
Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

author:Ear and Ear Academy
Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life
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Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

In 2024, the atmosphere at the Shanghai Magnolia Awards Ceremony was tense and enthusiastic. When the host announced the winner of Best Actress, the audience was in an uproar - Tong Yao, a once unknown actor, defeated many popular candidates and won the crown.

The applause was thunderous, but there were whispers of questioning. Until a careful netizen discovered that Tong Yao's husband, 51-year-old capital predator Wang Ran, quietly appeared at the award ceremony.

Wang Ran once promised to "shelter from the wind and rain" for his 17-year-old wife, does this unexpected award have anything to do with him? People begin to retrace the past of this high-profile couple in an attempt to unravel this fascinating mystery.

Tong Yao's story begins with an ordinary family in Kunming, Yunnan Province. Passionate about dance since childhood, like many local children, she dreams of one day shining on stage.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

Although the family was not wealthy, her parents did their best to support their daughter's dream by sending her to a dance school for professional training.

In the dance school, Tong Yao's talent is like a bright pearl, and she quickly stands out. She not only dances beautifully, but also has a similar appearance to the well-known movie star Zhang Ziyi, so she is affectionately called "Little Zhang Ziyi".

This reputation casts a mysterious aura over her future.

With her outstanding performance and unremitting efforts, Tong Yao was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with the first place in her professional class. When she first entered the campus, she was like a fish in water and quickly became the center of attention.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

The school even made an exception for her and allowed her to participate in the filming of film and television works during her studies, which was extremely rare at the time.

However, fate played a cruel joke on her at this time. Among the many suitors, Tong Yao chose Zhang Mo, who was two grades higher than her, the son of the famous actor Zhang Guoli.

At first, the romance seems promising, but it quickly turns into a nightmare.

Zhang Mo showed a strong tendency to violence, which led to the two breaking up. However, this is not the end. In a meeting after a breakup, Zhang Mo lost control and beat Tong Yao and knocked her unconscious.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

This violent incident caused an uproar inside and outside the campus, leaving a deep psychological shadow on Tong Yao.

Although Zhang Guoli came to apologize with a heart full of apologies, Tong Yao and her family could not accept it. This experience not only brought physical and mental trauma to Tong Yao, but also cast a haze over her acting career.

After graduating, Tong Yao faced unprecedented challenges. Despite her excellent performance, many directors have stayed away from her because of the pressure of public opinion. "Little Zhang Ziyi", who was once pinned on high hopes, has now fallen into a trough in her career.

Those directors who have worked with her in the past would rather miss the opportunity than use her again, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

Just when Tong Yao felt confused about the future and was about to give up her acting career, the god of fate favored her again. A man named Wang Ran appeared in her life and brought a turn in her life.

This successful businessman, who is 17 years older than her, not only gave her love, but also opened a new door to her career.

Tong Yao's experience, from a Yunnan girl to a leader of the Central Academy of Drama, to a career trough, and finally to meet the nobles in her life, is like a legend of ups and downs.

Her story teaches us that life is always full of surprises, and the key is to keep hope alive in the face of adversity and wait for fate to turn around.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

Wang Ran's story begins with a family of intellectuals in Beijing. His parents are both senior teachers in colleges and universities, and since he was a child, he inherited the smart genes of his parents and became the best among his peers.

However, he focused on his studies, but he never fell in love when he was a student, and seemed to devote all his energy to the ocean of knowledge.

With a thirst for knowledge, Wang Ran went to study abroad. In the fierce competition in a foreign country, his intellectual curiosity is even stronger. With his extraordinary intelligence and unremitting efforts, he successfully transferred to Harvard University in just two years, standing in the world's top academic hall.

This experience not only enriched his knowledge, but also trained his courage and perseverance in the face of challenges.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

After graduation, Wang Ran could have enjoyed an enviable job in peace. However, there is even greater ambition burning in his heart. Knowing that his current academic accumulation alone was not enough to accomplish a bigger career, he resolutely gave up his lucrative position and chose to return to Harvard to study for a master's degree in business administration to prepare for his own business.

With enthusiasm and ambition, Wang Ran returned to China and founded Oriental Wall International Investment Bank. However, the failure of his first venture hit him hard. Once high-spirited, he once fell into the quagmire of self-doubt, and even doubted whether he was really not suitable for the ups and downs of the business world.

But Wang Ran didn't stop there. He chose to temporarily return to the ordinary and re-examine the direction of his life. In his part-time job, the spark of entrepreneurship has always burned in his heart.

When he noticed the booming domestic entertainment industry, inspiration struck again.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

Having learned from his previous failures, this time he joined forces with like-minded partners to create a wide-ranging range of capital. The company's business scope is very broad, and the entertainment industry is only one branch.

With more and more mature business vision and rich life experience, Wang Ran's career has finally begun to get on the right track.

After many years in the business world, Wang Ran gradually became a dazzling star and successfully entered the top of the wealth list. His success is reflected not only in the accumulation of wealth, but also in his keen insight into business opportunities and decisive decision-making ability.

However, he has a successful career, but he is still blank in his love life. It wasn't until he met Tong Yao, a young actress 17 years younger than him, that his life took a new turn.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

Wang Ran's story tells us that success is never achieved overnight, it requires courage, wisdom, and more importantly, we need to learn lessons from failure and constantly adjust our direction.

And love, sometimes comes at the most unexpected time, adding a touch of color to life.

The gears of fate always turn quietly and inadvertently. At a chance banquet, Wang Ran's eyes were attracted by Tong Yao. At that moment, it was as if time stood still, and the hustle and bustle around it turned into a background.

Tong Yao's appearance is outstanding, but what really moved Wang Ran was her eyes that were still bright after many vicissitudes.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

The encounter between the two is like a long drought and rain. Wang Ran saw the shadow of his youth in Tong Yao: full of enthusiasm but repeatedly frustrated. And Tong Yao felt a sense of security and understanding that she had never felt in Wang Ran.

Despite the age difference of 17 years, their hearts are getting closer and closer.

Wang Ran launched a strong love offensive, and Tong Yao gradually unloaded her defenses. She was attracted by Wang Ran's maturity and thoughtfulness, and felt an unprecedented feeling of being cherished.

And Wang Ran was moved by Tong Yao's innocence and strength, and saw the missing part of his life.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

In 2013, the relationship between the two was finally made public. Although it didn't attract much attention at the time, this love across the age gap is silently growing and becoming deeper and deeper.

Six years later, in 2019, 51-year-old Wang Ran and 34-year-old Tong Yao entered the marriage hall hand in hand. At the wedding, Wang Ran made an affectionate promise: "For the rest of your life, I will shelter you from the wind and rain."

This sentence is not only a vow of love, but also a consolation to Tong Yao's past experience.

Their love story breaks the world's vision and proves that sincere feelings can transcend the boundaries of age. Wang Ran gave Tong Yao a solid support, and Tong Yao brought vitality and warmth to Wang Ran's life.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

This marriage, which is 17 years apart, is not only the union of two people, but also the fusion of two hearts who know each other.

After marriage, Wang Ran fulfilled his promise with practical actions. He knows Tong Yao's love for acting and is determined to pave the way for her. As a predator in the business world, Wang Ran is not stingy in tilting his company's resources to his wife.

He understands that in showbiz, opportunities and resources are often more important than talent.

Wang Ran used his status as a film and television consultant in Bona to win many high-quality performance opportunities for Tong Yao by using the contacts and influence accumulated over the years. He not only matched her, but also silently supported her behind her and gave her the most solid backing.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

With Wang Ran's full help, Tong Yao's acting career began to get on the right track. She first made a name for herself in the hit drama "Big River", and then shocked in "Thirty Only".

Although she is not the protagonist of the play, Tong Yao successfully suppressed the two female protagonists with her superb acting skills and won unanimous praise from the audience.

The hard work paid off, and Tong Yao won the TV Golden Eagle Award and the Magnolia Award for Best Actress. Every time he won the award, Wang Ran was very pleased. He knows very well that these honors are not only an affirmation of Tong Yao's acting skills, but also a reward for her years of perseverance.

However, Wang Ran was not satisfied. He continued to create more opportunities for Tong Yao, and even facilitated her cooperation with actor Huang Bo. In Wang Ran's view, this is not only a test of Tong Yao's acting skills, but also an important step to help her gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

Although Wang Ran's dedication to Tong Yao's career is little known, his silent support has nourished Tong Yao's acting career like spring rain. At every important moment, he will quietly appear and give Tong Yao the most solid backing.

Wang Ran's support is not limited to resources and opportunities, but more importantly, the spiritual support he gives to Tong Yao. Every time she encounters difficulties in filming, Wang Ran is always the first to encourage her.

His trust and support made Tong Yao more confident and firm on the road of acting.

Tong Yao's success is not only a demonstration of her personal talent, but also the result of the joint efforts of husband and wife. Wang Ran used her own way to realize the promise of "sheltering his wife", while Tong Yao repaid her husband's trust and support with her own efforts and achievements.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

Their story illustrates that marriage is not only a companion in life, but also a booster for career.

While fully supporting Tong Yao in her career, Wang Ran has always maintained a high degree of self-discipline in life. He knows very well that the age gap of 17 years may cause doubts and suspicions from the outside world, so he thinks about Tong Yao everywhere and will inform everything in advance so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

This delicate and considerate made Tong Yao feel happy. She once said emotionally in an interview: "Meeting Wang Ran is the greatest luck in my life. He is not only my husband, but also my mentor and strong backing in life.

And Wang Ran often smiled and said: "Taking care of Tong Yao is my greatest wish." Watching her continue to progress in her acting career, I feel extremely relieved and proud.

Capital predator Wang Ran: 51-year-old married 17-year-old Tong Yao, and bluntly said: I want to shelter my wife from the wind and rain for the rest of my life

In this fast-paced society, the love story of Wang Ran and Tong Yao is undoubtedly a clear stream. It tells us that sincere affection and mutual support are the secrets of a long-lasting marriage.

The age gap is not an obstacle, the important thing is that the two hearts know each other. Their story sets a heartwarming and inspirational example for modern marriage.

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