
The overall situation of the property market has been decided! Nearly half of the urban households in the country will be in four major troubles

author:Meimei's big vision

The recent changes in the real estate market are dazzling. To buy or not to buy, that's the question. For those who have multiple apartments in their hands, life is not easy, and according to statistics, nearly half of the country's urban households own more than one property, which can be a worrying situation.

The overall situation of the property market has been decided! Nearly half of the urban households in the country will be in four major troubles

Do you still remember the days of crazy "getting in the car" to buy a house in the first two years? As long as you are bold enough, even if you buy naked, you can make money, now the confidence of investors has plummeted, they have fled the property market, housing prices have also fallen all the way, the price decline in the Shanghai property market is shocking, and some disks even appear "halved", more exaggerated direct "four folds"!

The overall situation of the property market has been decided! Nearly half of the urban households in the country will be in four major troubles

For those families who hold multiple properties, it is certainly not a good feeling to watch the market value of their homes shrink day by day. To make matters worse, the house is not easy to get rid of. In the past, even a dilapidated house could be sold for a good price, but now it is difficult to sell a good house, let alone those suburban houses that have no supporting facilities. In some fourth, fifth and sixth-tier cities, housing prices have even dropped by more than 80%, and buying a house is equivalent to buying a big burden, and you can't get rid of it if you want to.

The overall situation of the property market has been decided! Nearly half of the urban households in the country will be in four major troubles

There is also about property tax, according to this trend, there is a high probability that the property tax will be implemented in 2026. At that time, families with multiple apartments will be miserable, with huge holding costs and property tax pressure. In order to avoid long-term debt, many people are afraid that they will have to reluctantly part with their love and sell their real estate. When the time comes, the house will be a lot, and the price can only go down.

The overall situation of the property market has been decided! Nearly half of the urban households in the country will be in four major troubles

For those obsessive speculators, life will only get harder and harder. Instead of harboring unrealistic illusions, it is better to adjust your asset allocation early and leave yourself a way back. After all, no matter how many houses there are, they can't be eaten as food, right?

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