
can't live up to Hu Youping's bravery, come and take a look at Hu Youping's touching story!

author:Dream sails


The police's handling of the righteous and courageous has sparked controversy, and the story of a Japanese school bus guide bravely resisting the suspect at a bus stop in Suzhou has attracted much attention. What happened to make netizens indignant? Come and see Hu Youping's touching story!

can't live up to Hu Youping's bravery, come and take a look at Hu Youping's touching story!

Police's choice

can't live up to Hu Youping's bravery, come and take a look at Hu Youping's touching story!

When dealing with the incident, the police should adopt an objective and impartial attitude, fully understand the truth, and should not misinterpret the incident out of utilitarian or other considerations.

can't live up to Hu Youping's bravery, come and take a look at Hu Youping's touching story!

However, recently, the Suzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a message saying that Hu Youping would be posthumously awarded the title of "Suzhou City Model of Righteousness and Courage".

And the police's move seems to imply that Hu Youping's righteousness and courage are conditional.

Such a treatment not only failed to fully respect Hu Youping's behavior, but also caused dissatisfaction among netizens.

And the reason why Hu Youping has become the focus of public discussion is because of her tragic experience.

can't live up to Hu Youping's bravery, come and take a look at Hu Youping's touching story!

Hu Youping, who acted bravely

Hu Youping is a Japanese, and in the eyes of Chinese people, it is difficult to associate "foreigners" with "righteous and courageous".

But Hu Youping's behavior proves that righteousness and courage have no borders.

On the afternoon of October 25 this year, while waiting for a bus at a bus stop in Suzhou, Hu Youping found a suspect who had committed murder with a knife.

The brave Hu Youping, obstructed by the bus driver and passers-by, rushed directly to the suspect in an attempt to prevent him from continuing to hurt.

In an extremely harsh environment, Hu Youping still disregarded his own safety and desperately wanted to prevent more people from being harmed.

However, in the end, he unfortunately encountered the soul of the bandits.

After the rescue failed, Hu Youping, who was only 30 years old, finally passed away.

Such a deed, even if it is replaced by Chinese people, it is enough to become a good story for a generation, but Hu Youping is not a big country in the East after all.

can't live up to Hu Youping's bravery, come and take a look at Hu Youping's touching story!

Police report

When the police issued a notice, they also deliberately concealed Hu Youping's identity and the fact that he was a Japanese.

There is not even one of the most important points in Hu Youping's identity - she is a Japanese school bus guide.

It was with his keen observation and quick reaction that Hu Youping was able to discover the bandits in time and resist.

However, the police report does not fully affirm this, as if it deliberately lowered the meaning of "international".

On the contrary, the police report even mentioned the words "according to the preliminary investigation" in an attempt to arouse doubts about the authenticity of Hu Youping's actions.

This not only fails to respect the righteous and courageous, but also suppresses and belittles their brave behavior.

Hu Youping, as a Japanese school bus guide, bravely resisted the criminal suspect at the Suzhou bus station, which is enough to be fully affirmed and respected at this point.

As police officers, we should set an example and establish a good atmosphere in which the whole society respects those who act bravely.

can't live up to Hu Youping's bravery, come and take a look at Hu Youping's touching story!


Hu Youping's heroic actions crossed borders, and she fearlessly stepped forward, risking her life to protect others. The police should respect and affirm those who act bravely in the face of justice, and jointly uphold social justice, so that this brave spirit can be inherited and respected by the whole society. What do you think? Thumbs up for approval!