
Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival booth investment announcement

author:Suiyang release
Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival booth investment announcement
Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival booth investment announcement
Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival booth investment announcement
Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival booth investment announcement

2024年旺草镇稻田音乐节摊位招商公告XIE HOU DAO TIAN邂逅稻田

Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival booth investment announcement
Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival booth investment announcement

Multi-theme free travel New tourism mode 1, activity information

Event Name: 2024 Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival

Activity time: early August to early September 2024 (the specific time has been notified by the actual notice)

Location: The core area of the 1,000-mu dam in Chenguang Village, Wangcao Town (the specific location of the booth will be announced in the follow-up notice)

二、摊位招商详情Welcome to wangcao

Booth type: food and food, handmade DIY, cultural and creative products, games and toys and other stalls that are in line with the atmosphere of the music festival. Booth decoration: The organizing committee provides a unified basic booth. The stalls can be decorated on their own, but they need to be in line with the "Rice Field Music Festival" theme to showcase the character and personality of your shop. Decorations must not exceed the scope of the booth and must not affect the safety of other stalls and personnel Booth planning: the number is limited, first come, first served. The order of the booth location is determined by the time the agreement is signed.

Investment conditions: (1) Merchants must have the ability to independently bear civil liability and have a good business reputation. (2) Merchants must have the necessary equipment and professional and technical capabilities for business operations. (3) The products or services operated by the merchant must be in line with the theme and atmosphere of the festival, and the merchant shall ensure the quality and safety of the products or services. (4) The entry time and exit time of merchants shall be completely subject to our management, and the vehicles transporting materials must be placed in the area specified by our company.

Fee description: Booth rent (including sanitation management fee): This activity will charge 300-1000 yuan according to different locations and the nature of commodity operation (including sanitation management fee).

3. Registration information

Registration time: July 1, 2024 - July 26, 2024

Application materials: (1) Food operators need to provide personal health certificates. (2) Booth registration form (see Appendix 1 for details). (3) Contact person's name and phone number.

Registration method: (1) Add the staff Comrade Xiao Lu online WeChat: 18984205625, and provide registration information. (2) Provide registration materials offline to the Spring Breeze Courtyard Pension Service Station (next to Wangcao Town Police Station) in Lushan Community, Wangcao Town.

After successful registration, we will contact you via WeChat or phone and send you the relevant agreement for confirmation. Please be sure to complete the signing of the agreement and the payment of relevant fees within the specified time.

4. Precautions

1. Merchants shall ensure that the information provided is true, accurate and complete, and if there is any false information, once verified, their participation will be disqualified. 2. Merchants need to clearly inform the goods they sell, and no more than 3 types of goods can be sold in one booth. 3. Merchants must comply with the regulations and requirements of the festival to ensure on-site order and the safety of visitors.

4. Merchants shall bear their own expenses such as employee wages incurred due to their operations.

We sincerely invite merchants and friends to sign up for the 2024 Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival booth investment promotion activities, and jointly create a wonderful rice field music feast! Looking forward to your joining!

Suiyang County Wangchen Agricultural Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd

June 28, 2024


The attachments are shown below:

Annex 1

Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival booth registration form

Booth name Contact
Contact number Identification number
The stalls sell specific goods
Introduction to the features of the products or services sold
Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival booth investment announcement
Wangcao Town Rice Field Music Festival booth investment announcement

Organizer: Propaganda Department of Suiyang County Committee of the Communist Party of China

Organizer: Suiyang County Rong Media Center

Producer: Shi Zhimou | Editor-in-Chief: Lo Wing-yin

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Peng Kunyu Li Shanshan

Editor in charge: Zhou Lirong | Responsible proofreader: Peng Kunyu

Source: Wangcao Town

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