
The person with the lowest EQ on Liangshan has a body of martial arts, but he plays a good hand of cards to a sparse extent

author:Literature History Banquet
The person with the lowest EQ on Liangshan has a body of martial arts, but he plays a good hand of cards to a sparse extent

The blue-faced beast Yang Zhi is not low in Liangshan's one hundred and eight generals, and he is the descendant of the famous Yang generals. However, this famous family did not bring him too many benefits after that, after all, the era of the Yang family's scenery was almost a hundred years away from his era, and he couldn't enjoy too many dividends, but this kind of life experience made him carry a lot of burden. In the original text of "Water Margin", he himself said: "I hope to put my skills together, shoot and knife in the side court, win a wife and a son, and also compete with my ancestors." ”

Yang Zhi has lived around this one thing all his life, and all the content of his life is to fight for this goal. You see that the other heroes in the Water Margin have their own hobbies, and in short, they all have time to play.

Yan Qing like all the amusement projects are all excellent, not to mention. Look at Lin Chong, when he was the head of the 800,000 forbidden army, he wandered around the streets with nothing to do, took his wife around the Great Xiangguo Temple, and was happy to buy a knife with a thousand yuan, and he had a good time. There are also people like the divine doctor An Daoquan, the nine-pattern dragon Shi Jin likes to visit the fireworks Willow Lane, the black whirlwind Li Kui, and the day rat Bai Sheng likes to gamble money, although it is not a serious hobby, after all, there is an amateur life. At the very least, these heroes still like to eat meat and drink wine, which is still a pastime.

Look at this Yang Zhi again, in the whole "Water Margin", he has not entered a restaurant once in order to make himself happy, all to fill his stomach and then do business.

The person with the lowest EQ on Liangshan has a body of martial arts, but he plays a good hand of cards to a sparse extent

In Yang Zhi's life dictionary, there is no word "leisure", only "struggle". I guess in his subconscious, if he has time, he should keep working hard and keep improving. All activities that are not carried out for the sake of one's own career success are considered unprofessional and should be despised.

I estimate that after he went to Erlong Mountain, he chatted with Lu Zhishen and Wu Song, and he would disagree with the approach of those two in his heart: "When he became a magistrate, the battalion-level cadres were satisfied, playing all over the streets, not knowing how to practice more martial arts, improve their professional level, and do more work to save performance, even if he didn't kill Zhen Guanxi, he was enough to go to the regimental level, let alone the division level." Looking at the surnamed Wu again, it is even more hopeless, when he is the head of the county, the captain of the criminal police is satisfied, and he is not motivated at all. And Yang Zhi is too self-motivated, there is nothing else but self-motivation.

Look at Yang Zhi, do you feel familiar? There are a lot of people like this around us. Except for work and struggle, they think that everything else is idle and meaningless. How much time is wasted by finding a group of friends to party? There is a lot of overtime and a lot of performance during this time. It's okay to watch ball games, watch movies, listen to cross talk, sing K, I'm damn! What's the use of doing this, can you get a promotion or make more money doing these things? Not only did he not make money, but the money was spent in vain, and he took time, why did he allow it? Look at me, I improved a lot of performance when you were fooling, not only did I not spend money, but I also made money. I changed to a bigger house and bought a high-end car again. What about you? After playing for a long time, don't you still live in that 100 square meters and take the bus?

People have to struggle and move towards a higher goal, but the goal is always higher, and there is no end. Zhuangzi said: "My life also has an end, and knowledge has no end. That is to say, my life is so long, knowledge is endless, in my limited life to explore knowledge endlessly, when there is not enough, it is really over.

People only have one life, and they need to have a certain amount of joy in life. Therefore, there should be a similar expectation of struggle, as long as the expectation is met, your life will be considered successful. And there is a lot of fun in life, if there is no hobby, there is no leisure life, anyway, I think this life is quite wronged. Of course, some people feel that continuous struggle, changing a big house, changing a good car is all about life, the fun is here, and he is disgusting when he touches the things he plays, which is also people's freedom.

But just look at Yang Zhi, he is really too tired to live. Yang Zhi is known as the Heavenly Dark Star among the 36 Tiangang Stars, which probably means that his life has no color and is gray.

And Yang Zhi reflects a common shortcoming of this kind of person, that is, his emotional intelligence is too low. You think, and there is no hobby to enjoy the body and mind, and there is no social life to exchange feelings. Faced with cold machines or reports, it would be surprising if his emotional intelligence was so high.

The person with the lowest EQ on Liangshan has a body of martial arts, but he plays a good hand of cards to a sparse extent

Look at Yang Zhi, as soon as he appeared, he lost Hua Shigang, and then packed up a load of belongings and went to Bianliang, Tokyo, to do some work, wanting to be reinstated. As a result, he slipped around, and finally got the opportunity to meet Gao Yu. But before meeting Gao Yu, all his money had just been spent. In other words, he spent money up and down, and as a result, he went empty-handed in front of Gao Yu, what kind of brain is this?

You know how to spend money to buy roads, why do you think that Gao Taiwei is upright and has a clean breeze on his sleeves, is it reasonable? Otherwise, if you plan carefully, make a budget in advance, spend less money, and be more attentive, you may not be able to get things done, and the largest share will have to be reserved for Captain Gao; Otherwise, you just see that no one spends money, and you will petition with the policy provisions, at most the door will be difficult to enter and the face will be ugly, at least the money will remain. It's good that you spent all the money in front, and when you see that you don't burn incense, the money in front of you is all in vain. It's about eating, drinking, and having fun, and living happily for at least a year. Even if you still hear a sound in the river, you are worse than throwing it into the river, and it will be gone quietly, and it is useless.

Then Yang Zhi didn't even have any money for food, so he could only sell his family heirloom knife on the street, asking for 3,000 yuan. I don't understand, your heart as an official is so urgent, seeing that Gao Yu has no money to do it, won't you have money if you want to sell the knife at that time? Or just send the knife to Gao Yu. At that time, I was reluctant, and now I can only change food and drink, and my brain can't turn around.

Of course, Yang Zhi is also relatively unlucky, Yunhua Shigang, ten envoys, nine are fine, and he is in a situation. Then there was an accident selling knives, and he ran into Niu Er, a gangster on the street, and pestered Yang Zhi to stir up. Tell Yang Zhi: "Don't you say that your knife kills people without blood?" You kill me and try. "Yang Zhi said, you find a dog, I'll try it for you. Niu Er said that you are talking about killing people, not killing dogs, so you have to kill people, come, you kill me and try. If you don't kill me, bring me the sword. really angered Yang Zhi and killed Niu Er with one knife. Thanks to the people on the street, Yang Zhicai was not guilty of capital crimes, and he was sent to the army and the Daimyo Mansion.

The person with the lowest EQ on Liangshan has a body of martial arts, but he plays a good hand of cards to a sparse extent

In fact, Niu Er, a passer-by, is a scoundrel on the street, who has nothing to do to blackmail people to order something. The reason why people on the street are afraid of him is mainly because he is open-minded. The horizontal ones are afraid of being stunned, the ones who are afraid of dying are not dead, and Niu Er is the one who does not want to die. He beats you, you beat him, and you will go to jail. He's not afraid to go to jail, if you're afraid, you'll have to let him. He is not afraid of death if he has a bad life, and if you are afraid of a life lawsuit, you have to avoid him; If you can't hide it, you have to give it to you if he blackmails you. He is so capable, but ordinary people are still afraid of him.

But Yang Zhi's approach is problematic, in fact, he faces Niu Er and Wang Jin and his father Wang Sheng face Gao Yu the same. Wang Sheng's method of dealing with it was to beat Gao Yu to the ground for three or four months, as I said earlier, this is not considered. Yang Zhi went even further, killing people directly and causing trouble.

It's still the same sentence, your martial arts are so much higher than him, you beat him when you play, knock him down a few times, he knows that it is powerful, and he won't pester you. And with Niu Er's popularity, Yang Zhi directly beat him so that he couldn't get up, and no one would care about it, you can still walk away.

Look at how Lu Zhishen educated those who were skinny, Yang Zhi was too far behind him. He didn't know how to get rid of Niu Er's entanglement at all, he felt that this person was so hateful, plus he was blasted out by Gao Yu, penniless, and a resentment couldn't be controlled, so he threw it directly at Niu Er, because he killed such a person, he almost took his life, and his handling method showed how low his emotional intelligence was.

However, the only time in Yang Zhi's life was lucky was this time when he was assigned to the army, and when he arrived at the Daimyo's Mansion, he was appreciated by Liang Zhongshu and handed over to him the important political task of escorting the birth gang. At this time, Yang Zhi once again exposed the shortcomings of emotional intelligence.

The original text of "Water Margin": Yang Zhi asked Chen to get up, and Shen Shi rested. The eleven forbidden armies were burdened with heavy burdens, none of them were lighter, and the weather was hot, and they could not do it; When he saw the forest, he went to rest. Yang Zhi hurried to urge to do it, if he stopped, he would be scolded at the lightest, and beaten with rattans at the worst, forcing him to do it. Although the two Yu Hou were only carrying some luggage in their bags, they couldn't walk out of breath. Yang Zhi said angrily: "You two don't know anything! It has to be mine! You don't beat this master for the Sprinkle family, but you are slowly suffering behind your back! It's not a trick on the road! Na Yu Hou said: "It's not that the two of me have to walk slowly, but in fact, I can't move when it's hot, so I fall behind." The day before yesterday, I just took advantage of the cool in the morning, but now I want to do it in the heat, and it is uneven! Yang Zhidao: "You talk like this, but you seem to fart!" The day before must be on good ground; Now it is an embarrassing place, if you don't rush over in the day, who dares to leave in the middle of the night? The two Yu Hou were silent, and thought in their stomachs: "This guy is not straight, and he will curse!" ”

According to the original text, Yang Zhi led the team to set off at seven o'clock every morning. Until three o'clock in the afternoon, the hottest time of the day are on the road, this group of soldiers who carry the burden is heavy, this crime is great, Yang Zhi beats and scolds this group of people, the work style is simple and rude, and there is no good attitude towards the two Yu Hou sent by Liang Zhongshu to cooperate with his work. In the end, I lost the birth gang, it seems that it was because these people worked against Yang Zhi that they were tricked, in fact, I think the main responsibility lies with Yang Zhi.

If Yang Zhi is in front of me now, he will definitely shout grievances, it is because they don't listen to me that they have been drugged with sweat, and they may still be wronged, I am doing my work seriously, none of these people have a proper work attitude, and they are all lazy. Why this is so, it is clear to analyze the place of each person in this task.

Yang Zhi took the lead, and after he was delivered safely, he made a great contribution, and he would definitely not be able to run away after being rewarded, so he must be attentive, and the opportunity to make a career is in this trip. And what about the soldiers who carry the burden? They go this way, what they look like when they go, and they won't change much when they come back, and they still work as soldiers and coolies, so they just cope with errands. The two Yu Hou and the old man belonged to the entourage, and when they arrived in Tokyo to help Yang Zhi go through some procedures, looking at the words that Liang Zhongshu arranged for them to go, they would not gain much when they came back from this trip, so they also followed.

You see, the Birth Gang arrived smoothly, and the biggest benefit was Yang Zhi, and he was the lightest, shoulder-free, hands-free, and walked freely. And those who serve as soldiers, who get the least benefits, still carry heavy burdens, do the most tiring work, and bear the great sun, this sin is great. It's normal for them to want to rest when they're tired, Yang Zhi still comes to beat and scold, who wants to put it aside? So when you get to Huangnigang, no matter how Yang Zhi fights, these people can't survive or die, you beat us to death, and you pick up eleven burdens to go to Tokyo yourself.

Yang Zhi's low emotional intelligence is reflected in the fact that he only considers problems from his own point of view, and has never put himself in the shoes of these soldiers. A good management method should be a combination of grace and power, these people are so tired, you have to be somewhat polite in language: "The brothers have worked hard, let everyone suffer this crime, and the brothers really don't want to go." But who asked us to do this errand, it's also you who lift the brothers, the brothers know in their hearts, let's send it safely, I can't treat you badly. "Then buy some food and drink for everyone from time to time, coax a little, and smooth everyone first, it's easy to say. If you encounter that cheating and slippery person again, you should be beaten and scolded, and others will not say anything.

You can't only be motivated by fighting, who will play with you. And be polite to the accompanying old capital and the two Yu Hou, although you are a leader, but the qualifications of others are older than you, you take the idea, but you have to have a good attitude towards others, then they will help you do ideological work for those who are soldiers. He is also like counting down the three grandsons, can people still help you?

I feel that Yang Zhi doesn't seem to know how to talk to people well, in the whole "Water Margin", he is not amiable except for people who are officials, isn't this low emotional intelligence?

Yang Zhi's ending was to be recruited, followed by the attack on Fang La, fell ill in Dantu County, did not advance with the army again, and finally died of illness in Dantu County. Anyway, Yang Zhi is unlucky in this book, and he is also one of the best. It's easy to get out of the way and realize the wish of sealing his wife and son, but he died of illness. However, with his emotional intelligence, if he really becomes an official, he is good enough, and when he dies of illness, he can still let the court build a temple for him to receive incense, which can be regarded as more or less satisfying his wishes.

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