
Draw under the round of 18! In the first 3 rounds or 0 points of the national football team, Ivan prescribed a "prescription" to the Football Association!

author:Xiao Xiaokai

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The craze of the World Cup qualifiers has swept the world, and the participation of our Chinese team has made everyone full of expectations and topics. No, as soon as the grouping was revealed, it was really surprising, the Chinese team actually entered a "group of death"! The challenge and attention of this group, that's a lot of rubbing! Let's take a look at the group where the Chinese team is located, it is really surrounded by strong enemies! Let's talk about the Japanese team first, that strength is not covered. Their players are highly skilled and tactically compatible, and they are among the best in Asian football. Every time they play against the Japanese team, the Chinese team is under tremendous pressure.

Draw under the round of 18! In the first 3 rounds or 0 points of the national football team, Ivan prescribed a "prescription" to the Football Association!

The Australian team is not vegetarian either, with strong bodies, strong confrontation ability and a tough style of play. They also have a lot of players in the Europa League, and their strength should not be underestimated. The Saudi team has delicate techniques and diverse offensive means. They are also a traditional powerhouse in Asian football, and the competition with the Chinese team is also full of highlights.

And that's not all, there's an Indonesian team. Hey, don't underestimate this Indonesian team, they have been rising so hard lately that they have been known as the "Dutch second team". Why? Because they have a lot of naturalized players, the addition of these players has greatly increased the strength of the Indonesian team. These naturalized players brought different football styles and techniques, which made the overall strength of the Indonesian team qualitatively improved. This is a big potential threat to the national football team!

Draw under the round of 18! In the first 3 rounds or 0 points of the national football team, Ivan prescribed a "prescription" to the Football Association!

So how can the national football team break through in this "group of death"? It's a matter of tweaking your tactics. We'll have to look for scoring opportunities in Bahrain and Indonesia. The Bahrain team is relatively weak, and the national football team has to seize this opportunity to try to get all three points. In the face of the Indonesian team, although their strength has improved, the national football team cannot be timid. You have to make the most of your strengths, stabilize your defense, and look for opportunities to counterattack.

Let's take a look at the schedule of the national football team, it is really a tough battle one after another! Especially the competition with strong teams, it is really sweaty. However, football is round, and anything can happen. We look forward to the national football team being able to play their best in the game and bring us surprises.

Draw under the round of 18! In the first 3 rounds or 0 points of the national football team, Ivan prescribed a "prescription" to the Football Association!

Speaking of which, we have to mention the naturalization of the national football team. The addition of naturalized players has indeed brought some new changes and improvements to the national football team. Looking at the performance of those naturalized players, their fighting spirit and technical ability on the field have brought a positive impact on the national football team. Coach Ivankovic has also suggested calling up more naturalised players, which is indeed a topic worth discussing. Recruiting more naturalized players may improve the overall strength of the national football team and increase its competitiveness in the World Cup qualifiers.

Let's look forward to the performance of the Chinese team in the World Cup qualifiers. As fans, we certainly hope that the Chinese team can achieve good results. Although this group is full of difficulties, we believe that the soldiers of the national football team will go all out and fight for their dreams. We look forward to their performances on the field and wish them all the best in achieving their goals."

Draw under the round of 18! In the first 3 rounds or 0 points of the national football team, Ivan prescribed a "prescription" to the Football Association!

Dear fans and friends, what do you think of the grouping of the Chinese team? How many points do you think the Chinese team can score? Will they finish fourth in the group? Come and have your say! Let's cheer for the Chinese team together! However, having said that, in the face of such a difficult grouping, the lads of the national football team cannot be intimidated. We have to have faith, courage and determination! After all, anything can happen on the football field, and miracles are not out of the question.

Let's first talk about the advantages of the national football team. Although the opponent is very strong, the national football team is not powerless. Our players have a tenacious fighting spirit, which is our precious asset. In the game, as long as the players can give full play to that spirit and give their all to fight for each ball, then it is possible to create unexpected opportunities.

Draw under the round of 18! In the first 3 rounds or 0 points of the national football team, Ivan prescribed a "prescription" to the Football Association!

Moreover, some players of the national football team have also performed well in the domestic league. They have accumulated a lot of experience in the league and have a certain quality. As long as they can adjust their form in the World Cup qualifiers and play their best, then the national football team still has hope to fight their way out in this "group of death". For example, our forward line players, they still have a certain advantage in terms of speed and impact. When facing an opponent's defence, they can use their speed and flexibility to look for opportunities to break through. Of course, this requires the midfielders to be able to provide them with enough support to pass the ball that is dangerous.

Let's talk about the midfielders. The midfield is the heart of the team and is responsible for the important task of organising both attack and defence. The midfielders of the national football team need to better control the tempo in the game, distribute the ball reasonably, and at the same time strengthen the pressing and interception of the opponent to reduce the opponent's offensive opportunities.

Draw under the round of 18! In the first 3 rounds or 0 points of the national football team, Ivan prescribed a "prescription" to the Football Association!

Defenders, on the other hand, need to be more focused and determined. They need to be vigilant at all times and leave no room for their opponents to take advantage of. When defending, it is necessary to pay attention to the cooperation and complement each other to form a tight defensive system. In addition to its own efforts, the national football team also needs the support of fans. The fans are the twelfth in the team and their support and encouragement is very important for the team. At this critical juncture, we hope that fans can continue to support the national football team and cheer them on. Whether on field or in front of the TV, our shouts give strength and confidence to the players.

Next, let's analyze in detail some specific tactics that the national football team can adopt in the face of various opponents. Facing the Japanese team, the national football team needs to defend well. The Japanese team's attack is very fluid, and their players are very well coordinated with each other, so the national football team needs to put more effort into defense. You can use dense defensive tactics to compress the opponent's attacking space, while paying attention to the marking of the opponent's key players. On the offensive side, you can take advantage of the opportunity to counterattack and look for the opponent's flaws.

Draw under the round of 18! In the first 3 rounds or 0 points of the national football team, Ivan prescribed a "prescription" to the Football Association!

The Australian team is physically strong and has a strong confrontation ability, and the national football team should try to avoid too much physical contact when playing against them. It is possible to disrupt the opponent's defense with quick passes and movements, looking for opportunities to attack. When defending, pay attention to the opponent's high balls and set-pieces, and strengthen the protection of the penalty area. The Saudi team has delicate skills and a variety of offensive means, and the national football team must strengthen its control of the midfield when facing them. You can disrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm through active scrambling and interception. On the offensive side, you can use your speed and impact to hit the opponent's back ball.

As for the Indonesian team, although their strength has improved, the national football team cannot be too afraid. The national football team can use its height advantage to make a fuss about set-pieces and high-altitude balls. At the same time, pay attention to the opponent's naturalized players and strengthen their defense. Tactics are one thing, but the form and mentality of the players are also very important. Before the game, the coaching staff needs to do a good job of coaching the players, so that they can maintain a good mentality and not be overwhelmed by pressure. During the game, the players should stay calm and not let the momentary mistakes affect their emotions.

Draw under the round of 18! In the first 3 rounds or 0 points of the national football team, Ivan prescribed a "prescription" to the Football Association!

The World Cup qualifiers are a huge challenge for the national football team, but it is also a rare opportunity. As long as the soldiers of the national football team can unite as one, fight bravely, and give full play to their strength, then it is possible to create a miracle in this "group of death". We believe that the future of the national football team is full of hope, let us cheer for the national football team together and look forward to their wonderful performance in the World Cup qualifiers!

Dear fans and friends, how far do you think the national football team can go in this World Cup qualifier? Do you have any suggestions for the tactical arrangement of the national football team? Welcome everyone to speak, let us make suggestions for the national football team together, and witness the growth and progress of the national football team together!

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