
A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

author:True martial arts
"The happy word in my house hasn't been erased yet, how can this be?"

Zhang Lijun's husband stood helplessly in the corridor of the hospital crying after hearing that his wife had been diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer.

At this time, they are faced with a dilemma, if they want to protect the child, they cannot have surgery, they cannot take anti-cancer drugs, and if they want to treat cancer, they can only induce labor.

And Li Lijun finally chose to give up the hope of giving birth and insisted on giving birth to the child......

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

Diagnosed with cancer after pregnancy

Zhang Lijun was originally an ordinary and happy young woman. At the age of 26, she is newly married Yan'er, and she and her husband are looking forward to a bright future together.

A year after her marriage, she became pregnant, and the news brought joy to the whole family, and her parents came to the city from their hometown to accompany her.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

However, fate dealt her a heavy blow at this time. During a routine prenatal check-up at 5 months of pregnancy, the doctor found that her alpha-fetoprotein and carcinoembryonic antigen values were abnormal.

After further examination, Zhang Lijun was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which is already at an advanced stage. This bad news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly shattering the dream of this happy family.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most dangerous cancers, and even if it is detected at an early stage, it is difficult to cure, let alone at an advanced stage. Faced with this cruel reality, Zhang Lijun and her family fell into great panic and despair.

However, the bigger test is yet to come. The doctor told Zhang that she was faced with two options: one was to start treatment for the cancer immediately, but that meant the pregnancy had to be terminated; The second is to continue the pregnancy, but this will delay the treatment and may endanger her own life. It's a difficult choice, and no matter which one you choose, it means a great sacrifice.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

Her husband advised his wife not to have any more children, and he hoped that she would opt for immediate treatment. If the wife can have surgery to remove the cancer cells immediately and the cancer cells have not spread, then the wife will be able to recover completely. Of course, if the cancer has spread, then I am afraid that there will be no chance of having children in the future.

Determined to have children

After a long period of thinking and deliberating with her family, Zhang Lijun made a decision that shocked everyone: she chose to continue the pregnancy and pinned the hope of life on the child in her womb.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

This decision means that she may lose the chance of a cure, because during the time she has a baby, the cancer cells in her body will spread wildly, and the likelihood of her losing her life will become even greater. However, as a mother, she chose selfless giving.

From that moment on, Zhang Lijun's life became extremely difficult. The pain of cancer is getting worse, but she persists. She tries to maintain an optimistic attitude and try not to let her emotions affect the baby in her womb.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

Every day, she struggles with pain and fear to give her child a chance to come into the world. And her husband has always been by her side and accompanied her in the face of difficulties.

When she was 7 months pregnant, Zhang Lijun's physical condition was already very bad. She knew that she might not be able to watch her child grow up, or even hear her child call her mother, so she began to record videos, hoping to leave some memories of her mother to her child.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

In the video, she smiles at the camera, as if an ordinary mother-to-be is talking to her unborn child. She told the child that his mother loved him very much and hoped that he would grow up healthy and happy. This video is full of the warmth of mother's love, and it is also full of the reluctance to part.

In the end, because Zhang Lijun's body had really reached its limit, the doctor decided to perform a caesarean section for her. This is a high-risk operation because the baby is only 7 months old and is born prematurely.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

The body of a 7-month-old premature baby is very fragile, especially the respiratory tract has not fully grown, and the child is likely to have difficulty breathing after birth. And medical skills should not only ensure the safety of the baby, but also take into account Zhang Lijun's physical condition.

Eventually, after a five-hour operation, the baby was finally born. However, just when everyone was breathing a sigh of relief, the newborn suddenly developed symptoms of breathlessness.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

The paramedics immediately took emergency measures, and after some efforts, the baby's condition finally stabilized. But because the baby was weak, he needed to live in an incubator and was also transferred to another hospital in Shanghai with better pediatric skills.

After knowing that the child had been born safely, Zhang Lijun showed a relieved smile. She knew that her persistence was not in vain, and the safe birth of the child was the best reward for her.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

The last moments

However, for Zhang Lijun, the real battle has only just begun. After giving birth, the doctor gave her a detailed examination and evaluation of her cancer.

The results were dismal: the cancer in her body had spread and could not be surgically removed. To make matters worse, further tests revealed that Zhang Lijun had a rare form of signet ring cell carcinoma. This type of cancer is highly malignant and spreads rapidly.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

The doctor told Zhang Lijun and her family that in this case, there was no value in surgery, and the only thing that could be done was to prolong life through chemotherapy.

But Zhang Lijun was unexpectedly relaxed when she found out, because when she made up her mind to have a child, she had already guessed her ending in advance. She decided to undergo chemotherapy so that she could spend more time with her child.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

The process of chemotherapy is extremely difficult. The strong drug reaction made Zhang Lijun suffer, but she persevered. In the hospital, she smiles at the thought of seeing her son when her chemotherapy is over.

This cute little life is the motivation for her to persevere, and it is also the continuation of her life. Therefore, in the last stage of her life, Zhang Lijun showed amazing perseverance and love for life.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

After Zhang Lijun's chemotherapy was over, she decided to go home to recuperate and spend the rest of her precious time with her family. She wants to spend more time with her children and family.

Zhang Lijun, who returned home, seemed to be rejuvenated. She devotes herself to the work of taking care of her children, and despite her physical weakness, every movement is full of the tenderness of maternal love.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

When her son was full moon, she insisted on a small celebration. On that day, she was carefully dressed and had a happy smile on her face, as if she had forgotten her illness. This full moon celebration is not only a blessing for new life, but also a celebration of life's tenacity.

But Zhang Lijun knew that she couldn't accompany her child to grow up, so she began to record a birthday greeting video. She recorded a total of 18 videos, corresponding to each birthday of her son's future 18th birthday.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

In the video, she poured out her love for her son, shared her life experience, and expressed her expectations for her son's future. These videos condense all the love and concern of a mother, and have become the most precious gift she left to her son.

With the passage of time, Zhang Lijun's physical condition deteriorated dramatically. The pain became more and more unbearable, but she remained optimistic and tried not to worry her family.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

During the Spring Festival in 2016, she also made dumplings and pasted Spring Festival couplets with her family to spend reunion time together. Although her body was weak, the smile on her face was extraordinarily bright, as if she wanted to remember this beautiful moment forever.

In the last stage of her life, Zhang Lijun also fulfilled a small wish to travel abroad. Her husband sold the marriage house in order to fulfill her wish, just so that she could be happy.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

Although she can only use a wheelchair, she is very happy to enjoy the exotic scenery, enjoy the last days of her life, and leave many photos with her husband full of memories.

In November 2016, Zhang Lijun finally left this world. Her only regret is that she didn't hear her child call her mom.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

She left a letter full of wishes and expectations for her child. She hopes that the child can grow up healthy and happy and become a kind and brave person. Although she will not be able to accompany her children to grow up in person, her love will always be with them.

Zhang Lijun's story has deeply touched the hearts of countless people. She used her life to interpret the greatness of maternal love and show the tenacity and preciousness of life.

A 26-year-old pregnant woman with terminal cancer sacrificed her life for her husband to give birth to a child, and recorded 18 blessings for her child before her death

Her choice may seem irrational to some, but it is this selfless love that allows a new life to be born. In her own way, she fulfilled the mission of a mother.

Zhang Lijun let us witness the greatness of mother's love. A mother can give everything, even her life, for her child. This kind of selfless love is the purest and most touching emotion in the world.

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