
20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man

20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man

Dear readers, today I would like to talk to you about some of the most shocking incidents of violence in North America recently.

Let's start with the shooting in Toronto, Canada. In the early hours of June 28, the silence of the night was shattered by a sudden burst of gunfire in a residential area in North York. After a Chinese resident was woken up, he thought someone was setting off firecrackers! I didn't expect it to be a fatal shooting.

20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man

Imagine you're asleep and suddenly wake up to a "bang bang" sound. Neighbors screamed one after another, and sirens sounded from far and near. Where is this calm and peaceful Canada, it's like a Hollywood blockbuster scene!

20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man

When police arrived at the scene, they found a 23-year-old man who had been shot several times and was rushed to the hospital, but eventually died. More than 40 shell casings were found at the scene, which shows how fierce the exchange of fire was at that time. At present, the police are in full pursuit of the two suspects.

20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man

This incident has caused a huge psychological shadow on the local population. One mother told reporters that her children were shivering with fear, crying and asking, "Are we going to die?" "It's distressing.

Let's take a look at the situation in the United States. Also on June 25, a heinous attack occurred in New York's Chinatown. A 58-year-old Chinese woman was severely beaten by two masked men on the street.

20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man

Surveillance video shows that the two gangsters appear to have come prepared. They first hid on the side of the road and waited for an opportunity to move, and waited until the target appeared before launching a surprise attack. One of them punched the woman in the back of the head, and then the two of them worked together to push her into a corner and slam her leg with a baseball bat.

20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man

Although the lady resisted desperately, her fists were finally invincible to her four hands, and she was quickly knocked to the ground. Fortunately, passers-by stopped drinking in time, and the two gangsters fled in a hurry. The police are currently pursuing it with all their might, but oddly enough, they believe that this may not be an ordinary robbery, but a targeted attack.

20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man

What is even more shocking is that on the same day, a mass shooting occurred in Las Vegas, USA. A 57-year-old gunman fired wildly inside a building, killing five people and seriously injuring a 13-year-old girl. In the end, the gunman committed suicide while being pursued by the police.

20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man

This series of violent incidents makes us have to reflect: What happened to Canada, which was once known as the "Maple Leaf Country", and the United States, which was known as the "Beacon of Freedom"? Why is the security situation in these countries deteriorating? Isn't it time to rethink their gun control policies?

20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man

As Chinese, we should be more vigilant when living overseas. Here are some suggestions:

1. Be vigilant, especially when going out at night.

2. Try to avoid staying alone in remote places.

3. Learn some basic self-defense skills.

4. In case of danger, seek help or call the police as soon as possible.

In closing, I would like to say that safety always comes first, no matter where you are. I hope that every overseas compatriot can be safe and healthy. It is also hoped that these countries will take effective measures to curb the spread of violent crime as soon as possible.

20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man

Readers, what do you think of these events? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views. If you find this article useful, don't forget to like and follow! Together, let's do our part to build a safer society.

20 shots in a row, the Chinese are scared crazy! 7 killed and wounded in mass shooting; Chinese woman was "hit by a headshot" by a masked man
