
Outburst! Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, unfortunately passed away! Shut up the rats under the banner of patriotism

author:Mr. Guo has an idea
Outburst! Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, unfortunately passed away! Shut up the rats under the banner of patriotism

Good samaritan! Hu Youping died tragically!!

At about 16 o'clock on June 24, Hu Youping found someone with a knife at the bus stop of Xindi Center, Tayuan Road, Suzhou High-tech Zone, and immediately rushed forward to stop him, and was stabbed several times by the suspect.

According to the latest news, Hu Youping died of his injuries and died after rescue efforts.

Outburst! Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, unfortunately passed away! Shut up the rats under the banner of patriotism

How the case happened:


Because of Hu Youping's actions, the Japanese Embassy in China lowered its flag at half-mast to mourn.

Outburst! Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, unfortunately passed away! Shut up the rats under the banner of patriotism

Compared with those trolls who hold patriotic flags at every turn on the Internet, most of our netizens still understand right from wrong, and they have also given their different opinions:

Many brainless people say that women shouldn't be stopped, this kind of news is all over the world, doesn't it mean that we are safe here all day long? This hero's intervention proves that such extremists are only a minority.

It doesn't matter who she's saving. This aunt is a hero!

This aunt is indeed a hero, it turns out that the people who shout slogans are trolls, there are so many people in the subway station, only the aunt is so brave. Kudos to her.

Outburst! Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, unfortunately passed away! Shut up the rats under the banner of patriotism

Those thugs who undermine the business environment and provoke social conflicts in the name of patriotism must be severely punished.

Suzhou should carry out a special campaign to deal with "inciting and instigating violent crimes against Japanese nationals in China during the period of striking hard at peaceful diplomatic relations".

99% of those who hold the patriotic flag on the Internet all day long can only say that they will not do it.

Outburst! Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, unfortunately passed away! Shut up the rats under the banner of patriotism

When foreign friends are hurt, when people's lives are threatened, this heroine stands up and is an example that everyone should follow! I hope there will be more justice and less harm in the future!

This is a reflection of our generosity

Outburst! Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, unfortunately passed away! Shut up the rats under the banner of patriotism

Support Ms. Hu. The trolls on the Internet have taken a detour when they see the thieves, what qualifications do they have to spray the righteous and brave.

But those who are under the banner of patriotism, those are rats, spraying on the Internet every day, why don't you see them acting?

Outburst! Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, unfortunately passed away! Shut up the rats under the banner of patriotism

No matter who saved the country, they all showed the mind of the people of the country and the spirit of righteousness and courage, which is worthy of learning from the people of the whole country.

I believe that the Japanese government will give this heroic girl a high honor and commendation, and it should and must be!

Our country should all be grateful to this hero Hu Youping, whose actions have earned us face in the international community.

Outburst! Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, unfortunately passed away! Shut up the rats under the banner of patriotism

Do you think Hu Youping's move is correct?

What do you think of those people on the Internet who spray everywhere with patriotic flags all day long?

If you have a different point of view, please leave a message in the comment area.


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