
Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

author:Whatever you ask for, you get it

Chang'e's "back" water war: China's aerospace has once again created the world's first

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

Do you still remember the Chang'e who ran to the moon for love? Today, she has become synonymous with China's aerospace industry. Just a few days ago, the Chang'e-6 mission was successfully completed, not only achieving three major technological breakthroughs, but also creating a world first! This time, Chang'e no longer flew to the moon alone, she embarked on an unprecedented journey of exploration with the pride and expectation of all Chinese people.

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

Let's take a look at the three major technological breakthroughs for this mission:

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

1. Lunar retrograde orbit design and control technology

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

2. Intelligent sampling technology on the back of the moon

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

3. Lunar back take-off and ascent technology

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

These breakthroughs may sound a bit incomprehensible, but they are real. Imagine you're completing a mission in an unfamiliar place, but the place has no GPS, no communication signal, and not even a map. This is what Chang'e-6 is facing on the far side of the Moon. And our scientists want to let the probe land safely, collect samples, and return safely under such conditions. It's as difficult as picking up a sesame seed with chopsticks in the dark!

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

Our space heroes did it! Not only did they do it, but they also created the feat of the world's first automatic sample return from the far side of the moon. It's like not only picking up a sesame seed with chopsticks in the dark, but also bringing it back to show everyone! This achievement has put China at the forefront of the world in the field of lunar exploration.

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

Why go to the far side of the moon, you may ask? This brings us to the Antarctica-Aitken Basin. This is no ordinary lunar surface, it is the oldest and largest known meteorite impact crater on the moon. Studying the geological composition and material composition of the area can help us understand the early evolutionary history of the Moon and even the Earth. To put it simply, it's like a "lunar diary" that has been kept for billions of years, and we're trying to crack its code.

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

The success of Chang'e-6 is not only a victory for China's aerospace industry, but also another big step forward in human exploration of the universe. For this mission, we also carried four international payloads from Europe, France, Italy and Pakistan. This kind of international cooperation demonstrates China's open and inclusive attitude, and paves the way for broader cooperation in space exploration in the future.

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

Our journey to the moon is far from over. Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 are already in the pipeline, and they will continue to explore the resources of the moon's south pole and verify the technology for the in-situ use of lunar resources. This means that we are one step closer to the dream of a permanent base on the moon!

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

Not only that, but China's deep space exploration program is also progressing steadily. Tianwen-2 will be launched around 2025 to carry out asteroid exploration missions. By around 2030, Tianwen-3 and Tianwen-4 will carry out Mars sample return and Jupiter system exploration missions, respectively. Imagine that in the near future, we may see with our own eyes samples from Mars or even bizarre sights on the moons of Jupiter!

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

These explorations are not just about satisfying the curiosity of scientists. They have a stake in the future of each of us. The technological advances brought about by space exploration have profoundly changed our daily lives. From satellite navigation to telemedicine, from new materials to new energy, these innovations from space technology are quietly changing our world.

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

More importantly, these explorations embody the spirit of human beings to constantly pursue progress and challenge the unknown. Every breakthrough tells us that as long as we are united, nothing is impossible.

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

So, the next time you look up at the stars, remember: in that vast universe, there are footprints of us Chinese. And this footprint is extending step by step, towards a farther future.

Shock! Chang'e-6 has achieved three major technological breakthroughs, and China's aerospace has set a new world record!

The success of Chang'e-6 is not only the pride of China's aerospace industry, but also the pride of every Chinese. Let us look forward to seeing more brilliant achievements of China's aerospace industry in the near future!

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