
It's a big deal! Customers who eat 170 skewers are counted as 380, merchants: It's not easy to do business Netizens scolded angrily

author:Pan Hsiu Aoyama

Xi'an string of turmoil: food stalls under the integrity crisis

That day, the sun was scorching, the heat wave was rolling, and a small skewer shop in Xi'an was very lively. A customer, after a feast, is ready to check out, and it turns out, hey! The number on the bill almost didn't make his eyes pop out - how did it become 380 skewers even though he ate 170 strings? The extra 210 strings are not a joke, the price has jumped directly from 120 yuan to 202, a whole 82 oceans!

It's a big deal! Customers who eat 170 skewers are counted as 380, merchants: It's not easy to do business Netizens scolded angrily
It's a big deal! Customers who eat 170 skewers are counted as 380, merchants: It's not easy to do business Netizens scolded angrily

This matter will be angry on anyone. The customer immediately became angry and asked the boss, this is obviously bullying an honest person! The boss is also calm, saying "it's not easy to do business", trying to calm things down. Hearing these words in the ears of customers, it simply added fuel to the fire: "It's not easy for your family, and my money is not blown by the wind!" ”

It's a big deal! Customers who eat 170 skewers are counted as 380, merchants: It's not easy to do business Netizens scolded angrily
It's a big deal! Customers who eat 170 skewers are counted as 380, merchants: It's not easy to do business Netizens scolded angrily

Seeing the dispute escalating, the customer decisively chose to call the police. The police uncle arrived, and after some mediation, the boss bowed his head and admitted his mistake and said, "I apologize to you!" But the customer was resolute this time, waved his hand and said: "There is no need to apologize, we pay attention to integrity, what do you call it?" ”

The boss's final defense is even more ridiculous: "I didn't deceive consumers!" This remark is simply a vivid footnote to the word "shameless".

It's a big deal! Customers who eat 170 skewers are counted as 380, merchants: It's not easy to do business Netizens scolded angrily
It's a big deal! Customers who eat 170 skewers are counted as 380, merchants: It's not easy to do business Netizens scolded angrily

As soon as this incident came out, there was an uproar on the Internet. Netizens said: "Doing business depends on integrity, without this backbone, sooner or later you will have to fall on your heels!" "Where is this business, it's a fraud scene!" It is true that it is not easy for merchants, but it is not advisable to use this as an excuse to deceive customers.

Xiaobian has something to say: in this era, integrity is more precious than gold. Without integrity, no matter how prosperous the business is, it will eventually collapse like a castle in the air. It's not easy for us people to make some money, businessmen, remember to be honest, don't let a moment of greed ruin a long-term reputation!

It's a big deal! Customers who eat 170 skewers are counted as 380, merchants: It's not easy to do business Netizens scolded angrily

So, what do you think of this series of turmoil? Welcome to leave a message to share your views, let's talk about the weight of this integrity, how heavy!