
Li Yong: After many years, the cause of death was revealed, not because I went to the United States to have fun, but because I was afraid that my elderly parents would worry

author:Saudi Arabia tells interesting facts

Photo/Saudi Arabia tells interesting facts

Editor/Saudi Fun Story

Li Yong: After many years, the cause of death was revealed, not because I went to the United States to have fun, but because I was afraid that my elderly parents would worry


Li Yong is a well-known host who has witnessed the happiness of countless families and various ups and downs of life on stage. Accompanied by his wife and daughter, Li Yong ended his long life peacefully, drawing a perfect end to this magnificent life. What are the unknown secrets of his death, let's take a look

went to the United States to see a doctor, and the truth about the cause of death was revealed

The news that Mr. Li Yong was diagnosed with advanced throat cancer in 2017 shocked many people. As the host of CCTV, he pays attention to health, but this disease has come ruthlessly, making him deeply aware of the fragility and impermanence of life. He chose to go to the United States for treatment, a decision not only for the hope of survival, but also for the cherishing of life and the protection of his family.

Li Yong: After many years, the cause of death was revealed, not because I went to the United States to have fun, but because I was afraid that my elderly parents would worry

Although he is beautiful on the stage, in the face of illness, he chooses to be silent and persistent, unwilling to worry his elderly parents. During this period, he endured the torment of chemotherapy in solitude, which was a silent suffering, behind which was paved with tears and persistence of his family.

However, fate did not favor him in the end, and he died at 5:20 a.m. on October 25, 2018, leaving deep sadness and nostalgia behind after his death. His wife, Harvin, posted about his death on social media, expressing deep nostalgia for him and irreparable loss of her family.

Li Yong: After many years, the cause of death was revealed, not because I went to the United States to have fun, but because I was afraid that my elderly parents would worry

When Li Yong first arrived in the United States, he may have also felt his increasingly serious condition, so he told his wife in advance about his will. They heard that there had been a successful cure for throat cancer in the United States, so they planned to go to the United States for treatment. Considering that they might recover their health, out of consideration that they didn't want their parents to worry, Li Yong and his wife did not tell the truth to the elderly in the family.

After more than a year of treatment, Li Yong fell asleep forever on the operating table, and God was jealous of the talent, this excellent host who had just passed his fiftieth birthday left us forever. She looked at her emaciated husband in front of her, and couldn't believe that he was now in a wheelchair with all his spirits earlier, and this grief almost made Harvin unable to breathe for a while. Li Yong closed his eyes forever on the operating table, ending his life.

Li Yong: After many years, the cause of death was revealed, not because I went to the United States to have fun, but because I was afraid that my elderly parents would worry

On October 28, 2018, Li Yong's funeral was held in the United States. On that day, his wife, daughter and close friends attended, but Li Yong's parents did not appear. All these decisions were Li Yong's wishes before his death. Harvin revealed that Li Yong had personally instructed her to want her body to stay in the United States, and made it clear that he did not want his parents to come from afar to see him off for the last time. After Li Yong's death, Harvin was busy at home and abroad.

Whenever she was on vacation, she would accompany Li Yong's parents with her mother. With their company, Li Yong's parents gradually came out of the pain of losing their son. Li Yong's decision in his will to leave all his property to his daughter is not only his personal decision, but a joint decision of the family. Now that five years have passed, Li Yong's daughter Fatumai has also entered the entertainment industry and was announced as a new colleague by a mainland entertainment company. Fatoumah gradually shifted his focus to China.

Li Yong: After many years, the cause of death was revealed, not because I went to the United States to have fun, but because I was afraid that my elderly parents would worry

Humorous and funny host

Li Yong was born in an ordinary family in Urumqi, Xinjiang, and he was born in the sixties of the last century. Since he was a child, Li Yong has shown excellent academic performance and well-behaved and sensible qualities, not only taking care of his elderly grandparents and helping his parents with housework at home, but also ranking among the top grades in school, and is deeply respected and loved by teachers and classmates.

Li Yong's dream is to become an outstanding singer, because he not only has a good voice that is good at singing beautiful songs, but also can tell jokes to amuse his classmates and bring sunshine and happiness to the people around him. However, a medical check-up in high school changed his fate. The small knot that was detected made the doctor tell him that he could not become a singer in the future, because it required a high degree of voice use and could not take medicine casually. Despite the shattered dream, Li Yong did not become depressed for a long time, but turned to find a new goal.

Li Yong: After many years, the cause of death was revealed, not because I went to the United States to have fun, but because I was afraid that my elderly parents would worry

After graduating from high school, he chose to apply for the Communication University of China and was admitted to study broadcasting and hosting. During his college years, he met excellent classmates from all over the country, and their talents and professional abilities made him feel a little inferior, until he met his classmate Harvin and regained his confidence and cheerful mentality.

After graduation, Li Yong went to CCTV to apply for a job and successfully became an intern host. In 1991, Li Yong graduated from Communication University of China and joined CCTV. When he first entered the workplace, he started from the most basic choreographing and directing work, and participated in the production of programs such as "Hong Kong Interview" and "The End of the World".

Li Yong: After many years, the cause of death was revealed, not because I went to the United States to have fun, but because I was afraid that my elderly parents would worry

Although the ratings of the show "Lucky 52" at the beginning were not good, he persevered, and finally won the recognition and appreciation of the audience by consulting senior hosts, visiting studios, and practicing alone on an empty stage. In 2003, Li Yong ushered in the peak of his career and began to host a new variety show "Very 6+1". With its novel interactive form and relaxed entertainment content, this program quickly became popular across the country, and Li Yong was also known as "CCTV's first brother".

Unsettling love

In 1987, Li Yong was admitted to the Communication University of China with excellent results. While at school, he accidentally befriended Harvin. Whenever he recalls that day, Li Yong always mentions with a smile: "The sun was shining that day, and warmth sprinkled on us. "During class, Li Yong likes to doodle and write in textbooks. Once when he looked back, he saw the sun shining on Ha Wen's face, and at that moment, Li Yong's heart moved. After that, he began to actively pursue Harvin, who did not give up despite his repeated rejections.

Li Yong: After many years, the cause of death was revealed, not because I went to the United States to have fun, but because I was afraid that my elderly parents would worry

At the suggestion of a friend, Li Yong learned that Haven was a filial girl who would accompany her grandparents every week. So, every weekend, Li Yong would go to Havin's grandparents' house, and gradually won Havin's favor. She found that Li Yong was warm and kind, and the relationship between the two gradually deepened. After graduating from college, they had a simple and heartwarming wedding.

Li Yong was a talented student who met Harvin at the Conservatory of Music and was attracted by her style. In their quest for love, they overcome many difficulties and ultimately win each other's hearts. After entering the marriage hall, they worked hard together on CCTV and became a strong backing for each other's careers. Whether it is work pressure or trivial matters in life, they support, care and understand each other, demonstrating the deep affection and tenacity in ordinary life.

Li Yong: After many years, the cause of death was revealed, not because I went to the United States to have fun, but because I was afraid that my elderly parents would worry

As public figures, they face the challenges of daily work, but they are more eager for the simple happiness of ordinary life. In 2001, they welcomed their daughter, Fatoumah, and injected new life and joy into the family. As parents, they show their most authentic and unpretentious side in front of their daughters, enjoying the infinite fun that family brings.

At the suggestion of a friend, Li Yong learned that Haven was a filial girl who would accompany her grandparents every week. So, every weekend, Li Yong would go to Havin's grandparents' house, and gradually won Havin's favor. She found that Li Yong was warm and kind, and the relationship between the two gradually deepened. After graduating from college, they had a simple and heartwarming wedding.

Li Yong: After many years, the cause of death was revealed, not because I went to the United States to have fun, but because I was afraid that my elderly parents would worry

Subsequently, Li Yong and Harvin worked at CCTV respectively, he hosted in front of the stage, while Harvin worked as a director behind the scenes. Whether in the workplace or in family life, Harvin is Li Yong's boss, but the love between them has always maintained a strong and warm bond.


The cause of Li Yong's death many years ago has finally been revealed, and it turned out that it was not for travel fun, but out of worry about his elderly parents. As a well-known presenter and media personality, Li Yong usually presents an optimistic and confident image in front of the public. Li Yong's choice to hide her illness may be out of kindness because she doesn't want her parents to worry too much. This behavior highlights his deep affection and sense of responsibility as a son and family member.

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