saying that the evil is auspicious, and pointing to the auspicious is the evil. Intending to be rich and noble in the palm of your hand, admitting misfortune in the stars of the bureau. How do you know that the great rich and the noble, and the big ones are used, the small ones are good, and the small ones are appropriate. Even in his words, he is self-dedicated. Gou once bribed money, what should happen in the future! Falsehood is a thousand miles away, please talk about it. Pursue the traces of immortals, read Ge You is better than reading books; I advise the world that it is better to believe in the ears than in the eyes."

Feng Shui masterpiece "Snow Heart Fu" on the interpretation of dragon veins (5)

2. The original text of the dragon vein is interpreted as follows:

The passage of the Snow Heart Fu on the dragon vein, which describes some principles and precautions for finding a tomb or a good place for a house. The following sentence by sentence is interpreted as follows:

1. "Stone bones cross the river, invisible and shadowless." The "stone bones" here refer to the main veins of the mountain range, which means that the mountain range is on the other side of the river, seemingly invisible and elusive.

2. "Flat ground from the ground, one east and one west." A small mound of earth protruding from the flat ground in different directions.

3. "When gold is picked in the sand, water must come to the veins." Finding auspicious land is like picking gold in the sand, and it requires a stream of water (water veins) as a boundary to define the extent of the mountains.

Feng Shui masterpiece "Snow Heart Fu" on the interpretation of dragon veins (5)

4. "Pingyang acupoints must be considered, and it is not suitable to dig ground and springs; The steep mountains should be eliminated, and they must be climbed high to make caves. Careful consideration should be given to the selection of acupuncture points in low-lying plains to avoid digging up groundwater; And in steep mountainous areas, high places should be chosen as acupuncture points.

5. "The wind in the cave must be avoided, and Mo teaches to cut his ears and blow his chest; In front of him, the water wants to be mysterious, and he is most afraid of impulsive shooting. The wind in the acupuncture points should be avoided so that it does not blow to the ears and chest; The water flow in front of the acupuncture points should be in a curved state ("Zhixuan"), and the most feared water flow is straight to the acupuncture points.

6. "The earth mountain and stone cave are warm and moist; Soil cave stone mountain, Saga, unlucky. If the stone cave in the earth mountain is warm, it is a good sign; If the mounds are located in the middle of a rocky mountain, the saga(steep) is unlucky.

7. "A single mountain can also be used, and the fence must be closed on all sides; If you are still independent, do not go down to the acupuncture point in front of your head. Individual peaks can also be used, but they should be surrounded by barriers; If you don't have something to rely on, remember not to go down to the top of the mountain.

Feng Shui masterpiece "Snow Heart Fu" on the interpretation of dragon veins (5)

8. "The wind blows the water and robs it, which means that you don't know what to do." If the wind blows the water (i.e. the place where the water is washed away), this is a sign of bad luck.

9. "The left is empty and the right is not useless but harmful." The emptiness on the left and the emptiness on the right is not only not beneficial, but harmful.

10. "Stone bones into the phase, not afraid of ruggedness; The earth veins are connected, why not cut off; But it's too coarse and disgusting, and it's so expensive. The stony part of the mountain range, if it is tight and strong ("into the phase"), is not afraid even if the terrain is rough; The earth veins are connected, and it doesn't matter if they are cut off in the middle; However, if it is too rough and harsh, it is not ideal, and the best terrain should be square and full.

11. "If the wind shakes across the gorge, the knowledge of the acupoints is shallow." When passing through a narrow valley, if the wind blows, the selected acupuncture points must not be deep.

Feng Shui masterpiece "Snow Heart Fu" on the interpretation of dragon veins (5)

12. "Fold the water in front of the hole, follow the rope according to the law, look at the shape on the map, and adapt to the situation." The flow of water in front of the acupuncture points should be observed according to the rules, and the shape seen from the drawings should be able to adapt to the changes in the actual situation.

13. "The hole is too high and easy to grow, and the flower strikes first and withers early." If the acupuncture point is too high, although it is easy to show good signs, such good signs will not last like a flower blooming prematurely.

14. "The height is appropriate, and the blessing is immediate." With the right acupuncture points, the auspicious signs will appear immediately.

15. "Although it is said that the mountain is good, the pulse is good, how can you know that the shape is true, and the hole is true." Although it is often said that if the mountains are good, the veins are good, but in fact, the correct terrain can find the real acupuncture points.

Feng Shui masterpiece "Snow Heart Fu" on the interpretation of dragon veins (5)

16. "Those who have a pillow dragon nose may be injured on the lips; Those who point to the turtle's shoulder are afraid of being injured in the shell. It means that going down to the nose of the dragon vein (mountain) will hurt it; The lower acupoint on the shoulder of Kamagatama also caused damage to it.

17. "Out of the grass snake listens to clams with ears, and out of the gorge turtle listens to children." This metaphor implies that when the grass emerges from the mountains (i.e., at the end of the mountains), one should be as alert as a snake listens to a toad; When the Kamegata Mountain comes out of the gorge (i.e., the mountain ranges come out of it), you should be as careful as a turtle and a small turtle.

18. "Take one corner and reverse three corners, touch one class and grow ten thousand categories." What is observed in one place can be extrapolated to three others; When you come across one example, you think of many other situations.

19. "Although the cave is auspicious, it is still taboo to bury the murderer." Even if a good burial hole is found, improper burial methods will still bring bad omens.

Feng Shui masterpiece "Snow Heart Fu" on the interpretation of dragon veins (5)

20. "Vertical direction to distinguish the square, indeed with the meridian needle." When determining the bearing, use a compass (meridian hand) to ensure that it is correct.

21. "To act according to the law, you must seek the goodness of the years, months and days." When the construction begins, it shall be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations, and the operation shall be carried out on the year, month and day of Geely.

22. "The mountains and rivers have small flaws, and they do not reduce the blessings of the true dragon." There are some minor flaws in the mountains and landscapes, but this does not prevent the profound well-being that the true dragon (referring to the excellent geographical pattern) brings.

23. "The loss of one end of the year and the month is the deep disaster of the auspicious land." If there is a slight mistake in choosing the year and month, it will bring serious disasters to the original auspicious land.

Feng Shui masterpiece "Snow Heart Fu" on the interpretation of dragon veins (5)

24. "If you pass, don't be afraid to change, but seek the Master; Choosing but not refined, mistaking in the management, saying that the evil is auspicious, and pointing to the auspicious is the evil. If there is a mistake, do not be afraid to correct it, and seek the guidance of a wise teacher; If you don't choose accurately, you can make the mistake of mistaking a bad omen for a good omen, and vice versa.

25. "Quasi-wealth is in the palm of the hand, and the blessing is in the stars." Seek wealth in the vast heavens and the earth, and discern good and bad in the limited stars.

26. "Do you know that the great is rich and noble, and the big one is used, the small is auspicious and the little is blessed, and the small one should be deserved." I don't know that in fact, people who are rich and noble enjoy great blessings, and people who are lucky and blessed are suitable for a simple life.

Feng Shui masterpiece "Snow Heart Fu" on the interpretation of dragon veins (5)

27. "Even in his words, he is in his own magic." When I say these words by chance, I think I have mastered a magical skill.

28. "If you once bribed money, you should be like what will happen in the future! Falsehood is a thousand miles away, please talk about it. If the long-term aftermath is neglected for the sake of short-term wealth; Errors in the slightest millimeter can lead to a thousand miles of fallacy, so be cautious about these words.

29. "Chasing the traces of immortals, looking at Ge You is better than reading books; I advise the world that it is better to believe in the ears than in the eyes. "It is more effective to look for the ideal geographical environment (fairy traces) than to read books; Counsel the people of the world to believe that what is heard with your ears is not as good as what you see with your eyes.

Feng Shui masterpiece "Snow Heart Fu" on the interpretation of dragon veins (5)

The text highlights the importance of Feng Shui and the complexities of finding auspicious places in practice, and warns people to be cautious when choosing a burial site or building a house, and to rely on experienced experts for guidance. At the same time, people are reminded not to be confused by superficial phenomena, and to have their own judgment and understanding.