
Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

author:Ear and Ear Academy
Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life
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Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

In 2018, a scene of embarrassment was staged on the streets of Toronto, Canada. A pair of young women huddled under the bridge, looking haggard, their eyes full of confusion and helplessness.

They clutched the relief food they had just received in their hands, as if it were the last hope. Shockingly, one of them turned out to be the daughter of the world-renowned kung fu superstar Jackie Chan - Wu Zhuolin.

Not long ago, Wu Zhuolin and her same-sex partner Andi posted a video asking for help through social media. In the picture, they choke up about their plight and beg the public to lend a hand.

In 1998, at a grand party in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, two souls with intertwined fates met for the first time. On one side is kung fu superstar Jackie Chan, and on the other side is Wu Qili, who has just won the Miss Asia crown.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

At that moment, no one expected that this encounter would cause a storm that shook the entertainment industry.

Jackie Chan fell in love with Wu Qili at first sight and launched a passionate pursuit. His thoughtfulness is meticulous, from waiting late at night to the work site to delivering a warm breakfast in the morning, all of which show his intentions.

Under such a gentle offensive, Wu Qili soon fell.

However, the good times were short-lived. In 1998, when Jackie Chan was promoting his new film, he was captured by the media interacting closely with Wu Qili. Although Jackie Chan vehemently denied it, insisting that the two were just "brothers and sisters", the voice of speculation did not subside.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

After all, the truth is hard to hide. In October 1999, a shocking news was like thunder: Wu Qili was six months pregnant, and her father was Jackie Chan. This revelation forced Jackie Chan to hold a press conference and said the "shield" remark that shocked the world: "I did make the mistake that countless men around the world generally make."

This turmoil not only exposed the relationship between Jackie Chan and Wu Qili, but also uncovered a complex family entanglement. Wu Qili is determined to give birth to a child, but Jackie Chan is strongly opposed, worried about repeating the mistakes he made with Lin Fengjiao.

However, to Jackie Chan's surprise, Lin Fengjiao chose forgiveness and tolerance, and this generosity finally made Jackie Chan decide to return to the family.

In 2000, Wu Zhuolin was born. However, instead of bringing joy, her arrival became the beginning of a controversy. Wu Qili left the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong with her daughter and went to Shanghai to seek refuge from her mother.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

This decision seems to be in the hope of providing a peaceful environment for her daughter to grow up, but this is not the case.

From the very beginning, Wu Zhuolin was destined to grow up in a complex family environment. She is unable to gain her father's approval and has to deal with a strained relationship between her mother and grandmother.

This innocent child has already carried too many burdens that should not belong to her before she grows up.

The birth of the dragon maiden, instead of bringing the expected joy, became a beginning full of controversy and pain. This beginning also laid many hidden dangers for Wu Zhuolin's future growth.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

When Ng turned thirteen, Ng made a seemingly hopeful decision to return to Hong Kong with her daughter. She may be looking forward to the bustling city opening a new door for her daughter's future.

However, the reality is far more cruel than imagined.

After returning to Hong Kong, Wu Zhuolin's life did not change as his mother wished. Instead, she was caught in a more complex and stressful environment. Wu Qili's education method for her daughter can be said to be extremely strict.

Whenever Wu Zhuolin made a mistake, what awaited her was a merciless whipping or a punishment for standing on the stack of books for a long time. This almost cruel style of discipline forms a strong and strange contrast with Wu Qili's almost paranoid care for her daughter.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

The distortion of the mother-daughter relationship eventually led to an irreparable breakdown. In March 2015, at the age of 15, Wu Zhuolin made a shocking decision when she reported to the police, accusing her mother of abusing her.

This move is undoubtedly a blow to Wu Qili, and it also makes the outside world begin to pay attention to the contradictions between the mother and daughter. However, this is not the end. Two years later, 17-year-old Wu Zhuolin called the police again, this time claiming to have been intimidated by her mother.

These incidents not only exposed the tension in their relationship, but also reflected Wu Zhuolin's deep pain and struggle. In school, Wu Zhuolin is also facing tremendous pressure.

As Jackie Chan's daughter, she not only has to endure the pain of not being recognized by her father, but also has to endure the ridicule and bullying of her classmates. This period of haze of youth has accumulated a lot of negative emotions in Wu Zhuolin's heart.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

In such an environment, Wu Zhuolin's only wish is to meet his father, even if it is only one side. However, Wu Qili never seemed to give her daughter this chance.

Perhaps out of jealousy, or perhaps out of protection, Wu Qili's actions undoubtedly deepened Wu Zhuolin's pain.

In this complex family environment, Wu Zhuolin gradually moved towards the path of self-indulgence. Running away from home many times became her way of expressing her displeasure and seeking freedom.

Every time he ran away, the relationship between mother and daughter became more and more tense, and Wu Zhuolin was one step closer to self-destruction.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

This growth experience, which was full of contradictions and pain, not only shaped Wu Zhuolin's rebellious character, but also laid the groundwork for her future life choices. In her quest for love and recognition, Wu Zhuolin seems to have lost her way, and this loss eventually pushes her into a more complicated situation.

In October 2017, a shocking news was like a bomb, causing a huge shock in the entertainment industry. Jackie Chan's daughter Wu Zhuolin disclosed her sexuality on social media, and her lover turned out to be a female Internet celebrity from Canada, Andi.

This move not only caused a public uproar, but also pushed the mother-daughter relationship to the brink of collapse.

Wu Zhuolin's change is so radical that it's hard to connect her with the past. She cut off her signature long hair and presented herself with a new androgynous image.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

In her eyes, Andi, who is 12 years older than herself, has given her warmth and understanding that she has never felt before. The two frequently share intimate moments on social networks, showing a happy picture.

This public gesture seems to be a kind of rebellion against Wu Zhuolin's past life, and it is also a way for her to seek self-identity.

However, this relationship is not acceptable to everyone. Wu Qili was quite generous at first, claiming that she would respect her daughter's choice. But as time went on, her attitude became more and more elusive.

Perhaps out of concern for her daughter, or perhaps because she couldn't accept this relationship, Wu Qili's behavior became more and more extreme.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

Soon after, a family turmoil once again pushed the mother-daughter relationship to the forefront of public opinion. Wu Qili reported to the police that the home had been burglarized, but when the police arrived at the scene, they found that the so-called "theft" was nothing more than Wu Zhuolin taking some personal belongings.

This incident not only exposed the crisis of trust between mother and daughter, but also became the fuse for Wu Zhuolin to leave home completely.

After that, Wu Zhuolin made a decision that everyone did not expect - she chose to go to Canada with Andi to live. This decision is not only an exploration of self-identity, but also a rebellion against a long-term repressive life.

However, she seems to have underestimated the hardships of living independently, and failed to anticipate the challenges that this decision would bring her.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

Wu Zhuolin's story reflects the dilemma faced by many young people in the process of finding themselves. Her choices may not be understood by everyone, but they are a true reflection of her heart's desire to be understood, to be free, to find her true self.

However, on the road of self-pursuit, she also had to face all kinds of doubts and pressures from her family and society.

This experience is not only the process of Wu Zhuolin's self-search, but also the beginning of her break with the past. However, she may not realize how this decision will change her life dramatically.

After leaving Hong Kong, Wu Zhuolin and Andi's life was not as good as they imagined. Although Andi is a well-known influencer, her income is not stable and is far from enough to support the daily expenses of the two.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

And Wu Zhuolin, as a rich girl who has never really lived independently, is obviously still very vague about the concept of money.

When Wu Qili learned of her daughter's behavior, she took a seemingly harsh but helpless decision - cutting off all of Wu Zhuolin's financial resources. This decision may have been made out of discipline for her daughter, hoping to force her to change her mind.

However, this has put Wu Zhuolin, who was already financially constrained, into a deeper predicament.

Soon, the news spread that Wu Zhuolin was receiving relief food on the streets of Canada. There are reports that they were once homeless and had to live under bridges.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

This second-generation star, who used to be well-dressed and well-fed, has now fallen into such a situation, which can't help but make people sigh.

In 2018, a poignant video circulated online. In the video, Wu Zhuolin and Andi are haggard, tearfully telling about their plight and begging the public to lend a hand.

This is also the first time that Wu Zhuolin has publicly admitted that he is Jackie Chan's daughter, and it seems that he wants to use his father's reputation to get more attention and help.

However, instead of attracting Jackie Chan's attention, this behavior attracted questions from netizens and Wu Qili. Many believe that Wu Zhuolin is using his father's reputation to gain sympathy, while Andi is accused of having a bad influence on Wu Zhuolin.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

In the face of overwhelming criticism, Wu Zhuolin seems to be more determined in his choice. She no longer deliberately hides her identity, but chooses to confront her past and present.

The cost of this path to independence is enormous. Wu Zhuolin not only had to face economic difficulties, but also had to endure all kinds of doubts and criticisms from society. The identity she once prided herself on has now become a burden to her.

But in this process, Wu Zhuolin is also constantly growing and transforming.

From an overprotected rich girl to an ordinary person who has to worry about his livelihood, Wu Zhuolin's transformation is huge. This experience, although difficult, also made her truly understand the world and herself.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

She grew up in pain and struggled to find self-worth.

Despite the difficult road ahead, Wu Zhuolin does not seem to have given up. Her story may serve as a warning to many young people, and it may also inspire those who are looking for themselves.

In any case, this road to independence will be the most important lesson in Wu Zhuolin's life.

Wu Zhuolin's story is like a mirror, reflecting many deep-seated problems in modern society. It reveals the profound influence of the family of origin on personal growth, shows societal attitudes towards non-traditional relationships, and also exposes communication barriers in parent-child relationships.

Wu Zhuolin, a little dragon girl who was "controlled" by his same-sex wife, has embarked on another road in life

This family tragedy reminds us that everyone's upbringing path is unique and requires understanding and respect. It calls us to rethink the way we educate and how to maintain love and understanding in complex family relationships.

Wu Zhuolin's experience is not only a personal dilemma, but also a microcosm of the whole society. It warns us that while pursuing personal values, we should also pay attention to the harmony of family relationships and seek a balance.

This story reminds us that love and tolerance, communication and understanding are the cornerstones of building healthy family relationships.

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