
The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

author:Haha look at the world

These days, the financial circle is really lively! The yen has plummeted to its lowest point against the dollar in 36 years, directly falling below the 160 mark! As soon as this news came out, the global financial markets were shaken.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

The people who eat melons also watched one after another, sighing why is this yen so uncompetitive? If you want to say that the yen has plummeted, it is not a matter of a day or two.

The high interest rate policy of the United States is like a sharp sickle, cutting all the way, and the global currency has been affected to varying degrees.

And Japan, as a hardcore ally of the United States, is naturally not immune.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

This exchange rate has fallen again and again, not only causing heavy losses to Japan's foreign exchange reserves, but also plunging the Japanese economy into unprecedented difficulties.

The reasons and effects behind the collapse of the yen

So, why did the yen fall so badly? Actually, the reason is not complicated. To put it simply, the high interest rate policy in the United States is at work.

The United States raised interest rates, the dollar returned, and global capital ran to the United States, and the currencies of other countries naturally depreciated.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

As a major exporter, Japan's currency depreciation has a particularly significant impact on exports.

In addition, Japan's domestic economy is facing many challenges, such as an aging population, labor shortages, and lack of innovation capabilities, which have exacerbated the pressure on the yen to depreciate.

The impact of the yen's collapse on the Japanese economy can be described as all-encompassing.

First, the depreciation of the exchange rate has led to an increase in the cost of imports, which in turn has pushed up the domestic price level and exacerbated inflationary pressures.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

Second, the depreciation of the yen has increased the cost of overseas investment for Japanese companies, which is not conducive to their overseas expansion.

Finally, exchange rate depreciation could also trigger capital outflows and financial market turmoil, further exacerbating the risk of a recession.

The dilemma and challenges of the Japanese economy

Faced with the dilemma of the yen's plummeting, the Japanese government and central bank are like ants on a hot pot, anxious and busy.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

They have come up with a series of policy measures to try to stabilize the exchange rate and the economic situation, but these efforts seem to be only a drop in the pan.

The Bank of Japan (BOJ) has frequently unleashed its magic wand of monetary easing, but the economy has been slow to respond to these stimulus measures as if under a curse.

After all, the problems facing the Japanese economy are far beyond the solution of a single monetary policy.

The Japanese government is also trying to promote economic structural reform, transformation and upgrading, but this process is faltering, and deep-seated problems such as population aging and labor shortage are like stubborn diseases, making it difficult for the Japanese economy to travel lightly.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

To add insult to injury, the challenges of the external environment are also becoming increasingly severe, and factors such as the high interest rate policy of the United States and the rise of global trade protectionism are like a boulder pressing on the top, putting the Japanese economy under unprecedented pressure.

Wall Street's "short selling" and Japan's response strategy

In the whirlpool of this financial turmoil, Wall Street's financial institutions seem to smell the fragrance of money.

Keen to grasp the opportunity of the depreciation of the yen, they rushed into the market and aggressively shorted the Japanese stock and bond markets.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

These financial institutions are like a colony of sharks with a keen sense of smell that will not hesitate to attack when they smell blood.

In the face of Wall Street's "short selling drama", the Japanese government and central bank are feeling unprecedented pressure.

On the one hand, they have to strengthen financial supervision to ensure the stable operation of the financial market and prevent excessive volatility from bringing greater shocks to the economy. On the other hand, they actively seek international cooperation to work with other countries to address the challenges of global financial markets.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

The concerns of the Japanese people and the government's response

In the frenzy of this financial turmoil, the life of the Japanese people is becoming more and more difficult.

They are deeply aware of the pressure of rising prices, and their purchasing power has dropped significantly, making their daily expenses stretched.

They are also filled with fears of shrinking wealth, fearing that their savings will be wiped out in this storm.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

In the face of public anxiety and skepticism, the Japanese government and the central bank seem to be inadequate, and the response given is unsatisfactory.

Some politicians appear helpless and embarrassed in front of the public, and can only respond with "It's really not good, let's bow to the people".

Obviously, this attitude will not calm the people's unease.

What they want is for the government to take practical and effective measures to stabilize the economic situation and safeguard their vital interests, rather than empty apologies and perfunctory responses.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

Conclusion: Where is Japan's economy heading?

The collapse of the yen has brought great challenges and difficulties to the Japanese economy.

Faced with this situation, the Japanese government and the central bank need to take more decisive and effective measures to stabilize the exchange rate and the economic situation.

Japan also needs to strengthen the structural reform of the domestic economy and the upgrading of innovation capacity to improve the competitiveness and resilience of the economy.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

In this era of increasing globalization, no country is immune.

Whether Japan's economy can get out of its predicament and achieve recovery and growth depends on whether it can find its own position and development direction in the global economic landscape.

The American harvest of Japan has begun! The yen has basically collapsed, stop blowing that there is a second Japan overseas

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