
Baofeng County held the 2024 "July 1st" calligraphy and painting exhibition of "Cohesion and Strength to Follow the Party and Forge Ahead on a New Journey in Unity".

author:Times Report Network


Hanmo Danqing painted the prosperous era, and concentricly wrote a chapter to the party. On June 28, on the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, the launching ceremony of the 2024 "July 1st" Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of Baofeng County's "Cohesion and Strength to Follow the Party and Forge Ahead on a New Journey in Unity" was held in the county's Non-Party Intellectuals Calligraphy and Painting Institute. Yao Taoye, member of the Standing Committee of the Baofeng County Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, attended the ceremony and announced the opening.

Baofeng County held the 2024 "July 1st" calligraphy and painting exhibition of "Cohesion and Strength to Follow the Party and Forge Ahead on a New Journey in Unity".

The ceremony was presided over by Chu Guohui, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the county party committee, Zhang Tieping, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the county party committee in charge of daily work, delivered a speech, and Wang Junpei, president of the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, introduced the preparations for the event. All party members and cadres of the United Front Work Department of the county party committee, team members and directors of the county knowledge federation and the county new federation, and well-known calligraphers and painters in the city and county participated. The event was hosted by the United Front Work Department of the Baofeng County Party Committee, and jointly organized by the County New Federation, the County Knowledge Federation, the County Non-Party Intellectuals Calligraphy and Painting Institute, the County Fengrui Trading Co., Ltd., and the Butuo Ru Porcelain Workshop in Daying Town, the county, aiming to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, praise the great achievements of the party, consolidate and deepen the theme education activities of "concentrating on the soul and strengthening the foundation, uniting and forging ahead on a new journey", show the spiritual outlook of the county's non-party intellectuals and new social strata, and promote the high-quality development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries in Baofeng County.

Baofeng County held the 2024 "July 1st" calligraphy and painting exhibition of "Cohesion and Strength to Follow the Party and Forge Ahead on a New Journey in Unity".

Walking into the exhibition hall, exquisite calligraphy and painting works come into view. Calligraphy works walk the dragon and snake, force through the back of the paper, or dignified and beautiful, or bold and free; The paintings are colorful and lifelike, or depict the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland, or show the warm moments of life. These works not only show the superb artistic attainments of the county's non-party intellectuals, but also convey their love for life, their yearning for a better future, their inheritance and innovation of traditional culture, and their exploration and pursuit of calligraphy and painting art.

Baofeng County held the 2024 "July 1st" calligraphy and painting exhibition of "Cohesion and Strength to Follow the Party and Forge Ahead on a New Journey in Unity".

More than 130 works by 35 calligraphers and painters were collected in this event, and 80 of them were selected for exhibition, covering calligraphy, Chinese painting, oil painting, watercolor and other art forms. The participating calligraphers and painters come from different industries and fields, and they use calligraphy and painting as a medium to express emotions with brush and ink and depict dreams with color. The guests stopped in front of each work and carefully tasted the charm. Some of the guests were shocked by the majestic momentum of the calligraphy works, while others were moved by the delicate emotions in the paintings. Everyone said that this event provided them with an opportunity to appreciate the artworks up close, feel and display their style, and also promoted the exchange and dissemination of culture.

Baofeng County held the 2024 "July 1st" calligraphy and painting exhibition of "Cohesion and Strength to Follow the Party and Forge Ahead on a New Journey in Unity".

"The theme of this event is distinct, the style is diverse, and the emotions are sincere, which fully expresses the loyalty and support for the party, expresses the love for the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and also shows the gratifying results of the county's high-quality economic and social development." Yao Taoye, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and head of the United Front Work Department, said, "At the same time, the activity also provides an effective carrier for enhancing the county's non-party intellectuals and new social strata to the party's 'four identities', which helps guide and motivate everyone to build consensus, gather strength, forge ahead on a new journey with practical actions, make contributions to the new era, and contribute united front wisdom and strength to Baofeng County's construction of 'four strong counties' and enter the country's 'top 100'." (Liu Yafei)

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