
The salary of civil servants comes from the taxpayer's tax, is it the taxpayer who supports the civil servant?

author:Pan Hsiu Aoyama

Let's talk about "taxpayers supporting civil servants", which seems to make sense at first glance, after all, the hard-earned money of our people has become the salary bags of public servants in the blink of an eye. But is it really that simple? Let's break it up.

The salary of civil servants comes from the taxpayer's tax, is it the taxpayer who supports the civil servant?
The salary of civil servants comes from the taxpayer's tax, is it the taxpayer who supports the civil servant?
The salary of civil servants comes from the taxpayer's tax, is it the taxpayer who supports the civil servant?

First of all, we have to figure out what the tax we pay is. Personal income tax, although it sounds quite bluffing, is actually a sesame seed in the whole fiscal pie. What really supports the fiscal edifice are those value-added tax, corporate income tax, customs duties and consumption taxes, which are all "giant" level existences.

Furthermore, civil servants are also flesh-and-blood taxpayers, not the ones who eat and wipe them clean. According to the regulations, when their wages reach the tax threshold, they have to pay taxes obediently. Not only that, the daily consumption and vacation travel of civil servants are also proper tax payment behaviors, driving the economy and stimulating domestic demand, and they are the real "big tax payers".

The salary of civil servants comes from the taxpayer's tax, is it the taxpayer who supports the civil servant?
The salary of civil servants comes from the taxpayer's tax, is it the taxpayer who supports the civil servant?

Speaking of which, you may ask, "What did I buy for the taxes I paid?" "Actually, paying taxes is like buying insurance, you are buying the peace of the country, the opportunity of education, the smooth flow of roads, and social fairness and justice. Without these, not to mention your house, car, and even your personal safety have to be questioned.

Finally, we have to admit that the work of civil servants is valuable, they work for the country, and the state pays them a salary, which is no different from working in a company and getting paid. The money you make, the boss won't say anything; Similarly, taxpayers have no reason to dictate the salaries of civil servants.

The salary of civil servants comes from the taxpayer's tax, is it the taxpayer who supports the civil servant?
The salary of civil servants comes from the taxpayer's tax, is it the taxpayer who supports the civil servant?
The salary of civil servants comes from the taxpayer's tax, is it the taxpayer who supports the civil servant?

All in all, paying taxes is like going to the supermarket to buy something, paying for it, and the thing belongs to you; In the same way, the state uses the taxes you pay in exchange for public services, which is called "equivalent exchange". Therefore, "taxpayers feed civil servants", this sentence sounds a little wrong, we still have to look at it rationally, what do you say? It seems that we ran into a little trouble trying to generate an illustration of an office building with an ordinary citizen holding a tax slip with a puzzled expression and a city backdrop. But don't worry, this doesn't affect our in-depth understanding and discussion of the content of the article.