
Hand in hand for ten years to write another chapter 2024 The 10th Cheng'a Agribusiness Interconnection Joint Guarantee and Joint Supply Event was successfully held

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Red Star News Network, June 28 - From June 27th to 28th, the 2024 10th Chengdu Aba Prefecture Rural Business Interconnection and Joint Supply Docking Event was successfully held in Xiaojin County, Aba Prefecture, where more than 40 enterprises from Chengdu and Aba Prefecture gathered together to discuss win-win business opportunities for cooperation.

Hand in hand for ten years to write another chapter 2024 The 10th Cheng'a Agribusiness Interconnection Joint Guarantee and Joint Supply Event was successfully held

Matchmaking site

Create ten years of brilliance and work together to continue to write a new chapter of joint guarantee and joint supply

According to reports, this year is the tenth year that Chengdu and Argentina have jointly held the joint guarantee and joint supply activities of agricultural and commercial interconnection, and the two sides have achieved remarkable results in ten years of pragmatic cooperation. In the past 10 years, Chengdu has organized more than 100 large-scale agricultural product markets, supermarkets, e-commerce platforms and other enterprises to come to Aba Prefecture, bringing a variety of high-quality plateau fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat products, mushroom products and other rich and diverse products from Aba Prefecture to the Chengdu market and even the national market.

"Aba Prefecture has a wealth of high-quality, green products, the current development of e-commerce is in full swing, the mainland in the first quarter of this year online retail sales reached 3.3 trillion yuan, and Aba Prefecture's agricultural products e-commerce has room for further improvement, Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Commerce organized us to participate in this event is very meaningful, through exchanges with Aba Prefecture enterprises, we have expanded a wide range of cooperation space." Ms. Liu, the relevant person in charge of the new e-commerce business base in Pujiang County, told reporters.

The person in charge of the event site of the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Commerce said that Chengdu has always been committed to building a platform and bridge for the cooperation between Chengdu and Aba enterprises. "Chengdu's agricultural wholesale markets, supermarkets and emerging e-commerce platforms are all important channels to promote the expansion of Aba products. For enterprises with relatively small output, e-commerce is a better choice. At the same time, he said that in the ten-year cooperation between Chengdu and Aba, it has witnessed the prosperity of Aba industry and the improvement of product quality, and Chengdu very much hopes to strengthen cooperation with Aba and Xiaojin, continue to carry out in-depth agricultural and commercial interconnection and joint supply and supply of agricultural business docking activities, and promote Aba agricultural products to enter the Chengdu, Sichuan and national markets.

Synergy and progress into the two enterprises signed a contract of 36 million yuan

During the event, the relevant persons in charge of Chengdu Agricultural Products Center Wholesale Market, Hongqi Chain and Pujiang "Wanguo Expo" respectively introduced the procurement needs in detail. "As the largest beef and mutton trading market in southwest China, we supply an average of 700 heads of beef and more than 5,000 heads of pork per day, and we also have a great demand for vegetables, meat, fungi and other products. Mr. Liu, deputy general manager of the wholesale market of Chengdu Agricultural Products Center, introduced.

Through the preparation of the event and the in-depth exchanges on the spot, Chengdu enterprises and Aba enterprises reached a number of cooperation intentions at the event site, of which 8 enterprises reached 4 groups of contracts, with a contract amount of 36 million yuan.

Hand in hand for ten years to write another chapter 2024 The 10th Cheng'a Agribusiness Interconnection Joint Guarantee and Joint Supply Event was successfully held

Chengdu enterprises signed contracts with Aba enterprises on the spot

Chengdu Agricultural Products Center Wholesale Market, Hongqi Chain, Manpeng Vegetable Market and Jinzhong Technology will carry out in-depth cooperation with enterprises such as Lixian Sunshine Luyuan, Sichuan Jinshan Rose, Wenchuan Nonghui Pheasant, Ruoergai Net Trade Port E-commerce Technology Co., Ltd. in Aba Prefecture, and demonstrate and drive more enterprises to reach cooperation and promote the development of enterprises in the two places hand in hand.

Guarding vegetable baskets and fruit plates, Aba high-quality products continue to be new

In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the rich products of Xiaojin County, Aba Prefecture, this event not only arranged the exhibition of agricultural products in Aba Prefecture and the docking symposium between Chengdu and A.

At the exhibition site of special agricultural products, there are countless special products such as small golden apples, sea buckthorn products, eggs, barley wine, wine, rose tea, yak meat products, vegetables, yak milk products, and fungi. "The yak milk flakes are delicious, and the milky flavor is very strong." The person in charge of the investment promotion department of the Pujiang "Wanguo Expo" project was full of praise for the yak milk slices and expressed the hope that cooperation could be reached as soon as possible, so that more Chengdu citizens could eat more Daoaba food.

Hand in hand for ten years to write another chapter 2024 The 10th Cheng'a Agribusiness Interconnection Joint Guarantee and Joint Supply Event was successfully held

Chengdu enterprises on-site selection

In the apple planting demonstration base in Bajiao Town, although the apples are not yet ripe, they can already smell the fragrance of apples when walking under the apple trees, and everyone has shown strong expectations for the ripe apples. It is understood that due to geographical constraints, Bajiao Town is difficult to expand product sales channels, and during the on-site inspection, Hongqi Chain, Vegetable Delivery Boy and other enterprises have expressed their willingness to cooperate.

Hand in hand for ten years to write another chapter 2024 The 10th Cheng'a Agribusiness Interconnection Joint Guarantee and Joint Supply Event was successfully held

Chengdu purchasing enterprises inspected the apple planting demonstration base in Bajiao Town

"Cabbage, spinach, kale, lettuce and other vegetables here are extremely fresh, and the vegetables eaten at noon are also sweeter and more delicious than usual, and I hope that our table is full of this healthy, fresh and delicious vegetables." When inspecting the open source agricultural ecological vegetable project base in Xiaojin County, Manager Zhou of Chengdu Yimin Fresh Supply Chain Investment and Development Department expressed his recognition of the green vegetables of the Aba Prefecture Plateau.

As an enterprise independently developed a series of rose products in Aba Prefecture, Jinshan Rose not only has a planting base of 15,000 acres, but also provides more than 70 scientific research rooms, including the West China Academician Workstation Laboratory, in the rose base of Maoshui Village, Dawei Town. When visiting the base, everyone gave a thumbs up to its perfect industrial chain, rich derivative products and independent scientific research spirit.

It is understood that the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Commerce will continue to cooperate pragmatically with Aba in terms of business and trade cooperation, joint guarantee and joint supply, etc., and fully implement the development strategy of "four synchronization, urban-rural integration, and co-prosperity of five districts" through the continuous holding of a series of activities of agricultural and commercial interconnection and joint guarantee and joint supply, promote the leading development of advantageous areas, make up for the outstanding shortcomings of regional development, build a regional economic layout with complementary advantages, and promote a higher level of regional coordinated development.

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Editor: Duan Qilin Editor: Gao Ting, Qin Feng Review: Ma Lan, Huang Jiaqi Producer: Zhao Ruoyi, Wang Shengsheng Director: Li Tianxiang

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