
["Party Building +" Checking the Heart and Strengthening the Party] Carry out the case collection and evaluation activities of "stressing politics and strengthening business to cast loyalty" and "looking at politics and loyalty through business".

author:Sands Prosecution

On June 27, the Jinsha County Procuratorate carried out the case of "stressing politics and strengthening business to cast loyalty" and "looking at politics and loyalty through business", and invited Li Yan, member of the party group and vice president of the county people's court, Li Bing, member of the political and legal committee of the county party committee, chief of the political and engineering section, and Liu Shaobin, member of the party group and deputy director of the county judicial bureau, to guide and comment at the meeting.

["Party Building +" Checking the Heart and Strengthening the Party] Carry out the case collection and evaluation activities of "stressing politics and strengthening business to cast loyalty" and "looking at politics and loyalty through business".
["Party Building +" Checking the Heart and Strengthening the Party] Carry out the case collection and evaluation activities of "stressing politics and strengthening business to cast loyalty" and "looking at politics and loyalty through business".

During the activity, 5 cadres and policemen based on the actual situation of the procuratorate, focused on the basic situation of the case and the process of performing their duties, and talked about the political considerations, overall thinking, application of law, and procuratorial feelings when handling the case, vividly reflecting the mission of adhering to the supremacy of the people.

Zhou Yong, full-time member of the Procuratorial Committee: Promote dispute resolution and improve the "temperature" of people's livelihood

["Party Building +" Checking the Heart and Strengthening the Party] Carry out the case collection and evaluation activities of "stressing politics and strengthening business to cast loyalty" and "looking at politics and loyalty through business".

Persons with disabilities are a socially disadvantaged group, and the market entities they operate have a weak ability to resist risks. Actively give play to the functions of administrative procuratorial oversight when handling cases involving market entities with disabilities, focusing on the focus of case disputes, and promoting the dismissal and boycott of petitions involving special groups through comprehensive analysis and judgment, public hearings, drafting and issuing procuratorial recommendations and follow-up supervision, countersigning mechanisms, etc., to effectively form efforts to jointly protect the lawful rights and interests of persons with disabilities and a law-based business environment, and ultimately achieve the organic unity of the three effects.

Qiu Jing, Director of the First Procuratorial Department: Unveil the "mystery" of live broadcast rewards to accurately crack down on fraud crimes

["Party Building +" Checking the Heart and Strengthening the Party] Carry out the case collection and evaluation activities of "stressing politics and strengthening business to cast loyalty" and "looking at politics and loyalty through business".

In today's era of rapid digital development, Internet fraud has become a cancer that seriously endangers social order and the safety of citizens' property. Through active performance of duties, participate in the crime and governance of Internet fraud, effectively curb the spread of Internet fraud crimes, and create a safe and clear network environment for the people.

Guo Jin, Director of the Fourth Procuratorial Department: Write a good article on "Inspection and Tea" with "litigation" and "protection of the tree".

["Party Building +" Checking the Heart and Strengthening the Party] Carry out the case collection and evaluation activities of "stressing politics and strengthening business to cast loyalty" and "looking at politics and loyalty through business".

In view of the difficulties in precise and scientific management and protection, pest and disease control, and the implementation of management and protection responsibilities faced by ancient tea trees in the county, through active performance of duties, strengthen cooperation with relevant functional departments of the county, and actively report to the county party committee, government, and county people's congress, gather the joint force of ancient tea tree protection, jointly protect this unique and precious plant resource, and help Jinshagong tea brand building, tea industry development, and tea culture inheritance.

Sun Min, deputy director of the First Procuratorial Department: Lei Moumou's traffic accident case

["Party Building +" Checking the Heart and Strengthening the Party] Carry out the case collection and evaluation activities of "stressing politics and strengthening business to cast loyalty" and "looking at politics and loyalty through business".

Special equipment such as forklifts cannot be driven on the road in accordance with the law, and other means of transport must be used during the transfer. However, in reality, forklifts on the road from time to time, when they drive into public roads as a means of transportation, participate in traffic activities and cause traffic accidents, the prosecutor reviews the details, strictly controls the quality of the case, and when there is a dispute over the qualitative nature of the case, strengthen communication and coordination with the investigation organs, actively guide the investigation and evidence collection, and find key evidence and accurately characterize it through active performance of duties.

Li Jiashu, Deputy Director of the Second Procuratorial Department: Conditional non-prosecution guides lost juveniles to set sail again

["Party Building +" Checking the Heart and Strengthening the Party] Carry out the case collection and evaluation activities of "stressing politics and strengthening business to cast loyalty" and "looking at politics and loyalty through business".

In response to a case in which students at school fought each other over trivial matters, through early intervention to guide the investigation, actively carry out social investigation and psychological evaluation, explain the law and reason in closed hearings, carry out family education guidance, implement precise assistance and education according to the person, actively integrate assistance and education resources, build a "new team" for assistance and education investigation, set up personalized conditions, and successfully helped two juveniles involved in crime to be admitted to their favorite colleges and universities to continue their studies, and four juveniles involved in crime have been successfully employed in internship positions, and their lives are on the right track. Give full play to the special functions of the conditional non-prosecution system.

Xu Kaidong pointed out that the procuratorial organs are first and foremost political organs, and the concentrated appraisal activities of "stressing politics and strengthening business to forge loyalty" and "looking at politics and emphasizing loyalty through business" are not only the concrete embodiment of implementing the requirements of superiors and innovating the form of education and training, but also an important process of testing and improving the professional ability of cadres and policemen such as appraisal skills, and it is also an important way to discover and tap talents, and achieve the purpose of communicating with the public procuratorate and judicial department.

Xu Kaidong emphasized that first, we must promote the evaluation at a high level and continuously improve the level of ability. Always focus on politics and the rule of law, do all procuratorial work first "from a political point of view", and normalize the use of good evaluation methods to continuously improve the ability of cadres and police to perform their duties and show their ability. It is possible to explore methods such as joint lectures by the procuratorate, lectures in the style of going to villages and villages, and lectures on return visits, so as to expand the evaluation activities to the masses, and to close the relationship between the procuratorate and the masses in a more down-to-earth way, so as to effectively improve the people's sense of security and satisfaction. At the same time, it is necessary to examine the deficiencies and shortcomings in case handling through the form of "you talk and I comment", further change the concept and improve the method, so as to promote learning and work through cases. Second, we must efficiently promote the work and serve the overall situation of the center. It is necessary to internalize and deepen the transformation of the thinking, concepts, and methods learned in the commentary, and apply them to the actual case-handling, with the goal of "handling every case with high quality and efficiency", and put the work into the overall situation to think and position, not only to look at the procuratorate, seek the procuratorate, and do the procuratorate under the overall situation, but also to perform the duties in an integrated manner, comprehensively perform the duties, and actively perform the duties, and further promote the special work of "procuratorial protection of enterprises", "procuratorial protection of people's livelihood", and "fine development of rich minerals", actively create a good business environment based on the rule of law, and effectively transform the effect of case handling into governance efficiency. Third, it is necessary to implement high-quality supervision and implement the procuratorate for the people. It is necessary to make full use of the "new engine" of digital procuratorate, continue to make good use of the supervision model for the governance of illegal occupation of public rental housing, the big data analysis model for clues in cases involving underworld and vice, and the legal supervision model for civil false litigation in the recovery deposit (fund) for the governance and restoration of the mine geological environment, increase the promotion efforts, consolidate the results of expansion, and develop more and better supervision models from point to point, effectively transform data resources into supervision dividends, and improve the effectiveness of legal supervision. It is necessary to make every effort to refine and promote the use of the Fengqiao work method, realize the full coverage of the four major procuratorial lines, and create a new "maple" scene of Jinsha procuratorate. It is necessary to deepen the building of the cultural brand of "Golden Heart and Essence", continue to consolidate the "Golden Heart" Dispute Resolution Studio and the "Gold" into the Studio, bravely establish the brand to create characteristics, and promote the overall quality and efficiency of work with the line brand, and make every effort to promote the upgrading of the construction of grassroots procuratorates.

Text: Zhao Caixia

Editor: Raisha

Proofreader: Li Huisheng

Review: Zhuang Mei

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