
Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

author:Polaroid says sports

What the hell is going on with the Lakers? Selecting Bronny James with the 55th pick directly blew up the entire basketball circle.

Everyone is saying, isn't this just to give face to Emperor Zhan? But Pelinka came out and said bluntly that the selection of Bronny this time really did not rely on relationships, nor did it rely on money.

As soon as the draft results were released, the Lakers' social media was buzzing, and Bronny's tryout video was immediately put on the table.

In the video, Bronny is wearing a training uniform, sweating desperately on the training court, and all kinds of shooting, three-pointers, passing, and defensive skills are vividly displayed.

That posture, a youth version of Kobe! also took out Kobe's killer feature - a backward jump shot, this time Kobe Bryant was underground and smiling from ear to ear.

Of course, we didn't buy it by looking at Bronny's muscles and jumpers.

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

Pelinka, the general manager of the Lakers, was not idle at the press conference, and directly opened his heart: "We chose Bronny completely because of his offensive and defensive strength.

Can attack and defend, this kind of all-round player is a sought-after commodity, whose team has more than that, isn't it just heading for the championship? ”

is also said, everyone always thinks that Brownie was selected by virtue of his father James's name, but it doesn't look at the hard work of others, it is really underestimating Brownie.

Thinking about the rookies who were forced to tremble by his defense during the tryout, and his accurate three-pointers, you may not want to beat your chest.

His physical strength and skills are like kneading the strengths of Kobe Bryant and James together.

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

What's even more explosive is coming, the Lakers also announced that the new head coach Redick will take Bronny as a key training object and make every effort to help him get on the horse and give him another ride.

You know, here in the NBA, second-round shows generally don't have many bright days, but Bronny is different, he has the full support of the Lakers.

Looking at the support of our eldest brother Anthony Davis, Davis is blunt: "There is nothing wrong with choosing Bronny, he has excellent defense, can pass the ball, and works very hard, with this perseverance and hard work, where can he go?" He wants to get rid of the hat of James's son, and he wants to make a name for himself on his own.

Actually, Brownie's story is more like an inspirational film.

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

In order to make it to the NBA, he fought all the way from childhood to adulthood.

The effort during the trial was really impressive.

Many people laughed at him as just a second-round show that went through the motions, and he could be cut without a fight.

But the Lakers' choice not only ushered in the spotlight, but also earned eyeballs by the way.

Combined with the gimmick of father-son basketball, business opportunities are rolling in, and who can say that this is not a win-win situation?

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

Back to the competition scene during the selection, it was really a visual feast.

Bronny's performance in all aspects is simply amazing, the defense is convincing, and the three-point shooting is eye-catching.

The big heart at the critical moment inherited the daddy gene.

Pelinka and the coaching staff watched Coke, and they all said that this young man has developed and is a jade!

One thing that cannot be ignored is that the Lakers' strategic vision is ahead of its time.

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

The future Lakers lineup is likely to be a strong combination of Bronny, Reaves, James, Hachimura, and Bushy Eyebrows.

Think about it, this lineup, as long as it is healthy, is a strong contender for the championship.

Don't talk big, this is also where the Lakers' confidence in choosing Bronny lies.

Some people said sourly that this is a human relationship, and they really don't understand the Lakers' operation.

Bronny has his own strength, coupled with a strong team as a backing, it is impossible to say that he will be a big surprise next season! What do you think about this, fans? There's really no reason not to give Brownie a chance to prove himself, right?

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

Let's talk about our thoughts on this matter.

The Lakers chose Bronny, not only to bet on a basketball dream, but also to support the young dream.

The Lakers are giants, not only for short-term interests, but for long-term glory.

Therefore, Bronny was selected as a result of the right time and place, and it was by no means won by James's name alone.

Let's wait and see if Bronny can become a new generation of basketball stars under the protection of his father.

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

Father and son are on the same stage, this kind of picture is really more exciting than the movie.

The Lakers gave Bronny a stage, believing that he would respond to doubts with strength and sweat.

And as the audience, we can only look forward to more shocking scenes.

The Lakers chose Bronny this time, which is really not the right person, not the right name, not the right strength, not the money.

Pelinka has the courage and Bronny has the strength, such a combination of two swords, who can not look forward to the excitement of the future? Looking forward to Bronny shining on the stage of the Lakers and becoming the new idol in everyone's hearts!

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

After reading this article, everyone should understand that the Lakers chose Bronny, not because of the father-son relationship or the money relationship, but because they really saw his potential and dedication.

In the future basketball arena, Brownie will bring us more surprises and touches.

The basketball dream is never easy to achieve, but Bronny has shown us hope with his hard work and strength.

Let's cheer for this young man with dreams and strength, and look forward to him writing his own chapter on the basketball court! With Brownie starting from such a strong start, we as viewers are naturally full of anticipation.

But again, the NBA draft mechanism is becoming more and more brutal now, and the second-round draft can really be played.

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

If Bronny can gain a foothold with the Lakers, he will really rely on his own ability.

Bronny's draft once again allowed us to witness the charisma of James, a great player.

James's career is already legendary, and now he has to compete with his son on the same stage, this kind of family script is even more exciting than the movie.

Think about it, on the court, Bronny broke through the ball, and James relayed a dunk in the air! That picture is simply the NBA version of a family.

Speaking of which, Bronny's biggest challenge is not only to play in the NBA, but to get out of his father's shadow.

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

James' aura is too big, and Brownie's every step has to move forward under it.

Some people say it's like mountaineering, someone has prepared mountaineering equipment for you, but you still need to climb the mountain step by step.

Bronny will definitely have a lot of bumps in the road, but as long as he works hard enough, why worry about the future?

The Lakers' operation is actually smart, giving Bronny a chance and laying out for the team's future.

Redick's training plan, Davis's recognition, is a great encouragement to him.

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

Speaking of Redick, the new head coach, who is young and promising, and Bronny will definitely adapt to the rhythm of the NBA faster under his guidance.

In doing so, the Lakers not only cultivated Bronny, but also laid the groundwork for the team's long-term development.

There's also an interesting thing about the whole thing, and that's the emotional swings of Lakers fans.

The draft sparked a lot of buzz, with some for and against, but everyone's attention was on Bronny.

This high level of attention is both pressure and motivation.

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

Brownie can withstand this pressure and become a talent in a high-pressure environment, and I believe that his mental quality will be extremely tenacious in the future.

Brownie's story actually inspires us a lot.

Everyone has a dream, but there will always be doubts and challenges on the way to the dream.

The key lies in whether we have the courage and perseverance to face, to overcome, and to achieve our goals.

Brownie's hard work and fighting spirit let us see the hope of the younger generation.

Don't rely on relationships! Not to mention money! Pelinka revealed the truth about the selection of Bronny and promised to focus on training

He didn't rely on connections to get into the NBA, but with his own sweat and hard work to get this opportunity.

Speaking of which, some may still be questioning whether the Lakers have chosen Bronny to see James' face.

But think about it from another angle, when any company chooses new employees, isn't it also looking at comprehensive quality? Bronny's comprehensive quality has been recognized by the Lakers, and this opportunity is an important step on his way forward.

Needless to say, this young man will surprise us even more.

The Lakers of the future will likely be a dynamic roster that combines old and new.

Bronny, Davis, James, plus some good young players, are bound to take it by storm.

James has proven what persistence is, and now it's Bronny's turn, and we'll see what kind of sparks the father and son can create.

Seeing this, it is estimated that many fans can't wait to see Bronny's performance.

Don't worry, the rookie won't let us down.

His every move carries his father's expectations and his own dreams.

Judging from the overall layout of the Lakers, they are ready to meet the challenge, and the rest is up to Bronny to spread his wings in this hot land.

Bronny's addition makes people look forward to the new season of the Lakers.

In the future competition, I believe that Bronny will prove himself, break the doubt, and speak with strength.

Fans, are you ready to witness it all? We look forward to the future Lakers who will bring us more surprises and touches.

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