
News that Tesla China recalls layoffs but needs to return N+3 compensation: official response

News that Tesla China recalls layoffs but needs to return N+3 compensation: official response

Drive the house

2024-06-29 08:42

Fast Technology reported on June 29 that recently, a number of media reported that Tesla China recently began to recall previously laid off employees, and the recall scale is expected to exceed 100 people, and the recalled employees are mainly concentrated in charging, sales, after-sales and delivery departments.

At the same time, some bloggers broke the news that the employees who were hired back would have to return the N+3 compensation for the previous layoffs. In response to this matter, some media asked a former Tesla employee for verification, and the other party said that the news was true, but it was not returned N+3, but "3", that is, 3 months' basic salary was returned, and the age of the company was recalculated.

The former employee said: "This re-employment is equivalent to re-entry, and the previously promised stock is no longer available even if it goes back, so it is still a loss."

In response to the recall of the laid-off employees, some media contacted Tesla's staff in China, and the other party responded: "I don't know the specific situation." ”

On April 15 this year, Musk released an all-staff email, the company laid off 10% of its global employees, and the layoffs in China include customer service personnel, engineers, production line workers and logistics teams, among which the after-sales side is the hardest hit area by layoffs, with an optimization ratio of between 20% ~ 40%, and a layoff rate of up to 50% in individual departments.

Some former Tesla sales revealed to the media that some supermarket stores with large layoffs only retained 5 to 6 people, which is not conducive to the normal operation of the store, and it should be 8 to 9 people under normal circumstances.

News that Tesla China recalls layoffs but needs to return N+3 compensation: official response

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  • News that Tesla China recalls layoffs but needs to return N+3 compensation: official response

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