
The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

author:Zero Quarter Entertainment


In this era of rapid development of the Internet, a mathematical genius named Jiang Ping suddenly broke into our field of vision and set off a big wave.

Here's the thing, Jiang Ping shined in the Ali Mathematics Competition, like a bright new star, which made countless people look sideways.

But then, like all dramatic stories, a storm about her monthly exam results quietly struck, triggering widespread discussion and deep reflection among the whole people.

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

The "little dark horse" in the mathematical world and the turmoil of public opinion

Jiang Ping, this name became a hot topic after tea and dinner overnight.

On the stage of the Ali math competition, she was like a little dark horse born out of nowhere, using her wisdom and perseverance to pass all the way to the finals.

This was originally an inspirational story, but due to a controversy after the game, it became the focus of national attention.

People can't help but wonder, why did this girl who shine in a difficult competition only score 83 points in mathematics in the monthly exam? Behind this, what is the force driving the giant wheel of public opinion?

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

On and off the field: A math journey of fire and ice

Speaking of Jiang Ping's road to the finals, it can really be described as "thrilling".

In the face of those complicated topics, she calmly analyzed, took steps to work, and finally proved her strength with excellent results.

When the news came the next day that she scored 83 points in mathematics in the monthly exam, people began to cast strange eyes.

The score seemed to be in stark contrast to her performance in the competition, which was incredible.

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

83 points, a seemingly ordinary number, has caused an uproar on the Internet.

Some people question, how can such a high level of competition be so "mediocre" in the monthly exam? But there are also people who rationally analyze that monthly exams and competitions are two different things, and the content, mentality, and preparation of the exam may affect the results.

After all, even superheroes have times when they are not in good shape.

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

Official involvement: an open and transparent dialogue

In the face of overwhelming questions, Lianshui officials stood up and gave a series of responses.

They first confirmed the authenticity of the 83 points, and then stated their position, and they still had to communicate with Alibaba DAMO Academy to solve any questions about the results.

As for the details of life such as snacks and computers, the official is also cautious, respecting privacy and trying to clarify the facts.

What's more interesting is that they have expressed their consideration for netizens' proposal to hold a symposium, and intend to face all doubts with an open attitude.

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

Puzzle Moment: Jiang Ping, can you do it?

Ali Dharma Academy played a key role in this turmoil.

As the organizers of the competition, they are responsible for ensuring the fairness of the competition, and at the same time, they are also required to provide reasonable explanations and verification of the results of the participants.

After all, the trust of the public is more precious than gold.

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

To say that Jiang Ping's performance in the monthly exam and competition is like "local rain" in the weather forecast, you never know where it will rain and where it will be sunny.

This may be because competitions are more in-depth knowledge of a particular field, while monthly exams may be a full-blown net.

Jiang Ping may have grown golden ears of wheat in some "specific fields", while others were a little more bland.

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

Jiang Ping's borrowing of a computer to participate in the competition made everyone see the perseverance of this little girl.

Borrowing resources does not mean cheating, but rather shows her wit and courage in the face of difficulties.

Isn't this the spirit we often teach our children to find a way out of adversity?

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

Netizen wisdom: work together, just for the truth

Netizens were not idle, and they put forward a suggestion to let the top players have academic exchanges with Jiang Ping.

This is not only an alternative verification of Jiang Ping's ability, but also a tribute to the spirit of knowledge sharing.

Of course, there may be various challenges to implement, but at least, the idea is eye-catching.

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

Jiang Ping's image in the documentary is very much like the girl next door, with a spirit of not admitting defeat.

Under the lens of the media, she is so positive, but it also makes people worry about whether such a young heart can withstand the pressure of public opinion.

After all, there is often a thin line between praise and criticism, and under the magnifying glass of the media, any detail can be infinitely magnified.

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

Echoes of Events: The Apocalypse of Education

For Jiang Ping, this incident is tantamount to a testing ground for personality and an accelerator for growth.

It was as if she had walked through a labyrinth full of challenges, where every step tested her wisdom and tenacity, and every turn quietly paved the stone path for growth.

And for the vast field of education, this event is like a morning horn, loud and clear, reminding us that it is time to rub our eyes and re-examine those topics that we may have become accustomed to but are crucial.

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

It prompts us to think deeply: how do we play the delicate balance between maintaining the privacy of each seedling and ensuring the fairness and transparency of the knowledge arena?

And how to sow the seeds of bravely facing the wind and rain and using honesty as a shield in the young hearts of children, so that they can thrive in the days to come?

Furthermore, while we add shining stars to the children's report cards, how can we not forget to nourish the soil of their souls, so that they can learn to swim in the ocean of knowledge, prop up their own boats in the wind and rain of life, and become not only the winners of scores, but also the explorers of life wisdom?

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

Conclusion: After the wind and rain, look forward to the rainbow

Looking back on Jiang Ping's mathematical adventure, it is not only about the wonderful journey of a young girl dancing with numbers, but also like a slowly unfolding growth diary, which records how trust is sown in the wind and rain, and how education blooms the flower of understanding in the soil of doubt.

This story is like a vivid lesson, teaching us to use the compass of logic to navigate the fog of doubt and find the hidden light of truth.

More importantly, it is a mirror that reflects the strength of our hearts to be tolerant and supportive of others, reminding us that sometimes, the strongest backing is a heart that is willing to understand.

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

As for the vast sky of education, we are full of hope, and hope that it will become clearer and brighter like the clear sky after the rain, so that every enthusiasm for knowledge can be bathed in warm sunshine.

After all, every child is a unique star in the universe, and every time they grow and shine, it is not only a personal victory, but also a common glory and testimony of our big family.

The Jiang Ping incident is really hammered! Lianshui's official response: Organize a symposium to ask Jiang Ping to dispel doubts?

Therefore, let us accompany every Jiang Ping-style story with a more gentle gaze, use understanding as the pen and support as the ink, and jointly draw a picture of the growth of dreams, courage and love.

After all, in this journey called "life", every small progress is worth stopping, savoring, and cheering together.