
Fang Yuan, the sister-in-law of the king, flew to London to chase Taylor, and the celebrity sisters were crazy on the spot, and they almost ran out of crazy pictures

author:Stop autumn

Oh, my God! Ladies and gentlemen, have you heard? Our "sister-in-law" Fang Yuan has made a big news recently! She actually flew to London to chase stars, and she chased Taylor Swift! Not only that, but she also brought three celebrity sisters to HIGH together, which is so good at playing!

Speaking of which, Fang Yuan is really having fun this time. In the VIP box at Wembley Stadium, she and her sisters felt like they had returned to adolescence, swaying wildly to the music and screaming to tear the roof over. What's the matter, our Fang Yuan may be too excited, the movement is a little big when she dances, and she almost walks away! If this is really gone, it will really be big news, and it is estimated that Guo Tianwang will not be able to sit still, right?

Fang Yuan, the sister-in-law of the king, flew to London to chase Taylor, and the celebrity sisters were crazy on the spot, and they almost ran out of crazy pictures

Having said that, Fang Yuan's actions this time are really impressive. Usually in our eyes, she is the image of a good wife and mother, revolving around Aaron Kwok and his two daughters all day long. Who would have thought that she was still such a crazy star chaser in private?

Speaking of which, I have to have the background of Bayone Bafangyuan. You may not know that Fang Yuan is actually not an ordinary girl. She is an out-and-out socialite, the kind who has a mine at home. So, it's not surprising that I can just go with a few girlfriends this time and fly to London to chase stars.

Fang Yuan, the sister-in-law of the king, flew to London to chase Taylor, and the celebrity sisters were crazy on the spot, and they almost ran out of crazy pictures

What's more, Fang Yuan's behavior this time still caused heated discussions among many netizens. Some people say that she is too willful and leaves her children at home to run and play by herself. Some people also said that she was showing her affection, showing how much Aaron Kwok doted on her. But I think, isn't it normal for couples to have a good relationship? Besides, Fang Yuan usually pays for her family, what's wrong with relaxing occasionally?

Speaking of which, the love story of Fang Yuan and Aaron Kwok is also quite legendary. Back then, Guo Tianwang was a famous diamond king in the circle, and many girl stars wanted to win him. As a result, he was captured by Fang Yuan, an outsider. This can't help but make people sigh, fate is really wonderful.

Fang Yuan, the sister-in-law of the king, flew to London to chase Taylor, and the celebrity sisters were crazy on the spot, and they almost ran out of crazy pictures

Back to this star-chasing trip, Fang Yuan and the others didn't just go to the concert. It is said that they even participated in a super luxurious butterfly party! That scene, tsk, just imagining it feels extravagant. Having said that, people are celebrities in the first place, isn't it normal to participate in this kind of party?

Seriously, seeing Fang Yuan let herself go like this, I was really a little envious. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to fly abroad with their girlfriends to watch their idols' concerts, stay in luxury hotels, and attend high-end parties. It's a fantastic sisterhood!

Fang Yuan, the sister-in-law of the king, flew to London to chase Taylor, and the celebrity sisters were crazy on the spot, and they almost ran out of crazy pictures

Of course, Fang Yuan's behavior this time also caused some controversy. Some say she's too high-profile and doesn't look like a married woman. But I think it's good that people are happy, as long as they don't break the law and discipline, why bother so much? Besides, when Fang Yuan usually taught her husband and children at home, she didn't see these people praise her.

In the final analysis, I think Fang Yuan's behavior this time is actually quite good. She showed us that even if you get married and have children, it doesn't mean that you have to give up your hobbies. Letting go of yourself once in a while will not only make you happy, but may also breathe new life into your family relationships.

Fang Yuan, the sister-in-law of the king, flew to London to chase Taylor, and the celebrity sisters were crazy on the spot, and they almost ran out of crazy pictures

Well, if Fang Yuan goes to chase stars next time, she has to be careful not to almost run out again. Although it was an accident, after all, he is a public figure, so he still has to pay attention to his image. Of course, if you really accidentally run out, it's really big news, and it's estimated that it can be on the hot search for several days!

Okay dear babies, that's all for today's gossip. What do you think of Fang Yuan's behavior this time? Do you also want to have a sister trip that you can just go? Welcome to discuss with the editor in the comment area!

Fang Yuan, the sister-in-law of the king, flew to London to chase Taylor, and the celebrity sisters were crazy on the spot, and they almost ran out of crazy pictures