
Wang Chen gave a lecture on party discipline study and education discipline

author:Yulin News Network
Wang Chen gave a lecture on party discipline study and education discipline

On June 28, Wang Chen, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, gave a lecture on party discipline study and education discipline for the majority of party members and cadres, emphasizing the need to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction and the important requirements of Guangxi's work, in-depth study and implementation of the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and solidly promote party discipline learning and education, further strengthen discipline awareness, strengthen self-restraint, improve immunity, and enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption. Always be loyal, clean and responsible, and provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for the construction of a clear, prosperous, civilized, harmonious and beautiful new Yulin, and the writing of a chapter of Chinese-style modern Yulin. Mayor Zhang Huiqiang presided.

Wang Chen gave a lecture on party discipline study and education discipline

On June 28, Wang Chen, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, gave a lecture on party discipline study and education discipline for the majority of party members and cadres.

Wang Chen gave a lecture on party discipline study and education discipline

Mayor Zhang Huiqiang presided.

Wang Chen pointed out that carrying out party discipline study and education in the whole party is a major deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to strengthen the party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth, and it is an important political task for this year's party building work. The Municipal Party Committee adheres to the study and education of party discipline as an important political test to firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", give full play to the demonstration and leading role of the Standing Committee, deeply study and understand the scientific connotation and practical requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, and thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and requirements on party discipline study and education and the important requirements of Guangxi's work. Solid promotion of party discipline learning and education with effective measures.

Wang Chen stressed that it is necessary to persist in internalizing political discipline in the heart and externalizing it in action, always tighten the string of political discipline, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, be absolutely loyal and honest to the party, consciously standardize political words and deeds, and set an example of firmly supporting the "two establishments" and resolutely achieving the "two safeguards". It is necessary to persist in internalizing organizational discipline in the heart and externalizing it in action, take the lead in enhancing organizational awareness, strictly abide by organizational discipline, always keep in mind the obligations and responsibilities of party members, resolutely implement democratic centralism, strictly abide by organizational and personnel discipline, take the initiative to accept organizational management, and set an example of adhering to the "four obediences" and enhancing organizational discipline. It is necessary to persist in internalizing the discipline of honesty and honesty in our hearts and externalizing it in our actions, strictly abide by the provisions of honesty and self-discipline, build a strong embankment to resist corruption and prevent degeneration, establish a correct view of power, deepen the building of a clean and honest Yulin, and set an example of honest and honest administration and clean work. It is necessary to persist in internalizing the discipline of the masses in the heart and externalizing it in action, always adhere to the supremacy of the people, take the lead in standing firmly on the "people's position", take the lead in practicing the "four grassroots units", take the lead in doing a good job in "centralized rectification", do practical things for the masses with heart and soul, solve problems, and set an example of practicing the purpose and benefiting the people. It is necessary to adhere to the internalization of work discipline in the heart and externalization in action, closely focus on the center and serve the overall situation, focus on the realization of the "1158" goal and task system, take the initiative to take responsibility, perform duties and use power in accordance with regulations, adhere to seeking truth and pragmatism, work hard, forge ahead, solidly promote high-quality development, and set an example of fulfilling duties and responsibilities. It is necessary to persist in internalizing the discipline of life in the heart and externalizing it in action, carry forward the fine tradition of arduous struggle, cultivate noble life sentiments, persist in cultivating a good family style, start from the small things in daily life, strengthen self-cultivation, self-restraint, and self-transformation, show great morality, abide by public morality, and strict private morality, and always and everywhere embody the advanced nature and purity of Communist Party members in life, and set an example of strict self-cultivation and upright conduct.

"The great sage is high-minded, and the public candle is selfless." Wang Chen used this ancient poem to encourage everyone and make an appointment to "be innocent and grow old in life".

Wang Chen gave a lecture on party discipline study and education discipline

The scene of the party class.

Deng Guozhong, Li Yongqi, Ma Bing, Wei Yi, Gan Wenbo, Zhang Haipeng and other leaders of the four municipal teams, the main responsible comrades of the counties (cities, districts), development parks, and relevant units of the city, and representatives of newly promoted cadres, young cadres, and cadres in key positions participated.

Written | Yulin Rong Media Center reporter Guan Wei/text Chen Weiping/picture

Editor-in-charge | Qin Wei

Proofreading | Tuo Yunping

Audit | Deng Linyan

Executive Producer | Li Xiaojun

Produced by | Yulin Rong Media Center

Wang Chen gave a lecture on party discipline study and education discipline
Wang Chen gave a lecture on party discipline study and education discipline
Wang Chen gave a lecture on party discipline study and education discipline

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