
The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

author:Ashin said the ball

After the men's basketball team lost to Macau's Black Bears by 5 points, 7 people played very well, and the performance of 5 post-00s was also excellent, and they were also praised by Guo Shiqiang, and they are expected to stay in the men's basketball team.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

Yao Ming also has a certain possibility that he can naturalize the NBA's No. 9 draft, which is now Zach Eddie. Choi Yong-hee signed a new contract with the NBA's Trail Blazers, and James' son successfully joined the Lakers.

The first highlight, the men's basketball team lost to the Macau Black Bears 78-83, but although the defeat was still glorious, in the next game, it still played a very good level, which is indeed very expected.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

Speaking of today's men's basketball team, this group of outstanding young players, in the arena, even if they lose the game, but this is also a good exercise. After all, including Gao Shiyan, as well as Zhu Mingzhen, Du Runwang, Liao Sanning, Cui Xiaolong and other players, everyone is still looking for a feeling in the stadium. If the feeling of the game is found, the chances of winning the next game are about to be greater.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

Among them, for the men's basketball team by 5 points, it lost to the Macau Black Bears, even if it was said that it lost this game, but everyone should realize that the Macau Black Bears have a former foreign aid of the former Liaoning team, that is, the 41-year-old main force. It can be said that the men's basketball team lost the game this time, and the experience can also be summed up. However, there are seven players who still perform very well and deserve everyone's recognition.

After the men's basketball team lost the game 78-83, some people said that Guo Shiqiang's essential employment arrangement, why didn't Lin Wei and some younger main players have the opportunity to play? In fact, Guo Shiqiang has his own set of employment arrangement concepts and his own set of choices, which is completely understandable, and everyone can rest assured.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

Among the team, especially Liao Sanning got 13 points and 5 rebounds, and also became the player with the highest scoring data on the guard line. Liao Sanning's overall performance ability in the arena is very high until now, which is very expected. At the same time, it also shows everyone that today's lineup does have a strong competitiveness.

Then included the main players in the team, who everyone is very familiar with and know very well, that is, the members of our men's basketball team, including Zhu Junlong, the forward also got 10 points and 5 rebounds. Zhu Junlong, a small forward, is very strong in the arena, his ability to break through and his ability to play alone with the ball. In the field, he can quickly break through the opponent's defense and play at an excellent level, which is very expected.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

At the same time, Gao Shiyan scored 8 points and 3 rebounds. Gao Shiyan, a member of the team, used to be a proud disciple of Guo Shiqiang. Guo Shiqiang is the disciple trained by Guo Shiqiang, Guo Shiqiang knows best, and he also asked Gao Shiyan to play the main force, and he did show a certain excellent performance. Of course, including Cui Xiaolong, a player, also scored 8 points in this game. Yu Jiahao, who performed very well at the same time, is 2.03 meters tall, and he got 6 rebounds in the court, as well as points data.

Yu Jiahao's overall performance ability is still at the upper middle level. If his play is more stable and his rebounding ability is higher, maybe it will be stronger. Then, Jiao Boqiao and Zhu Mingzhen also had a very good performance. As a big center, Jiao Poqiao cut off the responsibility of the interior in the course of this game, without Zhou Qi and others playing, and he got 11 points and 7 rebounds.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

Jiao Boqiao, the main player, is also the main force of Guo Shiqiang in the CBA Guangzhou team, and he has indeed played a certain role and has become a player in the team who has played well. Zhu Mingzhen also scored 7 points, in this competition, these seven players have Jiao Boqiao in the center, Liao Sanning in the back, and Zhu Junlong in the forward. I believe that after this group of young players accumulate experience, they will be able to play better in the following games.

The second aspect is that there are five excellent post-00s in today's men's basketball team, and they can definitely stay. After all, these five excellent post-00s have a very high level of performance now.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

The first is Zhao Weilun, who is far away in the overseas Italian league, even if Zhao Weilun has played in recent games, he did not say that he played very well. But Zhao Weilun's playing in the Italian league is enough to say it all, and his overall level of ability is very high. He is now thriving in overseas leagues and has become a regular in the team.

In the past, Zhao Weilun also performed very well in the youth group of the men's basketball team, and was very much expected. If nothing else, Zhao Weilun is likely to be selected for the squad. Then, including Yang Hansen, the main force, he was also selected with Zhao Weilun, and there is a great chance of staying. After all, Yang Hansen is only 19 years old. He is now 2.18 meters tall, and he is still at a good level in terms of the inside line.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

Although Yang Hansen only got one rebound and 4 points in the face of the Macau Black Bears, everyone must know that Yang Hansen, the main player, did not play much time. If he can get more playing time and opportunities, I believe his scoring stats will be higher. According to the current overall ability, Jiao Boqiao can continue to stay. Because Jiao Boqiao is a disciple that Guo Shiqiang is very proud of, he is also Guo Shiqiang's hand can take it out.

At present, he has scored 11 points against the Macau Black Bears, and he has also played very well. Then Liao Sanning's words, his overall scoring data is the highest in the team. Facing the Macau Black Bears, Liao Sanning scored 13 points and can definitely stay. Lin Wei's side can also continue to stay.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

After all, Lin Wei, the main player, played so well in the CBA, and now that he has come to the men's basketball international competition, he may be able to perform at a better level. If you take a closer look, you will find that whether it is Lin Wei or Liao Sanning, and Zhao Weilun in the team are very young, including Jiao Boqiao and Yang Hansen, these two forwards are also very competitive.

And then there is another player that everyone must understand, and that is Li Hongquan. Li Hongquan is a player, and his personal offensive end is very distinctive. If he can play at a good level, he can stay.

In the third aspect, Yao Ming and the men's basketball team have a certain intention to naturalize Zach Eddie, that is, the main player who got the ninth pick in the NBA draft. Zac Eddie is 2.23 meters tall and is one-quarter of his Chinese ancestry.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

To put it bluntly, his grandparents are from our Guangdong province, China, so he has this fine bloodline from our country. The Chinese-American player, Zac Eddie, was selected by the NBA's Grizzlies with the No. 9 rookie pick in the recent draft.

So everyone will find that this Zach Eddie is indeed a rare main force in the court. And when he was interviewed, he said a very interesting thing and expressed his recognition of us. Zach Eddie made it clear: When I started playing basketball, my bloodline also showed up, and I realized that I was a Chinese. It can be said that Zac Eddie recognized from the bottom of his heart that he was actually a very good Chinese.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

Zach Eddie believes that he is a Chinese athlete himself, and he hopes to have a certain opportunity to come to our country and compete in the future. So when Zac Eddie expressed his will, he expressed his recognition of our Chinese men's basketball team. At this time, Yao Ming, Guo Shiqiang and others can seize the opportunity, and they can negotiate with Zac Eddie.

Once Zac Eddy is planned, our men's basketball team will definitely add another excellent big center, and he will be able to play better in the arena, so as to better compete for our Asian championship and the top eight rankings in international competitions. After all, Zach Eddie was able to pick up the No. 9 pick in the NBA draft.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

In the past, Yi Jianlian was drafted in the NBA, and he got the sixth pick, which also shows that Zac Eddie, in fact, he is very similar to Yi Jianlian. Of course, Zac Eddie is a player who will be improved even more if he can plan it in. After all, he will be the main force in the team.

Then in the fourth aspect, Choi Yong-hee signed an Exhibit 10 contract with the NBA's Trail Blazers, and James' son Bronny was also successfully selected for the NBA's Lakers.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

From the results of this selection, everyone can see that the current Cui Yongxi is still very hardworking. Even if it is said that he unfortunately failed in the NBA draft, but for Choi Yongxi, this will be a good start, it is understood that this player as our men's basketball team's excellent No. 2 position, taking into account the No. 3 player, Choi Yongxi has now signed an Exhibit 10 contract with the NBA Trail Blazers.

For Choi Yong-hee, the player is 1.99 meters tall, and his jumping ability and personal physical talent are very high. Choi Young-hee would certainly be better if he could look for opportunities to develop in the NBA. If he unfortunately lost in the NBA draft, in fact, Choi Yong-hee might as well consider it, he can go to the European league to play, and he can go to the Australian league to play, which may not be a good development opportunity.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

Of course, congratulations to Choi Yong-hee for signing the Exhibit 10 contract with the NBA Trail Blazers. After all, Choi Yong-hee is a player with great physical talent, after all, and his personal physical talent is also very high. If he can give full play to his level, maybe he can go further and play at a more top level, which is very much expected.

For the NBA draft, James is the champion MVP from the NBA. James' son, Bronny, was drafted by the Lakers. James' son was drafted to the same team as himself, that is, to play with the Lakers.

The men's basketball team has 7 outstanding players, 5 post-00s stay in the team, Cui Yongxi signed with the NBA, and Yao Ming can be naturalized as 2.23 meters Chinese

It seems that the next James and his son are also going to join forces. For our Choi Yong-hee next, he will continue to stay in the NBA's summer league, and I hope he can continue to work hard and play at an excellent level.

Of course, in general, we hope that the men's basketball team will have more outstanding talents, who can be discovered, can be promoted, and play better in the future, let us cheer for our men's basketball team.


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