
#什么颜色搭配看起来很高贵#色彩搭配法则: The hue is the same, and the color brightness is similar. You have me, I have you. Colorful but not messy, bright but not gaudy.

author:Miss Six is practical


The rule of color matching: the hue is the same, and the color brightness is similar. You have me, I have you. Colorful but not messy, bright but not gaudy. The point is to suit yourself! #头条创作挑战赛# #穿搭#

#什么颜色搭配看起来很高贵#色彩搭配法则: The hue is the same, and the color brightness is similar. You have me, I have you. Colorful but not messy, bright but not gaudy.
#什么颜色搭配看起来很高贵#色彩搭配法则: The hue is the same, and the color brightness is similar. You have me, I have you. Colorful but not messy, bright but not gaudy.
#什么颜色搭配看起来很高贵#色彩搭配法则: The hue is the same, and the color brightness is similar. You have me, I have you. Colorful but not messy, bright but not gaudy.
#什么颜色搭配看起来很高贵#色彩搭配法则: The hue is the same, and the color brightness is similar. You have me, I have you. Colorful but not messy, bright but not gaudy.