
Wucheng Town, Tongbai County: Build a strong security line and talk about a new chapter in anti-fraud

author:Times Report Network

In order to further improve the awareness of residents in the jurisdiction to prevent telecommunication network fraud, efforts are made to create a strong atmosphere of "everyone reminds and always prevents". Recently, the joint police station of Wucheng Town Safety Office in Tongbai County organized a lecture on the prevention of telecommunication network fraud, which was attended by more than 40 people from Wucheng Police Station, full-time grid members of various villages, security directors and police assistants, and the meeting was presided over by the chairman of the town people's Congress.

Wucheng Town, Tongbai County: Build a strong security line and talk about a new chapter in anti-fraud

Wang Jing, a grid member of Chenliudian Village, incarnated as an "anti-fraud lecturer" and used PPT courseware to bring a vivid and practical lecture to the full-time grid members and security directors of each village. Xiao Wang, a member of the grid, told the real cases and habitual fraud routines that happened around him, vividly showed everyone the common methods of fraud, reminded everyone not to trust calls or text messages from unknown sources, not to click on unfamiliar links and provide verification codes, and not to transfer money to unfamiliar accounts, and at the same time explained to the residents and volunteers the basic knowledge of preventing telecommunication fraud, the skills of identification and prevention, and the usual means and ways of crime for criminals to carry out telecommunication network fraud, so as to improve everyone's ability to refuse, recognize and prevent fraud.

Wucheng Town, Tongbai County: Build a strong security line and talk about a new chapter in anti-fraud

At the meeting, Gao Gao, chairman of the Wucheng Township People's Congress, and He You, director of the Wucheng Police Station, explained fraud cases such as impersonation of public prosecutors, rebate fraud, fraud by impersonating acquaintances or leaders, online loan fraud, and false investment and financial fraud. The meeting required that all personnel should take this training meeting as an opportunity, combine their own job responsibilities, be a good "propagandist", "service provider" and "guide" of the masses, widely carry out anti-telecom fraud publicity activities in easy-to-understand language and methods, guide the masses to protect personal privacy and personal information, and strive to create a good social atmosphere for the whole people to fight fraud.

Wucheng Town, Tongbai County: Build a strong security line and talk about a new chapter in anti-fraud

Through this training, the anti-fraud propaganda service ability of party members and cadres has been further improved, and a number of "propaganda hands" have been trained for the town's anti-telecom fraud propaganda, and the "firewall" has been further weaved. In the next step, Wucheng Town will cooperate with the police of Wucheng Police Station to carry out multi-channel, multi-form and multi-level publicity activities to prevent telecommunication network fraud, continuously improve the awareness and vigilance of the people in the jurisdiction to prevent telecommunication network fraud, ensure that the awareness of fraud recognition and anti-fraud is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and build a solid security barrier for the construction of a harmonious and civilized city. (Wu Yang)

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