
The four major inside lines of the Beijing Enterprises men's basketball team are basically finalized, and the two champions join forces with the Super Twin Towers to create miracles

author:Yuzu says sports

A storm is coming in the basketball world! The internal strength of the BEWG men's basketball team has been amazingly upgraded, and the four King Kongs have gathered together, arousing infinite expectations from fans! The two champions have teamed up with the Super Twin Towers, can they make a splash on the field?

The four major inside lines of the Beijing Enterprises men's basketball team are basically finalized, and the two champions join forces with the Super Twin Towers to create miracles

In the world of basketball, the power of the interior is often the key to a team's victory. And the Beijing Enterprises men's basketball team, this high-profile team, is about to usher in a great change on the inside! It is rumored that the four major interior lines of the Beijing Enterprises men's basketball team have been basically finalized, which is undoubtedly a great news for the team.

The four major inside lines of the Beijing Enterprises men's basketball team are basically finalized, and the two champions join forces with the Super Twin Towers to create miracles

First, let's get to know these two champions. Chen Guohao and Wang Shaojie are the two top players in the Beijing Enterprises men's basketball team, and they will join hands with the new super interior players to form a big inside lineup. Chen Guohao is a spatial interior player who is good at playing in the No. 4 position. His all-round ability and ability to kill the interior with the ball will add more threat to the offense of the North Control men's basketball team.

The four major inside lines of the Beijing Enterprises men's basketball team are basically finalized, and the two champions join forces with the Super Twin Towers to create miracles

Although Wang Shaojie only reactivated in the third stage of last season, his performances on both offensive and defensive ends have proven his importance. In addition to Wang Shaojie's strong impact in the restricted area, his frame protection and rebounding ability are also very good.

The four major inside lines of the Beijing Enterprises men's basketball team are basically finalized, and the two champions join forces with the Super Twin Towers to create miracles

Shen Zijie and Sallinger are two super insiders, and their abilities are obvious to all. Shen Zijie won the CBA Best Defensive Player for two consecutive years, and Sallinger, as the No. 1 foreign aid in the league, his scoring ability on the offensive end is also very outstanding. The addition of these two super interior players will provide more options for the offensive attack of the North Control men's basketball team, and their height, strength and skill are top-notch, which will undoubtedly be a nightmare for the opponent's defense. The combination of these four interior lines makes people look forward to the future of the Beijing Enterprises men's basketball team.

However, making a splash is not an easy task. In the heat of the field, they need to work together to reach their highest potential. They need to face all kinds of challenges and overcome difficulties in order to truly show what they are capable of.

Fans are looking forward to it, looking forward to the inside line of the Beijing Enterprises men's basketball team to make waves in the new season. They will be eager to see the best performances from these four interior players and how they can show unparalleled dominance on the court.

The future of the BEWG men's basketball team is full of infinite possibilities. The assembly of these four interior lines may become a key step towards the team's glory. Let's look forward to their wonderful performances and witness their miraculous moments on the field!