
Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

author:Million Tea Party

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Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

Edit: Million Tea Party

The Aranya Theater Festival opened, and Du Jiang Huo Siyan's family made a stunning appearance

On June 28, some netizens shared the news of meeting Du Jiang and his children on social platforms, and this scene quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens. The opening of the Aranya Theater Festival has become the hottest entertainment topic recently, and the appearance of Du Jiang and Huo Siyan has added a lot to the scene. It has been rumored that the celebrity couple has a property in Aranya, and now it seems that it is indeed their holiday destination.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

Casual and cool, Du Jiang's father and son's pool time

In the photo, Du Jiang is wearing a yellow T-shirt with black shorts, slippers, and is dressed very casually. Standing by the pool, he was wearing sunglasses and his hands in his pockets, looking handsome and cool. And in the same frame as Du Jiang is his son Huh. Compared with his father's coolness, he was lying on the board and playing with his mobile phone, which looked cute. I don't know if it's because of the sun or if the content on the phone is too attractive, but my brows are tightly knit and a super cute expression appears on my face.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

The intimate interaction between father and son and little girl

Then Du Jiang left the pool with Hum, and there was a little girl beside them, the girl was shorter than Hum, wearing a floral skirt, bouncing and sticking to Hum. This little girl is the legendary daughter of Du Jiang and Huo Siyan. The little girl is as thin as her brother, and she follows closely with a pair of small long legs, looking lively and cheerful. In contrast, when he grew up, he seemed a little introverted, and he didn't leave his mobile phone during the whole process, and he didn't have much expression on his face.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

A kind and loving family: the story of rescuing the puppy Pearl

On this trip to Aranya, in addition to bringing a pair of children, Du Jiang and Huo Siyan also brought the puppy Pearl they picked up on the side of the road some time ago. Previously, Huo Siyan shared the process of saving pearls on social platforms. Pearl is an experimental dog, and before meeting Du Jiang Huo Siyan's family, he suffered great physical and mental pain. After Huo Siyan learned about the pearl's experience, she chose to adopt it, take care of it with her heart, and pamper it like a child.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

The healing process of pearls

Huo Siyan was on social platforms, and she recorded the process of saving pearls in detail. As an experimental dog, Pearl has experienced many pains. It is in poor physical condition, with sparse hair and multiple scars on its skin. After learning about these circumstances, Huo Siyan immediately decided to take the pearl home and took it to the pet hospital. After a doctor's examination, the pearl requires multiple treatments and long-term care to regain its health.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

Concern of family members

Du Jiang and Huo Siyan not only actively participated in the treatment of pearls, but also let the children participate in it. Uh-huh and the little girl showed great concern for the pearl, and would go to check on the pearl every day after school, feed it, and comb it. Especially uh-huh, he is not only very serious about taking care of pearls, but also takes the initiative to learn a lot about dog care, hoping to help pearls recover faster.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

The healing process of pearls

Under the careful care of Du Jiang Huo Siyan's family, Pearl's physical condition gradually improved. The hair began to become thick and shiny, and the mental state was getting better and better. Every morning, Huo Siyan would take Pearl for a walk to let it bask in the sun and breathe fresh air. In such an environment, pearls have gradually become cheerful and lively. Huo Siyan also often updates the latest situation of pearls on social platforms, and many netizens have praised the family after seeing the changes in pearls.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

Uh-huh, warm introduction

Influenced by his parents, he also grew up to be a kind boy. Some netizens revealed that they met Du Jiang walking his dog with a hum in Aranya. At that time, Uh-hum was particularly enthusiastic to introduce her to the origin of the pearl, and also showed the number on the pearl's ear. As a little master, uh-huh must also feel sorry for the pearl. The reason why I told strange netizens about the experience of pearls was that I also hoped that through this story, I would call on everyone to adopt instead of buy.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

Call for adoption instead of purchase

By rescuing pearls, Du Jiang and Huo Siyan conveyed the idea of adopting instead of buying to the public. They hope that more people will realize that every little animal deserves to be loved and treated kindly. Huo Siyan has repeatedly called on social platforms to pay attention to stray animals and advocate adoption instead of purchasing. Well, I also learned a lot in the process, and I became more aware of how to cherish and care for the little animals around me.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

A happy new life for pearls

Now the pearl has been fully integrated into Du Jiang Huo Siyan's family and has become a member of this family. It enjoys the love of its family and lives a happy life. Huo Siyan often posts photos of pearls, and netizens are also very relieved to see the current state of pearls. The story of pearls has allowed more people to see a warm and loving family, as well as their selfless care for small animals.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

Uh-huh's growth: A gentle and loving boy

Uh-huh, who grew up in a loving family, has now grown into a gentle and patient boy. He takes care of the pearl meticulously, not only taking the pearl when playing, but also taking it to the lawn for a walk, what a warm little host. It is said that parents are the best role models for their children, and Du Jiang and Huo Siyan interpret this with their actions.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

Uh-huh, love sharing

Under the education of Du Jiang and Huo Siyan, Huh is not only full of love for his family and pets, but also willing to share this love with others. Huo Siyan and Du Jiang have educated their children so well, which is indeed commendable. I believe that under the care of their family, Pearl can also become lively and cheerful like other dogs, and enjoy a happy life.

Du Jiang's family appeared in Aranya, well, the mobile phone did not leave his hand, and his sister was super lively by his side

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