
Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

author:Funny this Egyptian three broken

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong, two veteran singers, have written countless glorious chapters in the Chinese music industry. Their melodious singing has accompanied the growth of several generations, but now they have to face the baptism of time. Recently, details about their rehearsal process were recorded and shared by ordinary netizens, sparking a discussion about friendship, time and artistic life.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

Judging from their appearance and physical condition, the years have indeed left a deep imprint on the two singers. Although Zhang Ye still maintains an elegant temperament, the wrinkles on her face and a slightly tired look can be clearly seen. Compared with the bright and moving when she was young, she now has more vicissitudes and calmness. Lu Jihong, on the other hand, showed a more casual state, he didn't seem to care about his gray hair, and even fell out a little. Neither of them deliberately concealed the changes brought about by the years, and this kind of calmness is full of emotion.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

In terms of dressing, they chose comfortable but not fashionable clothes, which caused heated discussions among many netizens. Zhang was also wearing a pair of baggy jeans, with wide legs that seemed to fit the legs of two people, making people laugh. Some netizens called her dressed too earthy and did not fit the image of an artist. However, some people believe that this is a reflection of the artist's true nature, a return to life outside the stage. Lu Jihong, on the other hand, wore a simple and simple T-shirt, which was in stark contrast to the image of always wearing a suit and leather shoes when he was young. This stark contrast not only highlights the passage of time, but also evokes nostalgia for that golden age.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

In terms of performance ability, the two veteran singers still showed professionalism and solid skills. Although the sound is no longer as clear and loud as it used to be, the deep affection and relentless pursuit of music are still moving. Some netizens commented: "When they are together, it is a classic reappearance." However, there have also been some sharp comments pointing out whether they should consider retiring and allowing more new generation of singers to take to the stage. These different voices reflect a complex state of mind among the public about the artistic life of old artists: they want to continue to listen to their familiar and moving songs, but they also worry that they will not be able to regain their former glory.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

In the records and comments of these ordinary netizens, we not only saw the state of the two veteran singers during the rehearsal process, but also felt a strong taste of life. Friendship is an important element that cannot be ignored. Decades of cooperation and companionship have made Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong have a tacit understanding, and the other party can know what each other wants to express with a look. This tacit understanding is not only manifested on the stage, but also in the bits and pieces of life. In between rehearsals, the two teased and supported each other, and the warm picture was moving.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

By comparing the youth with the current state, it is not difficult to find that time does pass inexorably, but it does not bring all regret and helplessness. In a sense, it is these experiences that enrich their lives and enable them to interpret each song with a fuller and deeper feeling. Perhaps, only those who have experienced the baptism of time can truly sing those melodies that go straight to the depths of the soul.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

In conclusion, these detailed depictions not only reveal the current living conditions of the two veteran singers, but also reflect the society's endless thinking about the continuation of artistic life and personal growth and changes through various comments from the audience. From a realist point of view, they present not only musical talent, but also a deeper exploration of the meaning of life. In today's fast-paced and fast-changing era, every nostalgia is a tribute to the good old days, and each change is an interpretation of new hope and an unknown future.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

After all, we should be more tolerant and understanding of these artists who have brought us good memories, and cherish every moment that belongs to them and us. After all, in the passage of time, every note reverberates forever, and every story becomes a memorable chapter.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong, two veteran singers who are well-known in the Chinese music industry, their names have become classic symbols in the hearts of generations. Whether it's melodious melodies or soulful performances, their artistic achievements are undoubtedly brilliant. However, in the face of the baptism of time, they also showed a unique attitude towards life, which made us can't help but be full of respect and emotion for their lives.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

Zhang also showed extraordinary musical talent from an early age. She was born into an ordinary family, but her parents attached great importance to their children's education, especially in the arts. As a child, Zhang was often taken to various concerts by her mother, and since then, she has developed a strong interest in singing. She conquered everyone around her with her sweet and slightly magnetic voice. This talent not only made her loved by her teachers and classmates in school, but also opened the door to professional singing. Growing up, Zhang never gave up the pursuit of her musical dreams, and won one opportunity after another with amazing perseverance and hard work, both in school and later in a professional art school.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

Lu Jihong is a little different, he grew up in a family with a strong artistic atmosphere. Since he was a child, he has been influenced by the strong artistic atmosphere of his grandfather, father and other elders. Small concerts and theatrical performances were often held at home, which exposed him to different forms of artistic expression at an early age. Interestingly, he did not initially enter the public eye as a singer, but because of his exceptional violin skills. However, an accident in adolescence changed the course of his life: after a change of tone, he discovered that he had a charming baritone pair, and he began to focus on vocal training, which he quickly achieved impressive results.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

For these two veteran singers, although their married life is not as well-known as their careers, it is also full of stories of warmth and love. Zhang also met her now-husband, a man of great knowledge and a great sense of humor, at the height of his career. They met at a cultural exchange event and fell in love with each other at first sight. In living together, the two care for each other, support each other, and face various challenges in life together. Lu Jihong met a beautiful and elegant lady who also loves art on an international tour, and the two had similar interests and quickly came together. Despite their busy work, they have always maintained a high degree of tacit understanding and shared the joys and hardships of life together.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

As time went on, the two singers gradually entered their old age. However, they did not stop there, but remained active on stage, interpreting each song with heart. They are convinced that even if their voices are not as clear and high-pitched as they were when they were younger, the rich emotions and life experiences accumulated over the years can give their works a deeper appeal. This kind of persistence and pursuit has made them an important model for countless future generations of artists to learn and emulate.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

For the future, the two old singers have their own plans and expectations. Zhang also hopes to cultivate more outstanding students, pass on his experience to the next generation, and contribute to the cause of Chinese vocal music. Lu Jihong plans to carry out a series of charity concerts, donating all the proceeds from the performances to those in need, and giving back to the society with practical actions. They not only continue to struggle for their own fame and fortune, but also hope that through their own efforts, more people can feel the beauty of music and the light of life.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye's pants were too wide, his skin was greasy, fat and old, and netizens shouted for him to retire

All in all, whether it is marriage, career or life experience, Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong have shown extremely high personality charm and artistic accomplishment. They use their practical actions to tell us that although the years are ruthless, as long as we have dreams and persevere, we can face every challenge with more full and deep emotions, and look at every moment of change with a more tolerant and understanding attitude. On this long journey, every note will become an eternal echo, and every story will become a memorable chapter, and at the same time inspire us to keep moving forward and explore our own brilliant future.

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