
Visit the first batch of comprehensive service bases and community health centers in Guangming! They say......

author:Shenzhen is bright
Visit the first batch of comprehensive service bases and community health centers in Guangming! They say......

June 27th

Guangming District Whole Life Cycle Health Management Program

Officially launched

Residents can directly scan the QR code online to sign a contract

Join the Scheme

You can also go to the first batch of 3 integrated service bases

Sign a contract with the community health center on the spot

After the launch of the Plan

What are the actions of Guangming District Hospital and Community Health?

Now let's go and have a look with Guangming-kun~

The Seventh Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University

  • Make the most of your strengths
  • Working together to build a "healthy and bright"
Visit the first batch of comprehensive service bases and community health centers in Guangming! They say......

On June 27, Guangming District launched the National Whole Life Cycle Health Management Plan, and the Seventh Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (hereinafter referred to as Zhongshan Seventh Hospital) was awarded the Guangming District National Whole Life Cycle Health Management Comprehensive Service Base.

As the largest single hospital in South China, how will Zhongshan Seventh Hospital help the in-depth implementation of the plan, work together to implement the Healthy China Strategy, accelerate the construction of "Healthy and Bright", and strive to make Guangming people not sick and less sick? At the unveiling ceremony of the Guangming District National Life Cycle Health Management Comprehensive Service Base held on June 28, a number of experts and professors from the Seventh Hospital of Zhongshan were interviewed on this.

"Health is the most valuable asset in life, and we will actively give full play to our own advantages to provide citizens with a full range of health management services from the preparation for pregnancy, pregnancy, newborn infants and toddlers, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, and the end of life, so as to help improve the health level of the whole people in Guangming District." ”

"To implement the Healthy China strategy and accelerate the construction of 'healthy and bright', the focus is on prevention. Taking orthopedics as an example, there is a high incidence of degenerative diseases of the spine and joints nowadays. However, if we do a good job of screening from adolescence and strengthen health management throughout the life cycle, we will effectively reduce the incidence of disease. At the same time, insisting on prevention also means paying attention to health education, constantly strengthening people's science popularization of various diseases, and preventing and treating diseases. Wei Fuxin, vice president of Zhongshan Seventh Hospital, director of orthopedics and director of spine surgery, said.

To do a good job in the health management of the whole life cycle of the whole people, pregnancy preparation is the first part. Li Tian, director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Zhongshan Seventh Hospital, said that women's reproductive health is related to the sustainable development of society, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Zhongshan Seventh Hospital provides them with whole-process health management through prenatal screening, relief of labor pains during childbirth, postpartum rehabilitation management and publicity and guidance, so that they can feel that it is a pleasant thing to conceive life. Today, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Zhongshan Seventh Hospital has achieved 70% painless deliveries through physical and medical technology.

In the view of Zhu Yunxiao, director of the Health Management Center and deputy director of the ultrasound department of Zhongshan Seventh Hospital, health management is not only a physical examination, but also a long-term management of healthy people. The Health Management Center of Zhongshan Seventh Hospital adopts a hierarchical management model to provide a holistic health plan for the people who participate in the physical examination. For critically ill patients, a green channel will be opened to conduct multidisciplinary consultation to help patients get early treatment; For patients with chronic diseases, we will work together with the community health center to carry out long-term follow-up management, and carry out lifestyle intervention and timely treatment for them to avoid aggravating the condition.

In order to actively respond to the call of the whole life cycle health management plan of Guangming District, Zhongshan Seventh Hospital will give full play to its own advantages, take the government as the guide, and cooperate with multiple departments in Guangming District in a planned and organized manner, and start to formulate a specific implementation plan for the whole life cycle health management that can be implemented, homogeneous and multi-dimensional, and mobilize all relevant clinical departments and platform departments to ensure the in-depth implementation of the plan.

According to the implementation plan, Zhongshan Seventh Hospital will focus on the main health problems and health influencing factors from pregnancy preparation to the end of life, and build an integrated full life cycle health management model covering "prevention", "screening", "diagnosis", "treatment" and "health" for common and frequent diseases of different age groups, so as to provide the public with health screening, assessment, intervention, treatment, rehabilitation and other all-round health management and services.

At the same time, through health education, we will strengthen residents' awareness of independent health management that "everyone is the first person responsible for their own health", improve the health level of the whole people in the region, and help create a "bright model" of "Healthy China".

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Guangming District People's Hospital

  • Relying on a high-quality medical platform
  • Consolidate the line of defense for the health of the bright masses
Visit the first batch of comprehensive service bases and community health centers in Guangming! They say......

Walking into the Health Management Center of the West Branch of Guangming District People's Hospital, the warmth and comfort, reasonable layout, and smooth process are the most intuitive feelings, and the staff is kind and gentle, and patiently guides the masses to have an orderly physical examination. It is understood that the Health Management Center of Guangming District People's Hospital is divided into two physical examination divisions in the east and west campuses, with a daily reception volume of more than 1,000 people and an annual physical examination workload of nearly 260,000 people.

The center is a member unit of Guangdong Provincial Physical Examination Quality Control Center and Shenzhen Physical Examination Quality Control Center, the chairman unit of the Physical Examination and Health Management Committee of Guangming District Medical Association, the third and fourth cycle of medical key disciplines (co-construction disciplines) in Guangming District, the clinical research center (base) of many universities, and one of the main providers of hospital public services. In recent years, the center has fully implemented the "Healthy China 2030" Planning Outline, cooperated with the implementation of the "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)", and adopted measures such as moving the threshold forward, early investigation and early screening, prevention and prevention, and active intervention for chronic diseases, so as to make residents in the jurisdiction not get sick, get less sick and get minor diseases, improve the quality of life, and prolong healthy life expectancy.

"Health is people's most valuable wealth, Guangming District national life cycle health management plan to promote the transformation of diseases from treatment to prevention, the listing of the national life cycle comprehensive service base, promote Guangming District People's Hospital to accelerate the transformation from 'inspection' to 'management', and promote the transformation of medical and health services from passive to active." According to Zeng Yunhong, director of the Health Management Center of Guangming District People's Hospital, the hospital will make efforts in publicity and promotion, personnel training, streamlining the process, strengthening management, etc., to fully implement the health management plan of the whole life cycle of Guangming District, and consolidate the health defense line of the people in Guangming.

Zeng Yunhong also said that the launch of the national life cycle health management plan in Guangming District is a real livelihood matter, and it is particularly important to do a good job in publicity, so that residents should pay more attention to personal health, enjoy a healthy life, and participate in the construction of "healthy and bright" with practical actions.

"Knowing that there are national life-cycle physical examination and health management services in Guangming District, we came here to thank the Guangming District Government for attaching importance to people's livelihood and residents' health! Thanks to the hospital staff for their patient and meticulous service. Ms. Zhang and Ms. Zhao, residents who live near the west branch of Guangming People's Hospital, came to sign the contract today and enjoyed this "people's livelihood gift package" "while it is hot". They said that the on-site feeling was very good, the physical examination center logo was clear, the process was smooth, the on-site staff was kind and enthusiastic, and the service was in place.

Tan Hongquan, an electrician who lives in Shijia Community, Matian Street, is usually busy with work and often neglects the management of personal health. "Very satisfied! The medical examination process here is relatively smooth and can be completed quickly. After completing the physical examination in the West Branch of Guangming District People's Hospital, Master Tan praised the service quality of the staff, and he decided to have a regular physical examination every year in the future.

It is reported that Guangming District People's Hospital has set up a special leading group, set up a special office, established a working mechanism such as task decomposition, schedule arrangement, daily and weekly reports, and fully supported the whole life cycle health examination and health management work of the whole people in Guangming District, and will be guaranteed from the aspects of manpower, material resources, financial resources and equipment in the future.

The hospital will make full use of the big data of physical examination, respect the wishes of physical examination customers, formulate targeted health management services for residents on the basis of the physical examination items stipulated by the District Health Bureau, and provide green channels such as consultation, online hospital, specialist outpatient clinic, and inpatient treatment for residents with abnormal physical examination indicators.

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Tangwei Community Health Center, Guangming District People's Hospital

  • Give full play to the advantages of residents' health management in close proximity
  • Tangwei Community is warm and warm

Guangming District People's Hospital Tangwei Community Health Center is located at No. 39, Tangqian Road, Tangwei Community, Fenghuang Street, with a service area of 7.9 square kilometers and a permanent population of more than 40,000 people. Many of the community's previous exploration and innovation work are closely related to the health management of the whole life cycle of the whole population.

In November 2019, Tangwei Community Health took the lead in launching a pilot project in the city to launch a management model integrating medical treatment and prevention of hypertension, and through multiple measures, it improved the prognosis and reduced complications of patients with chronic diseases in the community. At present, 1874 patients with hypertension were managed, with a standardized physical examination rate of 82.82% and a standardized management rate of 76.2%.

Since the launch of the first smart home hospital bed service on May 23, 2022, Tangwei Community Health has provided patients with medical care such as remote video visits, health guidance, video health education, online vital signs monitoring, and medication guidance. At present, the family hospital beds cover diseases including sequelae of cerebral infarction, gestational diabetes, etc., which is convenient for patients with limited mobility in the jurisdiction to contact medical care in a timely manner, improves the efficiency of medical staff patrols, and improves medical safety and service quality.

At present, Tangwei Community Health has realized the health management of the whole life cycle of residents. The community health center establishes a file for pregnant women, tracks the status of prenatal check-ups, recommends medical attention if any abnormalities are found, and reminds them to check every month if everything is normal. After giving birth, the community health staff will provide care and guidance, and the community health committee will also establish a file for the baby and track the vaccination status. For patients with chronic diseases, the community health committee will establish a file for them and conduct regular physical examinations, monitor blood sugar, blood pressure, etc. every month and adjust their medications. The community health also provides free medical check-up services for the elderly over 65 years old, sets up family beds for patients who have been bedridden for a long time or have special diseases, and dispatches doctors and nurses to provide door-to-door services. In addition, UCN also provides smart wearable devices for electronic monitoring of blood sugar and blood pressure to achieve remote consultation at any time.

During the visit, 73-year-old Mr. Ma Lingkun was full of praise for the medical services provided by UCN. He had suffered from a herniated disc in his lumbar area, and he had been treated for more than 20 days at Tangwei Community Health, and he had improved greatly. His son's leg injury was also treated here, and doctors often made a special trip to visit him at home after work, providing help and care at all times, which made the family's heart warm.

According to Wang Hui, director of the Tangwei Community Health Center, the implementation of the national life-cycle health management plan in Guangming District has further boosted the Tangwei community health work from "treatment" to "protecting the health of the masses", moving the focus forward, strengthening early disease screening and intervention, and further improving the happiness of the masses.

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Content source: Bao'an Daily

Editor: Mak Yongyu

Reviewer: Jin Feng, Chen Yuanyuan, Xie Yanli

If you need to reprint, please indicate the above content


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